Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Does anyone know if you have to pay Health care as part of Child support

Does anyone know if you have to pay Health care as part of Child support??
Does anyone know if you have to pay Health care as part of Child support?? Or is this on the court orders? Because Im paying Health care and Full child support when she has a better job with a better Health care plan?? Thanks for any Help
Other - Family & Relationships - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It mostly depends on the judge. You both have to fill out papers that ask about the costs of insurance available and the wages you make. Then they deceide what ratio the non custodial parent should pay to support the child.
2 :
I would depend what your court order says. Check with your local court house to see if they have help for people with out an attorney or maybe the Department of Child Support Services in your town.
3 :
It depends on the state you're in and the laws. My paternity suit states whoever has the best insurance has to cover my daughter - which is me. He, in turn, has to pay half of what it costs me to insure her and half of all medical bills and prescriptions not covered by insurance.
4 :
I don't think you have to provide health care as a part of your child support, it usually goes by who's job provides better coverage. I don't understand why she wouldn't want to use her coverage if its a better plan
5 :
you can always request a hearing to address that... i would. yes health care/health insurance is part of taking care of your child. trust me when i say its A LOT CHEAPER then paying for the medical costs... call your caseworker and and request a hearing for review because of this. .

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Should parents who feed their children junk food be charged with child abuse

Should parents who feed their children junk food be charged with child abuse?
I say YES! Parents have no right to ruin their child's health. Ban parents from feeding under their children junk food and watch childhood obesity go down. In the UK parents who feed under 16's junk food are arrested and the children are taken away from them and put into foster care. Wonderful idea if you ask me. But the UK has done it.
Parenting - 33 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's the most retarded thing I've heard in my life. I think kids should be able to eat junk food, it tastes good
2 :
That's idiotic. You want to take kids away from their parents if they let them have a Twinkie? Junk food, like anything else, is fine in moderation. If a kid is malnourished and never getting the proper things to eat, that's another story, but you can't control every aspect of a person's life down to what they eat. Plus, what are you going to do with all the kids you take away from their parents? It's not like there's an abundance of well run foster homes that have room for more kids.
3 :
Well, it's a interesting idea but not very realistic. You would have too many children in foster care. America is King when it comes to Fast Food. You would see them all go out of business and we would lose even more jobs. I think we need to educate parents first before they have children!
4 :
Should u be punished everytime u eat pizza? Though it is great to eat healthy, sometimes it doesnt hurt to give a little junk food here and there. I would rather a kid be getting junk food than no food at all.
5 :
There wouldn't be enough foster families to care for those kids, and who's to say they wouldn't do the same thing? Yes, it's a bad idea to regularly feed a child junk food...but to make it a crime, would leave the system full of kids taken away from their parents and the government paying to raise a HUGE number of children (more than it already does). Your heart may be in the right place, but your method is faulty.
6 :
And that's why you're a proud liberal hippie. Ok, Einstein. 40% of kids in the US (I imagine the UK isn't far behind) are "fat." Even more than that have at least 1 fat parent. Are all the wonderfully moral and responsible thin people left going to take in all those kids? And are the kids going to loose 5 lbs and be "healthier" if they're depressed that they've been ripped away from their families? Surely we won't set them up to eat out of misery and thus gain more weight.
7 :
I say let's keep the junk food and get rid of hippie liberals
8 :
I should get the death penalty for giving my kids chocolate cake for breakfast this morning, then, huh? Oh, a 101% hippie liberal, you wouldn't believe in the death penalty, though. But, maybe you would like to make an exception in my case?
9 :
Don't be so are living in a fantasy world if you think that's even nearly realistic. And how would this be monitored? Would we have "Junk Food" police? There are more important crimes in the world other than feeding your kid some pizza or a McDs. And where would all these kids go? A very niave idea and one that I think wouldn't come from a parent
10 :
What? Are you serious? In order to do that you'd have to get the parents to stop eating junk food as well. However, I think the whole concept you mentioned is absolutely ridiculous. There are plenty of kids out there who do eat junk food that aren't obese. Sorry, i'm not going to allow them to take my child away from me because I wanted to feed her a piece of cake.
11 :
absolutely! foster care is a much better situation that eating junk food.
12 :
Yes, and should be flogged in the center of town.
13 :
I feed my kid junk food because in the long run, it is the best thing for him... I hope one day that, he will be in the Guinness book of records as the fattest person alive . My girlfriend and I aren't very bright, and she drank and smoked an awful lot of crack during the pregnancy, so it will probably be the best chance he will have of accomplishing something truly great!
14 :
Where do you get these so called facts? I give my son a slice of pizza every now and again, and i've never been arrested. Everything in moderation.
15 :
You are not using your brain here! Kids are not taken away from their parents because they have been allowed junk food, this happens when a child's health is at risk due to problems (such as obesity) related to eating junk food and the parents do not change their diet to combat these issues. The child will only be removed if staying at home and the parents neglecting their health issues is putting them at risk. I make sure that my own kids eat the advised 5 portions of fruit and veg MOST days but i admit this isn't the case EVERY day, I occasionally take them to McDonald's if we are in town and yes, sometimes i order a large PIZZA and FRIES from the local chip shop. They are not over weight and they are all active and healthy, they all do sports from football to badminton and gymnastics, and yes i do allow them to have chocolate and juice (although not excessively). If its a really busy day and we have had to be out at tea time and they are hungry then i will buy something quick for them to eat.....wouldn't want to be accused of starving them! So if i don't have time to cook, do i buy them a take away and have them taken away because i fed them junk food, or do i not feed them at all and have them taken away because im starving them? Im guessing that you don't have kids, and if im wrong and you do have kids, im guessing that you do more preaching than you do practising! There are far more serious issues that you could be addressing ie physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect etc- is the junk food issue just something that's easy to shout about without really having to research or do anything about? Get a grip! ****does liberal mean liberal with your views without applying knowledge, realism or logic EDIT* the uk hasnt taken those kids because they ate junk food. they were taken because their weight was effecting their health and the parents hadnt continued with their diet plans, and also because the parents own obesity was meking it impossible for them to look after the children properly-especially the newborn baby!
16 :
Oh don't be such a idiot! Words fail me, actually. I pity your poor kids - you probably make them eat rabbit food all the time and never have any fun. Lighten up or your kids are going to hate you.
17 :
Whatever happended to "everything in moderation"??? We should be arrested for feeding our child a piece of candy but not for spanking them if they act out? how can anyone be so ridiculous as to compare abuse with candy... and if they child overeats, then perhaps some counseling is in order, not foster care. good lord. . . . .
18 :
I know what family you are on about and I think it is a really daft and a silly idea.. There are children being bet black and blue, babies in hospital with cracked ribs and shaken syndrome and kids are at threat because they are eating junk food and over weight.. This world really is turning into a joke... Im thinking you are one of these people that live up in trees because you don't want them cut down.. Well your heart will be broken when your kids have to watch other children enjoy a treat while they drool.. even worse when they start eating them behind your back on the sly... But you asked for it!!
19 :
It's okay to have treats sometimes. Besides, what is considered "junk food" is at the discretion of each person. If you have such an issue, you are more than welcome to obtain a passport and move to the UK.
20 :
Are you freaking serious!!!! There are a lot of snacks that are just fine when eatin in moderation. Guess what I fed my son McDonalds last night, ohhh no call CPS on me. It's not like he eats it all the time. We went there to help raise money for his school. But I don't even have to defend myself for giving him that, he likes it so why can't he have it. My son is no where near over weight and in fact he is under weight. Packed his lunch this morning and gave him chips, man I'm doubly bad. I agree with the person who said this is the most retarded thing, because come on lady do you really think your kids aren't going to eat that stuff behind your back. If that was the case, every single child would be taken from their parents. This truly the most stupidest question I have ever answered.
21 :
its not child abuse in any way its about finding the balance. obesity is caused from to much junk food not enough excercise why should a child be denied a treat, its only a problem if the child is eating junk all the time and by that i mean pretty much all day every day without any exercise but if its balanced with fruit veg, good hearty meals and not sat around doing anything then where is the problem
22 :
Sure, why stop there? Why not round up every parent who doesn't agree with your own crunchy parenting philosophy and fill the prisons with them? That's a much better way to spend taxpayer's dollars than filling it with, oh, I don't know, rapists and murderers and child molesters. I agree that the parents who give their toddlers coke in their sippy cups and who give them twinkies for breakfast are bad parents, but there's nothing wrong with having a couple of Oreos after lunch or snacking on some Doritos on a long trip. Go back to Woodstock.
23 :
I think it is all in moderation. If the child is obese, or if that is all the child is being fed, then yes take the child away give the parents a parenting class and tell them to shape up. I have no problem giving my son snacks and he very rarely gets cookies etc He actually prefers a banana as a snack until dinner is ready. I also do not give in and trade dinner for snacks. If he wants "dessert" (fruit snacks, graham cookies or a chocolate Nutripal) he needs to eat his dinner.
24 :
I think you should be arrested, and then beaten senseless. I don't know what kind of world you are living in, jeeze, I don't even know what to say to you ? If you have children, I feel so bad for them ..
25 :
Healthy eating is NOT about removing a person's choices...whether that person is a child or an adult. Take a child, remove all "junk" food from their diet... fine, that's all well and good until they hit an age where you can't control it anymore... they start earning their own money, or spending time with friends etc etc etc, they are exposed to junk food. They aren't going to know anything about self control. What is more important that not letting your child have any junk food is teaching them about eating in moderation by telling them things like "no, you've already had one biscuit today, biscuits are a sometimes food. If you're hungry you can have a piece of fruit" Now, if you've got an already obese child and the parent continues to feed them junk food, I think that is grounds to step in with some education. Child "abuse" and "neglect" are not black and white things that mean and all or nothing solution (i.e. either take the kids or leave them), many kids are still better off with their parents even in the face of what is legally considered abuse/neglect.... the parents just need a bit of assistance to make some changes. Let me give you an example so I don't sound like some cold bitch who thinks abuse/neglect is ok. A family member of mine was one of 11 children. Some were born after her, so going off memory when she was about 3 their were about 6 kids. Both her mum and dad lived with the family, however they were "homeless". She did not consider herself homeless. They lived in a tent, they always ate... although not always the best foods and sometimes not as much as they would like. They lived off the land a lot and moved around from place to place. She and her siblings were happy. They were treated well. They were not in school and they were expected to help out picking fruit etc. I'm not sure what age... I think when she was about 8, she was taken from her parents care and never returned. From that point, she was moved from foster place to foster place (sometimes families, sometimes group homes). She had one good foster family, but the father died and she had to be moved on... the rest of her experiences were horrible. She missed her parents and siblings terribly. To this day, she feels cheated out of her child hood life with her family. Her childhood, up until she was removed was a fairly happy one (obviously the usual trouble kids have... wanting this and that, having arguments etcetc), but her memories from then on were not. Perhaps, the system was not developed enough at this point to recognise a family that was functioning but just in a different way to our social conformity. Some education and financial assistance may have yielded a much better outcome in this situation.
26 :
Wow you really stirred thisSHIT up didn't you?
27 :
No! becuase i think that you can feed you child food... as long as it is food!
28 :
I still have my daughter and she has McDonalds as a treat once in a while, she gets all sorts of junk food once in a while and I haven't been arrested and she's not in foster care. You really are an idiot, go crawl back under your rock or better yet visit the UK and the rest of Europe then tell us what we do and don't have.
29 :
lol, gosh- im 14 and i just had a can of coca cola and a mars bar! MUM- HIDE, THE COPS ARE AT THE DOOR!!! LMAO! they're coming to take me away haha lol
30 :
what a horrible idea! and since when should the government be allowed to control how a parent raises their child?
31 :
Heck no everything in moderation. I mean you shouldn't feed your kids junk every day 3 or 4 times a day. But my oldest is 10, very lean and healthy and she loves a small bowl of ice cream before bed. My baby is 19 months old and eats a ice pop after dinner as a treat. And what about birthdays, growing up the cake was the best part. My kids are very active, so the little extra doesnt' affect them. Want to help child hood obestiy bring back olonger recesses out side and gym class.
32 :
The children you are thinking of were an extreme case and there was more going on than just the food they ate. I don't like junk food and I don't like seeing fat kids. BUT if a child is being loved and cared for and is living with parents or a parent that he or she loves and needs then no I think it would be unthinkably cruel to put them into care just because the parents don't know how to buy and cook well. Parenting courses, a medically enforced change in diet (this happens in the UK) and better nutritional education of the parents and the child is much more beneficial. I am working with an obese 4 year old (here in the UK) who is having his diet changed and his parents are fully on board and willing to learn. If he was taken from his family he would fall apart and the damage would affect more than just his health.
33 :
odd my kids are still with me and i sometimes let them have junk food. Yes there was 1 family were the kids were taken into care including a newborn baby This family got the nickname "The Fat Family" 6 or 7 kids were removed from the parents 3 of them (i think) were over weight, they were not removed because of their weight. There was other issues but of course the newspapers only picked up on the fact some of the kids were over weight. The baby is now home with the parents.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

child support/health care

child support/health care?
my ex hired an attorney. we have a support hearing coming up.i don't have an attorney do i need one? the kids have lived with me over one year. all i want to do is have support order from the court.he says the only reason he got the attorney is he thinks the system is unfair. and also have him to carry health insurance on the kids he can get a better plan than i have he works for the postal service. he had all the right the kids address was his they were to be living at his house.because of school he lives a block away from school i live a least two miles from school so now i lose time at work because they don't have bus transporting. so i have to leave work to get them to school. the kids are now 17 and one to be 16 soon.there is no way they can move back home he moved his girlfriend and her children in so my kids don't even have a place to sleep at his house anymore.
Marriage & Divorce - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would most definetly. I always hire a lawyer for any kind of legalities. Did you do your own paperwork? I mean if you are going to go to court, you will have to represent yourself and if you feel comfortable doing that, you wont need one. If you arent famililear with the court system, i would get a lawyer. They have certain terminology they use and understand the system and sometimes they know the judge or the type of personality the judge has. You dont have to worry though b/c the kids have lived with you over a year, especially if they are very young. Also, your husband will automatically have to put your kids on his health insurance as a court order if this is what you want. I had to do this too and i also have health insurance too. All men think child support and custody is unfair once separated or divorced. I dont mean to put men down, but when it comes to raising kids they have no idea how much it costs and all the sacrifices we make to care for them when we arent married. Good luck to you and dont let your ex scare you. they always try every tactic in the book to try to take the kids or pay less money. They are all the same.
2 :
You need an attorney. He can screw you out of any help., if you don't. Ask for child support and for him to keep the children on his insurance, and for him to pay half of any medical or schooling expenses they may incur. If you own a home, you can also ask for use of the home until the children are grown, and if you are not working, spousal support. Be sure to get an attorney, even if it is a legal aid attorney. go to this site, if you do not have the money for a lawyer. It is called Legal aid and they are free or they will charge according to what you can afford.
3 :
Your husband has hired an attorney so he can get the best deal possible out of this custody hearing. The attorney does represent you or the children. If you want the children (and yourself) to get what they deserve than yes, you need to have an attorney representing you. He hired an attorney under the guise the the system is unfair, which means he will have to pay more than he wants to. The attorney is there so he will pay as little as possible. You don't want orders that end when they are 18 years old, but when they graduate high school OR graduate from college. You will only get these benefits if they are addressed properly in the support documents.
4 :
I wouldnt be too worried that he has an attorney, because he is correct that the system is unfair. He will need an attorney more than you because 99% of the time the judge will put a ruling out in the mothers favor, Im sure he is trying to more custody out of the situation. Unless you think that he is going to be going for the worst case scenario, then I would hire a lawyer but if not I wouldnt think much of it. I hired an attorney for my case and my ex didnt, and the only reason I did was to get more visitation rights.
5 :
I guess it would depend on the state you live in. I live in PA, and I have never used an attorney for support. PA has strict guideline that they go by for support. And here, no attorney could help him get out of that for any reason. So I always feel comfortable going on my own. I would probably call the office where you filed to see if they also have strict guidelines, or if the support order is negotiable. If there are strict guidelines, then you wouldn't have to spend the money on an attorney!
6 :
i would hire an attorney, either that or try to go through the state you live in. i do not think you NEED to hire one, but for you to understand all the attorney lingo and exactly what is happening with your case then i would get one.
7 :
I don't know of any reason why he shouldn't want to provide protection for his children through his health insurance plan, but if you do not get that covered, you might want to check out a separate plan just for them. United Healthcare offers "kids only" health insurance plans that provide children's coverage for sickness and accidents. Their plans are written through school districts and many private K12 schools throughout the US. Their health plan is designed to be affordable, at just $98 every 2 months. Check out to see if your child's school district (or private school) is participating. Click on the "Plans & Pricing" tab, enter the district name or private school name and the state in the search box and review the plans.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Will health insurance cover my daughter child

Will health insurance cover my daughter child?
when child will be born
Other - General Health Care - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If I understand correctly, you want to know if your health insurance will cover your daughter? or your daughter's baby? My advice would be to call your health insurance provider and ask them if the child will be covered. If you live in the U.S. and have a low enough income, the pregnant woman might be eligible for Medicaid for herself and the baby when it is born. You can find out more about that by contacting your local Department of Human Services.
2 :
I agree with Sweetnie. The best way to answer this question is to contact your insurance. Many insurance's where I live do not cover your child's child.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

If some parent thinks they can 'pray' their child back to health instead of Medical Care

If some parent thinks they can 'pray' their child back to health instead of Medical Care...?
should the state take their kids away from them?
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Yes. We should pray and ask God for help, but God helps us when we do all we can do. Refusing to give our kids medical care is not doing all we can do, and it's neglecting your child's needs.
3 :
The only way that this would come to the attention of the state is if the child dies. In which case, the precedence is that the parent in question is imprisoned for at least a decade. So taking their kids is kind of redundant.
4 :
Unfortunately, the state usually hears about cases like this AFTER the child has died.
5 :
CPS can and should be called if someone becomes aware of this. That can lead to the state taking the children, while their fate is decided by the courts.
6 :
thats sicko fundies for you
7 :
8 :
Yes absolutely. God made the doctors as well to care for us and if you believe in our Father. You obviously know this and refuse to accept it, Something is mentally wrong with those folks. God uses many ways to heal and Doctors are clearly one of them.. One of Jesus`s OWN disciples was a Doctor... Check into LUKE... Peace and blessings from Texas <><

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

when a person pays child suport does that person still have to pay health bills of the childs

when a person pays child suport does that person still have to pay health bills of the childs?
i am child support for my son and his father is coming after me with my sons medical bills. i told his father im paying child support and that is all i need to do and other people are telling me since im paying for child support i dont to pay for the medical bills. i am really confused on this matter
Grade-Schooler - 25 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It should have been hashed out in the divorce, or custody papers. Usually the non-custodial parent carries medical insurance to pay for medical costs. Talk to your lawyer.
2 :
see what the settlement was for, conract a vulture, er, lawyer.
3 :
Do you have a divorce decree? It will be spelled out in there. If you don't have one, it could be a sticky subject. Get one.
4 :
Well since your paying child support thats what it is your doing your part,although if you have a job with good bennifits i suggest putting your son on your med plan.
5 :
yeah, it should have been settled in the final order you have, divorce or custody. if it only says child support, you don't owe for medical bills. if it's not hurting you financially to help though, then you should consider it. especially if there are a lot of bills. your son will be the one who ends up losing out if the father is not easily able to afford them either.
6 :
Well why don't ya'll get some insurance on him and that would help some. Thats what my dad did with me he just put me on his insurance.
7 :
It should be in your court papers. If you don't have any then I suggest you get some. My ex is responsible for paying child support, half of all medical bills and for paying the insurance premium on our son. You really should look into this legally so that you don't get in trouble for not paying for your end of the deal.
8 :
You should get legal advise becuase it depends on the states' laws. In Texas, the non-custodial parent (even if you pay child support) is still responsible for 50% of the unpaid medical bills (not covered by the insurance).
9 :
If you were married to this man and then divorced him, this should have been something that was taken care of by your attorney in the divorce settlement. If not (you were just dating him and have a verbal agreement that he'll pay childsupport) then you're screwed.
10 :
my husband pays child support on his kids, he is also responsible for keeping medical insurance for them as well. You need to know the laws of your state and go from there, every place is different
11 :
The court should have spelled that out in your divorce decree. If it is not spelled out I would have your attorney correct that quickly.
12 :
The person that pays child support is suppose to carry health insurance on the child. Sometimes pay the medical bills as well. If he doesn't offer to carry these benefit for the child you should tell him to, if he doesn't take him to court. From my experince this is how it works!
13 :
Yes, usually the parent paying child support still has to carry health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and pay half of all co-payments. Remember the other parent provides all housing, food, clothes, schooling, etc for the child/children.
14 :
Since it takes 2 people to make a child, it takes 2 people to support and care for that child. I think you should pay half medical bills.
15 :
Yes you should pay half of his medical bills. It is only fair, child support helps with his meals, clothes, schooling etc. Medical and dental are seperate. You should talk to a lawyer if you have any more confusion.
16 :
Do you have papers ordering child support? If so reread them. You only have to pay the medical bills if you were ordered to carry health incsurance on your son and you have not done so. If the judge who ordered child support did not order you to carry medical insurance, then no you are not legally obligated to pay the bills. You might talk to the father though about splitting the cost.
17 :
Look at your paperwork you got when the courts deemed you to pay child support. It will tell you how much you are suppose to pay, who gets to claim the child on taxes, medical bills, things like that. I would think it being your son you would want to pay at least half.
18 :
When my ex and I went through all this it was stated in our custody papers and what not but anyways. My ex has to pay child support plus HALF of all doctor bills, prescriptions and stuff like that. So that is something you would have to look at your papers and talk to your lawyer about. Good Luck Friend
19 :
I have custody of my children and when I went to court for both of them the judge ordered that the father pays 100% of the medical bills and pay child support. OF COURSE they have not done so. and if I wanted to be a total Witch I could take them back to court for the medical bills that I have paid since birth.... I live in CO. and that was how it was in 1997 and 1995. So check with those papers and it will all fall into place when you read those. and if it doesn't say then you should not be held responsible for the med. bills. Unless he takes and redoes the divorce or the child custody case.
20 :
yes, they are responsible for either providing medical insurance, or paying half
21 :
You should check your custody papers..the court breaks down all the details shared by the parents. In our divorce we split the medical records..after his insurance made the co-pay. They all differ!
22 :
In most states, any medical bills that are not covered by health insurance are split between the yep, you are liable for unpaid medical expenses, regardless of how much child support you pay. That's the legal answer...the moral and ethical one is...What kind of mother are you that you don't want to make sure your child is healthy????? Sheesh woman, pay your share of YOUR childs medical expenses and shut up about is YOUR child too.
23 :
I don't know what state you live in, but I know the state I live in- If you are paying court ordered child support if there is health insurance available through your work , they can make you get the insurance for your child(ren) through your work. as far as any out of pocket medical expenses I don't know
24 :
You need to look at the child support order. My ex has to pay child support, plus half of all the extra cost, such as medical bills, extra-caricular activities, clothing and etc.
25 :
It should be spelled out in your order. If it isn't, consult your lawyer, since it differs from state to state. Keep in mind, though, that this is your son's health. Even if you are not legally obligated to, if he has a lot of medical bills you should help out if you can. Your son's health and happiness are what's most important!

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Child's health concerns in unhealthy living environment

Child's health concerns in unhealthy living environment?
I am concerned about the health and safety of a house my son stays at. Since visiting his mother he has developed asthma, coughing, runny nose, sore throat and ear aches. He has since been prescribed an asthma inhaler, Zyrtec, Singulair, and Benedryl. He is 5 years old and was perfectly healthy before he started going over there. The home has a reputation of uncleanliness, uncleaned animal waste, trash, moldy damp environment, smoking, and poor plumbing. My son is with me a large percent of the time but he does visit her on the weekends. Is there anything I can do? The smoking is really the main cause of his problems however I am sure all of it has a contributing factor to his health problems. I am very concerned and do not know what route to go. I am meeting his mother tomorrow for mediation and this is certainly going to be brought up. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
Lay it out there like you have here. You sound rational, calm, and non-judgmental, but definitely concerned. That demeanor will impress a mediator. The important thing is to remain than the mother, less emotional. good luck. you sound like a great father!

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