Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If I pay child support am I obligated to provide health care for kids

If I pay child support am I obligated to provide health care for kids?
I pay child support for my two children and at the time my employer pays for their's and my health insurance. My employer is proposing that next year we will have to pay toward our health insurance premums. It is my olbligation alone or does my spouse have to "kick in" toward the health insurance premiums?
Marriage & Divorce - 14 Answers

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1 :
thats somthing you need to ask your lawer!
2 :
It is the paying parent's (NCP) responsibility unless the order states otherwise. The federal government has really pushed for children to be insured by their parents. If the insurance is unavailable or too expensive you need to have the order modified to reflect that you cannot afford insurance. The child support order may be raised because insurance is no longer provided.
3 :
usually it is the responsibility of the non custodial parent---however look at your divorce decree---it will be spelled out in black and white
4 :
Those are you kids...That shouldn't matter ..Even tho your paying child support you should want the best for your kids even if that means paying more for them ...
5 :
you are only required to provide insurence for the child IF the judge says you have to. its all up to a judge.
6 :
You could get an adjustment on your child support, based on a change of circumstances. The cost of the insurance would likely be split between you, based on the percentages set up in your child support order. Get a copy of the child support guidelines for your state and read them. Inform child support enforcement that you have a change of circumstances and you formally request a modification in your order. Under Public Law 12 (federal laws), they are obligated to represent either parent, upon request, in a modification hearing.
7 :
You can approach this one of two ways. One, check the divorce decree, and see what it says. If you were obligated to pay their health care, it would say so, and you'd probably have noticed it, so it's possible you're off the hook. Of course, your ex can get the case re-opened to consider the issue of increasing child support because the cancellation of your employer health care is a "changed circumstance" that probably warrants revisiting the issue. Or, you can be a man about it and find out what the new premium comes to, and get together with your ex and see what other alternatives there might be, and both of you just figure out what the best thing to do for the kids would be.
8 :
As the last person who answered you said, " You need to check with your divorce decree, it will be spelled out in black and white." Also you can check with you lawyer for the none stated facts. In addition, if you cant pay for the Health Ins and your ex spouse cannot pay either, tell her that she needs to get the children on State Issued Health Care.
9 :
sack up and pay...it's your kid for crying out loud.
10 :
11 :
If your divorce agreementt states that you are responsible for maintaining the health insurance for your children, then I'm afraid your on the hook for the entirety of it regardless of how the insurance is paid for. But the big picture is that you are taking care of your children, so you can feel GOOD about living up to your responsibility!
12 :
The non-custodial parent pays
13 :
It depends on what state you live in. I live in Texas and in Texas the father is required to provide health insurance to the child on top of child support. You should check the laws in your state.
14 :
depending on what the court ordered...if court ordered you to pay the health care, you can go back to court for a adjustment hearing. if ex wife is working it would only be fair for her to pay at least half of the premiums....if she is a at home mother then it would be impossible for her to pay.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

need health insurance for my child

need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.
Other - General Health Care - 5 Answers
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1 :
Many states have special programs for children... New York has Child Health, etc. Adult programs are income based, but usually children are accepted without such criteria. Check with welfare or social agencies in your jurisdiction. There are many discount clubs out there, but not all are great, and not all have such great discounts. Some are pretty expensive. regulation is getting stiffer, so shop around carefully if you decide to go that route... and double check with BBB and the Attorney General's complaint line in your area BEFORE you commit.
2 :
I think every state has something similar, I believe it's called Child Health plus. I found out about it through my daughters school. I think if you call your states social services department they can give you a number. They are pretty good about that kinda stuff, they can also point people in the right direction for help with daycare costs and possibly even food stamps. Good Luck.
3 :
Depending on his mother's income, it is pretty easy in some states to get state-sponsored children's health insurance (see cms SCHIP below). Fortunately, private policies for children are also pretty cheap. eHealthinsurance.com looks like a typical commercial site, but really gives a lot of information about available policies. Look closely at copays, deductibles and coverage details! Make sure the insurance covers high-dollar catastrophic care. Some policies have a payment cap that could kick him off the policy just when he needs it most.
4 :
Call the child's local health department. They can get you in touch with insurance programs for children.
5 :
Hi Sara I'm a Independent Business Owner and I would love to help you out if you would go to my site www.mybenefitsplus.com/dstennis I have some real affordable health benefits for your child all of my benefits cover the whole household and where the #1 discount dental and medical program in the nationwide so there no paperwork involved no age limits no middle man I'm sure you will agree if you have any questions my toll free number is on my site just select contact

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Monday, October 20, 2008

What are the social needs of a child

What are the social needs of a child?
I really need to know the physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs of a child for my health and social homework. Help please?
Other - Social Science - 1 Answers

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1 :
They need to be allowed freedom of movement, like crawling without being pushed into walking. This helps develop the brain. They need various environments so they can get used to the planet,and their place in it. They need to be spoken to and read to, but spoken in normal speech not baby talk. They need to have many experiences of the community, plays, exhibits, parks. They need at the early stage to be around child en. They don't necessarily interact, but mutually play. Then, as they start to interact, they need instruction on social skills. They need all their shots, dental work, physicals, eye exams, and any problems such as slow growth, slowness of speaking, outward legs, curvature of the spine, and any symptoms of non bonding checked and corrected. They need physical love, but believe me, some are born not wanting to be fussed over, and that is that. They need proper nourishment, so fresh foods, their stomachs can tolerate. Then, when a day care is picked, it should provide social interaction training. I wish you could meet the well bred children in my building who are taught to interact with adults. They greet me, ask how I am, say it was nice speaking to you. They are of Indian (subcontinent) ancestry, and how their parents have created these gentle yet brilliant miracles should be studied further. I don't wish to research internet on your behalf, so I suggest you go to the library. Internet becoming more advertising oriented;thus, too many pop ups. So, there are many books, Piaget, Maria Montessori, Dr. Spock (not from Star Trek), etc. I did not major in early childhood education. However, if the home is undergoing trauma, then the children do have problems. Also, no one knows just what factor might change the balance of the above in your question for the child. he might hear loud noises, and that would frighten him. He might be unhealthy due to poor eating habits. His mother may be suffering post partum depression. On the other hand, he might be born with a certain nature, like indepence. My own, a preemie, held his own bottle by four months, and refused help. Walked by one year, talked by one year, was taken to work, taken on field trips, museums, read through adult picture books, learned Greek and Norse mythology, learned all the countries on earth, their governements and capitals before age nine, was classified as LD and is now a lawyer. No, this is not a simple question. So, hit the books. We can't do your homework for you. Organize your thoughts, cite your sources and try to limit the topic to a specific age.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Question about Dr PH or PhD In public health/epidemiology from reputed colleges in the states

Question about Dr PH or PhD In public health/epidemiology from reputed colleges in the states?
How tough is it to get in?Are there scholarships/does the college pay you like they do here in the U.K cuz essentially you are doing reaserch and working for them?I am a medical doctor with a MPH from here in the UK,intersted in doctoral reaserch in maternal and child health.What options could i look into?What are the top MCH research based universities? Thanks for your answer David.i am in the UK and don't really know about American Universities.
Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
I have a friend pursuing an MD/PhD at Albert Einstein, a medical univerity in the Bronx, NY. He, like PhD students in most fields at American universities, does receive a stipend from the university. This makes it possible to attend school without taking a job outside of the medical institution where you do the research. As for learning what the best schools are, you should really consult with a professional, perhaps the academic development department at the school where you received your degree.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

What kind of health insurance do you have? do you like it? what is a good plan for a teen mother and her child

What kind of health insurance do you have? do you like it? what is a good plan for a teen mother and her child?
the father of the child is buy a plan for her and the baby. he is looking at Kiaser plans at the moment
Parenting - 3 Answers

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1 :
Most of the "good" plans are subsidized by your employer through work. The plan we are currently on would cost $300+ a month for my family if my husband didn't get it through work. As it is they take nearly $100 out of his check per month for his part of the plan. Unless you are rich I would look into Medicaid for a teen mom and her child. Medicaid covers kids under 18 100% usually and when mom became an adult she'd probably still be covered in most states and just owe a copay for visits and prescriptions. With no work experience and no college degree I seriously doubt this teen mom is making the big bucks and there is NO shame in getting a helping hand to help her get on her feet. I couldn't imagine anyone judging her for being on Medicaid while she gets a college degree and works some minimum wage job to provide for her child.
2 :
I have health insurance through my employer for myself and my daughter is on medicaid. Up until about 2 years ago, I was on medicaid as well since my employer did not offer health insurance at that time. Medicaid is definitely the best health insurance out there as it is free or low-cost and pretty much everything is covered.
3 :
We have kisar as well (sp) and we love it tell him to purchase a plan from them I think it would be great for the baby and your ward

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is the GOP like a spoiled child--they only want health care reform on their terms

Is the GOP like a spoiled child--they only want health care reform on their terms.?
Any reasonable and enlightened person knows our current system sucks and like a broken down car needs to get into the repair shop before the engine blows. Are they just too messed up in the head to stop their nonsense and help solve the problem.
Politics - 20 Answers
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1 :
Are 54% of Americans like spoiled children? If so, then yes, I guess Republicans are too.
2 :
On their terms? No. They just don't want anything done unless they are doing it. More like a really overly competitive sibling who is always trying to outshine the other. Willing to screw themselves over to not let the other one accomplish anything.
3 :
They just don't want Obama to be the one to pass it.
4 :
no they're just worried about paying the mechanic
5 :
Or, maybe some of us can see that the democrats are trying to get us started down a road that leads to single payer coverage. Anyone that doesn't see that is either dishonest or naive. lp
6 :
The current proposal would make it much worse. Not having anything is better than that.
7 :
spoiled obama gonna get it his way huh. and he is not like a spoiled child who only wants it his way
8 :
You dont throw a baby out with the bath water Thats what the Democrats are doing Trying for a sweeping change in one fell swoop Not even considering anything other then a massive reform Are they like spoiled children holding their breath saying DO IT THIS WAY OR ELSE!
9 :
Obongocare sucks
10 :
GOP...party before country
11 :
Here's an answer to your bs... This is from a doctor who works the emergency room shift who sent this letter to osama. Dear Mr. President: During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone. While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer. And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture".....a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based on the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me". Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear. Respectfully, STARNER JONES, MD If you agree....pass it on.
12 :
Republicans only like things that help rich, old, white men stay in power. If the American public got a taste of good healthcare, it would pave the way for us to experience other things, like equal pay for women, a smaller contrast between the classes, clean air, reduction in global warming, better education that is more on par with the rest of the world, etc. The heads of the GOP know that people who can think for themselves won't put up with being treated badly, so they use falsehoods and scare tactics to keep the masses ignorant.
13 :
Is that why Harry Reid made the deal with the Nebraska Senator, or the deal that preserves Medicare advantage to 800,000 senior in Florida? Nice job of totally ignoring the facts.
14 :
The GOP are brain dead. They only care about money.
15 :
And exactly when will the democrats realize, the american people do not want their current health care bills When they all get voted out later this year ? So why not scrap the current bills and start over, that's what the american people want to happen ? And why not mention the house liberals, blocking a vote on the senate bill, just because they want a public option or nothing at all ? Republicans are blocking nothing at all, the balls in the democrats court now The House is trying to say, its our way or no way
16 :
GOP elected officials are adept at placing party/power before country/citizens. They've used egregious fear tactics and outright lies to tear down the President, and they'll stop at nothing to ensure he fails. This, of course, discounts regular Americans, who would all benefit from real health care reform. Interesting that when Republicans were in control for 8 years, their "leader" only offered more privitation (including social security). So much for "compassionate conservatism"-the epitome of an oxymoron. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/weekinreview/28abelson.html
17 :
What? why not try the things that don't cost anything first, then see what happens before you nationalize 1/6 of our economy? THings like cross state carriers, tort reform, etc. BTW- Do you know what health institution declines more claims than any other? Medicare! Medicare declines more claims than any other insurance provider in the US, 16% more denials than Blue Cross/ Blue Sheild! Che-che: Awesome post!
18 :
They are too locked into a thought process that believes that poor and sick people are morally inferior to monied heathy people. They actually think it is God's will to smite the immoral people and their spawn with what they deserve. It is a convenient and morally righteous way to mentally dehumanize people they find distasteful and expendable. Spoiled children aren't so intentionally mean and heartless, they are just overpriviledged kids.
19 :
None of the GOP's suggestions have been implemented. Obama & Pelosi have shut the GOP out of the process in the most partisan national reform in American history. No other politician has attempted such a sweeping change while ignoring any input from representatives of 49% of the American people.
20 :
Your question reminds me of another recent one asking how so many could have voted for Obama, but are now seeing him with open eyes. I'm afraid you'll feel that same way AFTER this over-priced, over-legislated, government take-over healthcare bill is passed. Have you read the 2000 pages? I beg you to read them and then see if you still feel the same way. You know page 820 says government may access all personal finances? You know page 915 says government Mandates cultural and linguistic competency training for healthcare professionals? You know page 859 says government will establish a public health fund at a cost of $88;,800,000,000 (which is a Billion)? You know page789 says government will mandate drug prices controlling which drugs will be brought to market? You know page 676 says government will regulate hosptials in every aspect? And they also will decide about end-life decisions. Now, truthfully, are these things the reform America really wants? No. That is why is many are against it and not "messed up in the head". Please know what's in the reformed bill before telling those against that they are like spoiled child.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is health care in children already socialized

Is health care in children already socialized?
Since it's the state's job I believe to provide a child with proper medical treatment regardless of what the parents can pay, and we're paying those taxes that get them covered, don't we already have "universal health care" of sorts for people under eighteen?
Politics - 5 Answers


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1 :
Health care is partially socialized. For children, the elderly, the poor, etc. Amazing, a thumbs down for stating a simple fact with absolutely no opinion or inferences.
2 :
Not it my state. Costs for people who can't pay are pick up by everyone in the form of higher medical bills.
3 :
also hospital emergency rooms can not turn any one away even if they can not pay for it. that is payed for by people with health insurance. that's one reason health costs are high.
4 :
No, there are millions of children without health care They can wait in an emergency room but if they aren't dying, they don't proper care now California is cutting down the-number of clinics for the poor because of their budget
5 :
No. Look at the death rates for children aged under five, and compare them to the rates of countries in western Europe.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

what are the best universities in Australia for studying master in nutrition and public health

what are the best universities in Australia for studying master in nutrition and public health?
i'm looking forward to have my master in Australia but still searching the best place to go.i'm interested in child and women health and nutrition.anyone can help?thanks in advance.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I'd have to say Monash University in Melbourne - they have a very strong science department and are highly respected for their post graduate study programs.

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