Thursday, May 28, 2009

my wife eight month pregent & any book for me wife & child for good health

my wife eight month pregent & any book for me wife & child for good health.?

Women's Health - 1 Answers

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1 :
The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two (Revised and Updated Edition) (Paperback)

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

We could feed, clothe and educate, and provide health care for every child on this planet, eliminate hunger

We could feed, clothe and educate, and provide health care for every child on this planet, eliminate hunger?
All we need to do is transfer the military budget to humanitarian projects. Not one person would be left out and it would have the bonous of decimating the terrorists. So why not?
Military - 12 Answers
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1 :
Why not? Because after we dismantle our military, all of the countries that did not participate in your plan would occupy our defenseless homelands. Also, terrorists do not terrorize because they are hungry. They terrorize because they have perceived belief that free countries are a threat to their livelihood. Finally, reasons for hunger vary in each nation. Some nation's economic system does not favor rapid food production. Some nations have leaders who are more interested in keeping power than they are in the well being of the citizens. Other nations have a number of problems that they do not contend with. When prospering nations give to these poorer nations, the welfare only goes to the powerful or greedy. Personally, I prefer to teach them to fish, rather than give them a fish.
2 :
I agree, but you're going to have a lot of people saying "that will leave us open to attacks!" Thing is the last two attacks on American soil, Pearl Harbor and 9/11, happened anyway, now, didn't they?
3 :
Aren't we feeding, clothing, educating everyone on this planet already? Oh! I mean except for own hungry, that are legal citizens of America.
4 :
i wish we could, .... countries that have gotten rid of thier militaries have much better health care, and lower poverty rates
5 :
allilue121, do you you honestly believe that if there wouldn't be any more attacks than those two if we didn't have a military. Get your head out of the sand.
6 :
So you're saying we should have no military. You do realize that we are the most hated county in the world. That is partly a result of our foreign policy, but it is also partly because many, many people fundamentally do not agree with the capitalist structure of the US and in general, the way we live our lives. Look at what happened on 9/11. That attack was for the most part unprovoked. If we had no military we would all be vulnerable to countries like North Korea and Iran who would (by and large) love to wipe us off the face of the earth. Under your plan, yes, everyone would be fed and clothed, but I am certain that inevitably they would either be killed by atomic bombs or the prisoners of our enemies. As much as I hate war, we need to have a military if only to dissuade our enemies from attacking the US. Hanntastic, what information do you have to support your statement? Can you provide an example of a country who freely elected to get rid of all military and as a result, they eliminated hunger and poverty?
7 :
we need to stop worrying about the rest of the world and take care of the sick poor and homeless of America first why do people send so much money to charity for other countries when there are plenty in need here?
8 :
You sure are a feeble-minded Liberal
9 :
yes that is a very good question.... but u still have reality to deal with here. here is some things that don't make this possible. u are still gonna have terrorists whom will try to take over or destroy a country no matter what terror groups do, u will still have another one starting up.... how are people meant to defend thier country if they dont have an army to defend them... as much as i would love thier to never be another war on this earth, thier wont be until christ returns... and i cant see how transfering military budgets will decimate terrorism, it will just make it easier for them... u will more or less be handing ur whole country over on a silver platter... it is a good idea though but will not work, just make things worse... God bless P.S some of the military budget will help with this but not all...
10 :
yeah , first thing kill the dumbos who preach to the third world countries the birth control is wrong.Not one person is left out? Hoohoo Dodo, how we gonna feed the personell the military has right now? Great idea ,really great feed africa , let americans starve. Heres one from me "STOP SMOING DOPE" THE ATTACKS ON 9/11 COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED WITH WITH ARMED SECURITY ON FLIGHT,
11 :
Well, for one this would not work. If we got rid of the defense budget then all of this wealth would go to those who wanted to simply take it. And it would not help with the problem of terrorism because these issues do not cause people to be terrorists. "Those who beat their swords into plowshares tend to wind up plowing for somebody who did not."
12 :
Try feeding some ducks in your backyard... see what happens!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Help deciding a career? care

Help deciding a career? care?
Hi, I'm 19 (nearly 20) I live in the UK & currently am in my 2nd year of university studying social science. I'm not sure what I want to do after though, I wouldn't mind doing a post-grad degree it would just be a case of finding an appropriate one. I have an interest in pregnancy, birth & young children, I have considered becoming a midwife but I don't know... seems very scary?! having to administer drugs, take blood, etc etc I don't know if I could do that, if I made a mistake someone could die??!! so I was wondering if there are other jobs which I just haven't heard of that involve caring for pregnant women or small children (babies/todlers?)... also I have considered becoming a nursery nurse, but the pay isn't all that great :S & it would be a waste of my time going to uni.
Health Care - 1 Answers

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1 :
How about getting a BSW or MSW, this way you can work with mothers and children in need. Being a social worker is a very fulfilling, and stressful job. Explore your options, talk to a councellor at your university, as you know, its a difficult and important choice.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

how do you find out if your child is on government assistance

how do you find out if your child is on government assistance?
My boyfriends ex has his child on government health care in colorado. I think she has the child in some sort of colorado day care assistance too, We are trying to find out if she is receiving help, because she is not on the child registry and I think its because she is saying my boyfriend doesnt pay any support. But my boyfriend pays over 900 a month and her other ex 950. how do we research this?
Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
To answer the stated question.... Each and every American mother, receives a 'baby bonus' for each of her children! The child receives nothing, it's the mother who gets the cash. In answer to the following gossip... "Get a lawyer!"

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Health care for dependent child

Health care for dependent child?
I'm 22 and I'm currently a full time student and student teaching, meaning I am also unemployed at the moment. I am set to graduate in December, and my mom's health care is saying that they will still kick me off of the insurance because they are not "obligated to comply" with the new federal law. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do to get cheap insurance until I find another job after graduation? I live in CT, by the way.
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers

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1 :
You should direct this question to you state Insurance Commission. In the meantime read this:
2 :
You dont have to get another insurance. Your mother's insurance company is wrong but you have to speak with someone else next time you call them. Your mother's insurance is looking at the old rules which does mean they can drop you at age 22 but the new law supercedes that as of September 23. You may have to be dropped then picked up again at a later date such as, at the policy renewal date or open enrollment date. There is no such thing as cheap health insurance. It is based on your age and other factors.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Universal Health care Job training More aide CHild care

Universal Health care Job training More aide CHild care?
SOunds great At the DNC.........However how much more can the tax payers afford??
Elections - 7 Answers
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1 :
National healthcare will cost right around $500 billion per year and will destroy all medical insurance companies over night.
2 :
Yes those wonderful BRIBES to get votes, the Dems have used that for years...NOW they have a 9 trillion debt...but they ain't done yet
3 :
I would rather not see any major changes until they get spending under control, all that stuff would be great if we were not at war, and everything was fine and Dandy.
4 :
Do you know who David M. Walker is? Look at his presentations on youtube called "americas financial future" it has two parts. He also has a movie called "IOUSA." Medicare has a fraud rate over 30%. The government can't do anything better than the private sector. Do you think insurance companies would let a fraud rate over 30% go without action? The national debt is upwards of $60trillion when future committments are taken into the consideration. Committments we can't pay for and no politician is talking about it. I am pissed no one is talking about it. No one should go without healthcare, but you don't have the right to ask me to pay for yours. $60trillion and we are soon to be adding .75 trillion a year already. Socialized healthcare sounds good, but it won't work here right now. I am for a law that offers everyone healthcare through insurance companies at the same rate. Somkers and obese would pay high risk. I would be for a safety net for the chronically ill that would be covered by the rest of us, but still smokers and obese would have to find a way to pay for the high risk premiums.
5 :
If you are an American with private insurance and your doctor tells you you need a heart bypass operation you will get it today. If you are a Canadian and have Universal Health coverage you will be put on a waiting list for 6 months to a year and if your still alive you will get your bypass operation. you can get better care for your pet in Canada than a Candian can get for themselves! "Need to see a specialist fast? Too bad you're not a dog. Rover will see an oncologist within days; you'll wait five weeks for a consultation. Bum hip? You could wait over a year. Cataracts? Three months. " What do Canadians do when they need prompt health care? They come here to the good old USA
6 :
The reality is if the Federal Government controls the Health Care system you will receive 'rationed' health care with a level of service equal to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Job training for what jobs if you destroy the incentive for corporations to make profits? Free child care so they can begin the socialist indoctrination even sooner than they do now. I keep trying to tell the frogs of America that they are slowly being boiled but they refuse to believe me. If it keeps up, the government will control pretty much everything and personal liberty will only be spoken of in nervous whispers. *
7 :
Its sad that the main stream media doesn't care to give the American people the real facts and numbers. The green movement is more responsible for the decline of working class Americans than almost any other factor out there.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Is it possible to have someone adopt your child? (mental health)

Is it possible to have someone adopt your child? (mental health)?
I am looking for both the answer to this question, and help with the process if possible. We have a 15 year old daughter who basically needs to move out of our home. From what I understand, she would not qualify for Emancipation as I don't believe a judge would grant it. If we can't find a positive way for her to leave home *AND* not be stuck with both parental/legal responsibility for her, we are concerned she may eventually become "
a ward of the court" and/or get pulled "into the system". She has already had a few brief run ins with "police" (for running away) and due some some "unhealthy" actions she was taking on herself, ended up in a "crisis mental health clinic" for a few days. She has always been a challening person, so this is NOT a simple case of a "troubled teen" or "teenage issues". She wont accept counseling(psychiatric) and you can't FORCE a minor in California to do so unless we declare her a danger. If we do the we (and herself) lose control over the situation. Bozema, thank you for your input. This situation is very complicated, I am in the process of seeking professional guidance regarding this matters, however each professional I come into contact with thus far "doesn't handle this particular scenario". We aren't trying to just "getting rid of her". We want to help her, but as we are in California, and she is a minor, she has more rights than we do as far as geting her care. She litterally will not do anything we want, and believe me it's not an unreasonable what we are asking, nothing different from what OUR parents asked for and she has made it very clear "she doesn't have to do anything we say" This has been stated in calm and clear discussions and in front of "psychiatric professionals" when she was in the crisis clinic after being picked up by the police but since that was only a crisis clinic, they couldn't pu her into a "program" and when she got out of that clinic, she declined further therapy and we can't do anything abot it. "giving her away" is not going to fix the problem, but if there is a chance that she will somehow "cooperate" with the other family, and go in a more positive direction, because she thinks/feels that she is now going to happy, that is better than court/system related choices we are aware of at this time. Yes there is someone who would be willing to do this, a family of a friend of hers thinks they can take care of her The reason we are now willing to see abot getting her out of our house is because of our 3 year old daughter. She of course is a sponge and she has been seeing and hearing things from her sister that you wouldn't want any 3 year old to go through. For the last year, we basically have not been able to leave ou 3 year old, with our 15 year old due to her actions and lack of concern/care for responsibilty and/or family life. She talks and acts in ways that you not want anyone to witness when we are "present" so it's not hard to imagine what she may be doing when we are not. This is NOT a decision we came to quickly/lightly. We have looked into boarding options, however we are not in a financial positiion to pay 30K and up, per year, simply because she doesn't want to cooperate with the basic "game plan of life" We are still looking for options such as boarding programs. Mandy, I greatly appreciated the majority of your input aside from the initial paragraph, but I understand where you are coming from. In this forum it is not possible to lay out the years of problems and attempts to correct and parent her properly. Unconditional love runs a little thin after years of abuse and anger thrown your way when you are doing everything within you means to better and benefit someone you care about. We have a lot of family and close friends who have been supportive over the years and have each contributed both directly and inderictly to/with her and have just come away in shock and as distressed as we are. Some general additional info here, I have asked this question in 3 different areas in order to get a broader range of input (aside from the negative B.S. / Attacks on us) and the reason for this as we have several different "issues & concerns" from various angles. There are legal concerns in several directions, us, her, and the family which wants to do this. There are adoption concerns as to if you can, or not and if so how do you go about it. Then there is the fact that she has had MentalHealth issues/crisis, and is currently taking Zoloft. Each one of these is a serious concern and has special needs. There has been a slight decrease in the negative attacks on us, and more support for the scenario, and that is greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all positive/helpfull contributions to this situation.
Mental Health - 3 Answers

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1 :
You can have someone adopt your child but it doesn't sound like you have anybody lining up willing to do that or to take responsibility for her until age 18. I'd be concerned that taking that action would alienate her from you even more and make her feel like you abandoned her, which would almost certainly make her situation worse. It's interesting that you won't declare her a danger to get psychiatric care for her because "you would lose control of the situation" but you would be willing to lose control by having someone else adopt her. To have someone else adopt her is giving up all control of the situation to someone else. The reality is you have responsibility for her unless you terminate your parental rights. Have you sought counseling for yourself to get tools you need to help you deal with her better?
2 :
Do you have someone in mind you want to adopt her or are you asking how to find someone who will take her without going through the system? I'm curious why you think simply making her someone else's responsiblity without getting her any treatment will help her.
3 :
Why does your fifteen year old "need to move out of your home?" She's your kid! You don't kick your kids out when they need help. You get them help. Or you at least deal with them. She's a child -- YOUR child. Parenting is supposed to be about unconditional love, not trying to get out of "being stuck with both legal and parental responsibility." If you are really wanting to go through with this, your options are limited. Unless you know of someone who would adopt her, your choices are that she be a ward of the court system (going into the system), you keep her with you and set and enforce serious rules, or you can send her to a residential facility for troubled teens. In the small town I grew up in, there was one of these residential facilities, that was actually one of the first of its kind in Texas, and is still one of the most respected ones in the US. We had a lot of kids come there from California, so I know the rules about forcing her to go don't apply here. Basically, there were kids, ages 13-17, all of whom had the same problems (and worse) as your daughter. They were drug abusers, violent, runaways, disrespectful, had psychological problems, had serious anger issues, and some were convicted of crimes as serious as attempted murder. It was strict, but a LOT of the teenagers I knew who stayed there really just completely changed their lives around. With this particular facility, I can vouch for the character of the founders and the counselors. I grew up going to school with the children of the founding couple, and also went to school with several of the counselors, not to mention, the teenage residents themselves. It's called Heartlight Ministries, in Hallsville, TX (about an hour west of Shreveport, LA and three hours east of Dallas). The link to their website is below. I know there's a long waiting list, but they're expanding their campus, and they could probably offer suggestions of other similar residential facilities. You may not be able to force her to get psychiatric help, but you could petittion a judge to order it. You can't. They probably can. And there is not an area in the US that would not require a person to get psychiatric help if they are a danger to themselves or others. Depending on what "unhealthy" actions she took that landed her in a crisis center, she would probably be considered one of those people who COULD be required to get help for that reason.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

What to do when school is demanding child get vaccine for illness they already had

What to do when school is demanding child get vaccine for illness they already had?
Because her brother already had gotten them, the doctor said she did not need to be seen when she came down with the illness. Now he refuses to write a note to the school saying this and she is going to be kicked out of school in two weeks if she is not vaccinated. A blood test would prove that she has had it, but the child has no health insurance and the parent cannot afford to have the blood test done. It's the chicken pox vaccine OK, this is not a debate about vaccines. I could get into many reasons why a child perhaps should NOT get vaccinated or not get certain ones, but it's not my job to educate you. If you actually READ what I wrote, you would see that this is not an attempt to GET OUT of a vaccination, it is to avoid getting one for an illness the child already had. You don't get vaccinations for something you have already had, your body already has the antibodies, naturally. And in fact, with chicken pox, getting the disease gives you lifelong protection where the shot is only temporary. (Although yes, you can get chicken pox more than once.) My point is, if you are going to give advice on here, actually read the question first! And for those of you who answered me with sensible replies, thank you. We're in NY state and I does seem like it should be illegal. I've spent all day trying to straighten this out.
Grade-Schooler - 12 Answers
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1 :
What disease? In our school district, a letter from the parents listing dates of chicken pox infection is enough to get out of that one. If you have trouble getting the illness documented, try filing an exemption letter instead based on philosophical or religious reasons (depending on what the law is in your state).
2 :
Would the school accept an affidavit from the parent? Or they might want to just ask the doctor if revaccination would be a problem.
3 :
If there is no record of the child having it, she has to be vaccinated.
4 :
There is a waiver for vaccinations. You do not have to vaccinate your children. It is not the law. They just don't tell you that. I searched for it online and printed it out, signed it and took it to the school. They did the same thing to me, said that my daughter could not go to school if she didn't get it. I refused to get it because she already had it. Good luck. If you was the website that I found it on, please feel free to email me ..
5 :
They should be able to get a religious of philisophical exemption. Depending on where you live. Assuming you are American you can look up your state here: Also maybe a free clinic could do the blood test?
6 :
Why not quit looking for a way to avoid the required vaccine and just get the child the shot. The child MAY have already had them but maybe NOT. If the doctor is hesitant to provide documentation it is probably for a reason. Stop looking for deceitful, lying, cheating ways to avoid the requirements. It might actually be good for the girl. The vaccination certainly won't do any harm
7 :
Every child should have vaccination shots no matter what and you can get chicken pox twice my sister did. the state provides low or no cost health insurance especially for children. Did you see the episode of ER were a couple of children died because of one child not getting vaccinated. That can really happen. If children did not get vaccinated most of the oldest diseases would still be killing people today.
8 :
Make your doctor write the note.
9 :
Maybe then what I would do is tell the school to contact the doctor themselves. Also, where I live, once you have had the chicken pox you cannot get them again. Your child can't get kicked out of school for not getting vaccinated. That has to be illegal. Where exactly do you live? I am from Canada.
10 :
If you go to the vaccination liberation web page, at You will find all the forms necessary to provide exemption for your child.
11 :
some school districts ask for a date when they had the chicken pox. Tough call, If the school didn't want to believe that my daughter already had them then I would probably go and talk to the Dr again, worse come to worse she gets vaccinated. If she didn't have a bad case of chicken pox she still has a chance to get them again. Some areas help with vaccinations for children. So it would be cheaper than getting the blood test done.
12 :
You need to get an exemption form. Thats it, they can't keep your child out of school over that.

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