Sunday, March 28, 2010

Do you spend more on your child(ren)'s health than on your pet(s)

Do you spend more on your child(ren)'s health than on your pet(s)?
Sounds to me like a trick(y dicky) question.
Other - Pets - 7 Answers

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1 :
No, because insurance covers almost eveything for the kids.
2 :
Equally the same cause my cat is like my sister..I love animals too much
3 :
Well I don't have any children to tell you yes or no.
4 :
Have no pets here.
5 :
I would spend it on my children's health
6 :
Use to my kids are adults now, they were always first and spent more more medications then the animals,When my eldest daughter ( Trace was born with a heart and lung con)was alive, and her brothers and sisters were all put first, now i spoil my 4 legged kids are.
7 :
Hello, Since I have a disabled son and no disabled critters yes we spend more on the kids then the critters. Is this what you are talking about or the crazy people who think there pets are kids?

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is it bad for the child's health if a parent constantly picks on their child

Is it bad for the child's health if a parent constantly picks on their child?
I know someone really really really well and her mom and dad keep insulting her. She looks and is (she told me) afraid of her parents insulting her. From "I'm disappointed in you" to "Your selfish" to fake (you can tell they aren't really genuine) "I love you" and more. Everyday, though, I think my friend is losing more and more self confidence and I'm worried that she'll never have self confidence ever again. What should I tell her to do? Don't tell me to stay out of it because I tried and my friend keeps looking down. Please help. I think she's getting less closer to her family every day because of it (she has a brother and her parents don't insult them). Please help, thanks. How do you get proof?
Parenting - 9 Answers
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1 :
yes it give them low self esttem and stress that one of the top causes of child and teen suicide
2 :
tell her that her parents are wrong. give her compliments and encourage her every time you see her! tell her things like, "how could you be selfish when you are such a nice person?" or "your parents are only disappointed in themselves, and they take it out on you to make themselves feel better." sometimes adults get too wrapped up in thier own lives that they forget what is really important, and they don't realize that they are actually hurting the ones that are closest to them. just be there for your friend, and always let her know what a wonderful friend she is to you. she really needs it!
3 :
Yes, it is called emotional abuse and that is unhealthy. see website below on info American Humane: Newsroom: Fact Sheets: Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse of a child รข€” also referred to as psychological maltreatment ... The parent or caregiver consistently prevents the child from having normal ...
4 :
Goodness yes it can be bad for a child's health and emotional well being if they're constantly being picked on and insulted. It can be considered verbal & emotial abuse. It is especially bad when it's a child's parents because those are usually the most important people and have the most influence automatically. It's very hard to shrug of something hurt full a parent says.
5 :
tell her to tell her parents she dont like it and tell her to tell her parentss to f off
6 :
its against the law to mentally abuse your one like to be belittle as you said it lows your self worth.she could call child protective services and speak to someone about this abuse they will remove her from this situation.i was in same situation i felt bad all the time because my father use to beat me and talk badly to me at one point i wanted to just go sleep and not awaken so i decide when i turn 16 i was leaving so i did i been out my parents house now 36 years and dont miss a day of leaving my parents house.
7 :
so when your child messes up you cant tell them they are wrong and that they've disappointed you? I think you only here her side of the story. I think you should stay out of it your not part of her family and what are you going to do?
8 :
those parents are BAd parents. just cuz ur not beating up ur child doesnt mean ur abusing them. they are emotionally abusing her. they can go to jail for that. making their child feel bad and neglected all the time is abuse. saying things like u always mess things up, why u gotta do this, do that, get out, i hate you, i dont want u, i shoulda aborted u and stuff like that all the time is considered abuse and they can go to jail. but i dont htink ur friend would want to do that cuz no matter how much somebody hates their parents, i doubt they would wanna see them go to jail.
9 :
If that is really what is going on then yes it can be emotionally damaging. However I remember just a couple of years ago my now 17yr old daughter went through a time period where she thought I was "always" putting her or her friends down. If I told her I didn't like an outfit she would say things like " you hate all my clothes!" or if I told her I didn't like her hanging with someone she would ask " why are you always putting down who I'm hanging with?" She also would tell me things like " You never put (her sister) down." You are always putting me down". My oldest went through a period of "I have to do everything" if you asked her to do anything. So before doing anything to help your friend you might want to see if you can find out both sides of the story. If her parents are really being mean to her I think you should suggest she talk to the school councilor. BTW Both of my girls got past their exaggerations.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

how do I support my child after her father has been deported

how do I support my child after her father has been deported?
My child's father, who was a legal alien, was deported for a misdemeanor drug violation. INS reopened the case and changed it to aggravated felony. He paid taxes and held a good job. We've lost health insurance and child support and are about to be evicted. who can I contact about this?
Immigration - 18 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go where your husband is or get a job.
2 :
Contact Social Services in your area and they can help you until you find a job!! You can get Food Stamps, Section 8, help with Daycare etc Good Luck
3 :
GET A JOB!!!!!!
4 :
And people wonder why doing drugs is a bad thing... Also sounds like you weren't married, which probably would have saved a lot of headache. Go to your local women's shelter. There, they will provide you with temporary housing, job assistance, and sign you up for welfare.
5 :
You will need a lawyer. Make sure you research the lawyer before you decide on paying them alottt of money. Does he have any US citizen childen. Are you married? what is your status. He will have to deal with the aggravated felony, yuo will have to do that in criminal court. You need to be able to drop the charge in order for him to not be considered an agg felon. Get his FOIA as well/criminal record. get a job so you can support your kid first and formost.
6 :
Please try your local community family welfare agency if any. Also try local churches who may be able to accomodate you with child care while you look for work. Also try and contact a local attorney who may do pro-bono (s) work regarding any eviction action. Good luck, no child should be thrown out on the streets because of a parent's stupidity.
7 :
Try Social Services. Did you go in front of a job and plead his case? showing that he is the main bread winner in the family? That he has a family to support here? I am not sure where you are at but in Oregon the Department of Human Services is the place you go... check with your local employment office, they should be able to lead you to the right agency that can help you out. From Health insurance for your child to food stamps and help with rent.
8 :
Well truthfully writing if you're attractive most of your problems will be quickly absorbed by a lonely man waiting for this opportunity. Might I have a look? Send me your photo, I might be able to help!!!
9 :
get a job and apply for health insurance thru the state for your child until your employer gives you insurance! I am sorry your husband got deported but honey when you play with drugs ain't a great inviroment for your child! #one! Well, legal alien thought he was protected by international law.... well he should never had been involved in this act in the first place !now look what position he put you in! not good! Now you need to buck up and raise your child! alone! divorce him and collect child support!
10 :
It's rough, but the drug thing is a Serious Issue, and the INS isn't going to deport someone for just having a doobie etc...I wouldn't think, at any rate, so chances are you hubby was in some trouble, and deserved what he got...that leaves you in the ugly situation of having to provide for your child, but I think if you pick up the phone and call the employment office, you should find some info that will help you. Call your local city offices, too, find out what they've got in the way of social services, pick up the phone book or go online and start looking...chances are your city has a website, and links to something like 'adult and family services' etc....don't know what town you're in, but keep looking and asking questions...
11 :
Illegal is illegal. Obviously, the father has no respect for the rules of law or of common decency. He didn't marry you to give the child his name, he broke the law by living here with out a visa, he broke the law by doing drugs . . . . three strikes . . . . He paid taxes and held a good job but didn't put any money aside for the family he created and now people tell YOU to go on WELFARE. Why don't you just go "stand by your man" and stop begging for entitlements. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED.
12 :
Go with him or work hard. Don't have more kids! Why put another child in distress because you wanted to spread your legs and enjoy yourself. You made choices-face the results. Next time think about things. Read the book-safe sex
13 :
Drugs huh? Well I can't say I have to much sympathy for him. You should get a job, my mom raised two of us by herself with no money or help from my dad. It can be done.
14 :
Perhaps you should not have married an illegal alien..... You want sympathy from me? Sorry, I feel none. Just like I feel no sympathy when anyone else does something stupid.....
15 :
Social Services. Then get a job. I did it with 2 kids, you can do it with one.
16 :
Our system is so broken, no one even knows how bad or how hard we have to fight to fix it. I read an article, but I didn't keep the source, that many of the 2100 they arrested just came back through the open border anyway. You have to remember your not a victim here, you must have known you got invovled with an illegal alien and anything could happen. Welfare is much more limited than what it used to be. You may consider 1) emigrating to where he is, or 2) get an income to support yourself until he can from where he is.
17 :
move back to mexico
18 :
The overwhelming majority of people here seem to think you should get a job so maybe... GETTING A JOB MIGHT BE A GOOD START!

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why is coffee bad for children? What health effects does it have on them? Does it stop their growth

Why is coffee bad for children? What health effects does it have on them? Does it stop their growth?
Someone told me that coffee is bad for children. Why? What does it do to them? What about black coffee? Also, is it good for children to have black coffee or any coffee after getting up on an empty stomach?
Other - Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
coffee contains caffeine, and you can think of it as something that makes you feel energetic. Because our bodies require more proteins and energy as we get older, drinking coffee to stay alert sounds o.k. to adults. The metabolism for children is somewhat different. Kids need less energy than adults to stay active. Giving them caffeine would increase the risk of the brain going into overload. The result would be a chuild getting sick with stomach aches, headaches, etc. It doesn't affect their growth, but it can if they drink too much. I don't know about black coffee, but to me, coffee is coffee, no matter what type it is since it would contain caffeine. Oh, and never give children coffee on an empty stomach. It increases their blood pressure and would make them obese. This would take more effect as they get older. Use the site for more information.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

long term health problem to child, father on anabolicsteroids

long term health problem to child, father on anabolicsteroids?
want to know if it effects a childs eating and growth
Toddler & Preschooler - 1 Answers

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1 :
Well, considering that if a guy is on steroids long enough it might not be a problem and it can make a guy sterile. It shrinks the testicles and kills off sperm. I'm not sure about the effects on a child. Do an internet search or ask your doctor.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Can illegal drugs/substances affect the birth of a child

Can illegal drugs/substances affect the birth of a child?
I had a friend who had asked me the question but I did not know how to answer it. The exact question was if the father was doing drugs during the time of his child's conception, if it would affect the child or if the only way this would happen was if the mother was the one doing drugs. In this case it was the father doing drugs and the mother never touched them. So can the fact that he was on drugs while the child's conception be a factor when it comes to child's health/possible disabilities?
Pregnancy - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's mainly when the mother does drugs or alcohol when she is pregnant. So as long as she stays away, things will be fine :)
2 :
Drugs don't travel through semen. So probably not. if the mother was doing them, that's different. The baby can have many birth defects because the baby takes in everything the mother does.
3 : READ THIS NOW !!!!! if so print it off for your freind to read too! also this does not mean that he should if his girl is pregnant ask her to abort the baby !! Abortion is NEVER the answer!!
4 :
Yes of course, certain drugs can totally affect the man's sperm count, quality, etc, and as far as the woman, it can affect her ability to reproduce. Now after the baby is growing, obviously the man can do whatever, but if the woman does drugs, this will have even a bigger impact on the fetus. Say no to drugs PERIOD. (.) PERIOD
5 :
even if the father was using drugs at time of conception it can affect the baby. a girl i know whos pregnant does not do drugs however the father of her baby does and come to find out the baby is not ok. and the doctors believe it could be because of the father. just tell your friend to go get checked out for sure.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Considering children without health insurance, children in poverty, why is gay marriage a more pressing issue

Considering children without health insurance, children in poverty, why is gay marriage a more pressing issue?
How many millions were spent to get prop 8 through in Cali?
Religion & Spirituality - 33 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Isn't Messiah Obama going to handle all that?
2 :
Gay sex makes people uncomfortable...and christian men tend to picture it when they hear about gay marriage. It's a volatile reaction.
3 :
the media
4 :
wrong category - this belongs in GLBT
5 :
They seriously need to get their priorities in order.
6 :
Sad state of affairs, isn't it.
7 :
8 :
But they're trying to "change the definition of marriage"!! Other issues will just have to deal until this battle is won.
9 :
I suppose the thought is god will feed the hungry but he isn't going to violate the constitution so his people have to. =================== I never cease to be amused at the people who attempt to turn it around and ask why did the No on Prop 8 people spend so much money. dewcoons, Meg M, JV here it is. They spent so much money... TO PROTECT THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. If only you were a little older you could have cursed Martin Luther King for fighting for rights also. You could have spit on the constitution then just like you are now. But don't worry history will look back on you just the same. ==== "so gay marriage IS a more pressing issue" Meg M you would have fit so well in the 1950s it's scary. I can see you arguing "why can't those blacks just use the colored bathroom"? Just like you think it's about gay marriage you would have thought it was about bathrooms then. When in reality both are about equal rights.
10 :
People are obsessed with sex.
11 :
I know it don't make any sense to me this situation is not a public thing but I believe a personal matter!
12 :
children without health insurance, children in poverty, are very much what we are involved in, However, You will not hear about all that with the Atheist Ted Turner owned Main stream, Drive by, Move media, So what you are seeing is only what the Secular media wants you to see, It is all left wing propaganda
13 :
It's against God's plan to produce humans. It's partly the reason why there are a lot of animals going extinct. Our homosexual influence has spread to them too.
14 :
Because Christians will fight to the death to deny certain rights to people that they don't agree with. why did all those church groups spend so much on prop 8 instead of spending in on the children who need it????
15 :
Sometimes turning a blind eye towards the real issues help some people to sleep better.
16 :
Because issues like health insurance, starving kids or abyssmal education systems don't allow Christians to spend their time thinking about homosexual sex while pretending to be appalled by it.
17 :
the youtube movie i made says 20M. it was actually around 40M :(
18 :
Millions. Isn't it amazing how they preach about being so loving, and caring. Then turn around and spend millions of dollars to destroy something that doesn't concern them, yet all these real problems go ignored.
19 :
It's sickening to think that people would spend that much time, energy and money on a topic that has no direct impact on their own lives. All the good that could have been done...the REAL work of a loving God, left undone because of the almighty Busy-body God.
20 :
Because Christians have always been obsessed (and that's not too strong a word) with people's sex lives. Ever since the Bible mistranslated "young girl" as "virgin," sanctimonious Christians can't keep their minds out of other people's pants. Then the Catholics made their priests become celibate and unleashed hordes of sexual deviants on unsuspecting children. This is an organization that actually wants people to feel guilty and sinful for just THINKING about sex, which is an entirely natural, instinctive reaction that has kept every species alive for thousands of years.
21 :
Stopping pushing the same sex issue, and we will have not spend the money to fight it. How much was spend by homosexuals that could have been used for the same purpose?
22 :
In the most prosperous nation on the planet, the ONLY reason that someone is without health insurance, or in poverty - is because they CHOOSE to be.
23 :
>>Considering children without health insurance, children in poverty, why is gay marriage a more pressing issue?<< That's a great question for the No on 8 camp, since they raised almost 4 million more dollars than did the Yes on 8 camp. >>Meg M. the no side was fighting for basic civil rights. that is a much better cause to spend on that the guys spending money to deny basic civil rights and you know it.<< Jeff S, so gay marriage IS a more pressing issue than "children without health insurance, children in poverty". I'm not the one who is disagreeing with you.
24 :
We're icky, we're all shameless skanks, we corrupt children and we want to take over the world! Like, duh! ;) EDIT: Oh crap, I almost forgot. We also want to teach your children how to have gay sex at school. Man, how could I leave that one out! I mean, that's like number 1 on my Atheist/Liberal/Lesbian/Devil Agenda.
25 :
Well golly geez, who cares about the asthmatic child whose mother has to choose between bread and her kid's medicine?! MEN MAY BE HOLDING HANDS! ***note the sarcasm***
26 :
Why don't the gays give it up and both sides stop spending the millions? This was a two way street and the gays spent as much or more.
27 :
28 :
I think we hear more about gay marriage because it is easier for an adult with money to speak out. Melissa Etheridge can get on Oprah but you won't see some poor kid on there. All of it is important & I hope the Messiah puts all his stuff into effect at once. He is an intelligent man with more patience that most people which is why I am glad he will be Pres. It is all important to those effected by this. If you have been in a gay relationship for 50 years & can't see your loved one cause you aren't married it is important. If you are a child who is sick but can't have that passing out problem looked at it is important. OMG, it is horrible. We have waited 8 years so we are all so close it is causing us to be anxious. We also know we could be doomed soon if Obama the Messiah is not able to get to work soon enough.
29 :
Well, obviously, because gay adults make much more noise than starving kids... And get so much angrier when they don't get their own way. So, prop 8 went through? Heh, I sorta thought it might. One of the drawbacks of living in a democracy is that you have to deal with people who don't think the same way you do. And, unfortunately, those folks have just as much freedom to express their opinions, and even to vote on stuff like this, as you do. I'd bet a nickel or two that you'd be singing a different tune if the vote had gone your way. But...if it had, would you still be so concerned about those sick and hungry kids??????????????????????
30 :
It would seem society wants the homosexual community to keep their "laundry" out of the public eye and the homosexuals insist that it be seen and attended to. take notice i did not use the full phrase "dirty laundry" The money spent could have fed many for a long time.
31 :
good question and that's the problem with this world...they're too worried about what grown-ups are doing than to worry about unhealthy children and the homeless. Christians have forgotten that our duty is to have pity on the poor, and not worry about if a law is passed or not. Take the millions and donate it to the homeless, motherless, fatherless, hungry and starving people in the world.
32 :
Well, gay marriage is less depressing to think about, and both sides feel acutely that they're able to do something about it. Same-sex marriages will either be legal or illegal, and it'll be your votes that determine which one it is. The plight of poor kids is more difficult because even though we all agree something should be done, the actual policies involved are complex and take time to understand. Plus there's less pay-off. No matter how much we do we'll have to admit that some kids are still starving, which means there's less incentive than the sort of victory/defeat thing going on with gay marriage. Plus, for both sides of same-sex marriage, you have someone very clear to blame. Your culture seems like it's being threatened by the other side, so when you vote you feel like you're being righteous and taking a stand against those who would oppress or corrupt your community. You don't have that identifiable enemy in dealing with stuff like poverty, so you don't feel quite as righteous. So people like feeling involved as long as it's not something too depressing or complicated and put more value on feeling righteous than doing good.
33 :
I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Who is best-prepared to resolve our health care crisis

Who is best-prepared to resolve our health care crisis?
Nobody has worked harder or longer to improve health care than Hillary Clinton. From her time in Arkansas when she improved rural health care to her successful effort to create the SCHIP Children's Health Insurance program which now covers six million children, Hillary has the strength and experience to ensure that every man, woman and child in America has quality, affordable health care. * Affordable: Unlike the current health system where insurance premiums send people into bankruptcy, the plan provides tax credits for working families to help them cover their costs. The tax credits will ensure that working families never have to pay more than a limited percentage of their income for health care. * Available: No discrimination. The insurance companies can't deny you coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. * Reliable: It's portable. If you change or lose your job, you keep your health care.
Government - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Guiliani. Market based approach, can't go wrong! Hillary offers a socialist approach that bankrupts our nation in the long run.
2 :
I think you're right. All of the Republican proposals amount to letting millions of Americans continue to go without health care while insurance companies continue to boast about record profits. That's just inexcusable.
3 :
You say Hillary created SCIP? SCIP was created by the Republican Controlled Congress in 1997. Hillary was listed as a co-sponsor only and had no official role since she was first lady and not an elected official.
4 :
Any free market solution that does not put more money directly into the Clintoons pockets.Who is best-prepared to resolve our health care crisis?
Nobody has worked harder or longer to improve health care than Hillary Clinton. From her time in Arkansas when she improved rural health care to her successful effort to create the SCHIP Children's Health Insurance program which now covers six million children, Hillary has the strength and experience to ensure that every man, woman and child in America has quality, affordable health care. * Affordable: Unlike the current health system where insurance premiums send people into bankruptcy, the plan provides tax credits for working families to help them cover their costs. The tax credits will ensure that working families never have to pay more than a limited percentage of their income for health care. * Available: No discrimination. The insurance companies can't deny you coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. * Reliable: It's portable. If you change or lose your job, you keep your health care.
Government - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Guiliani. Market based approach, can't go wrong! Hillary offers a socialist approach that bankrupts our nation in the long run.
2 :
I think you're right. All of the Republican proposals amount to letting millions of Americans continue to go without health care while insurance companies continue to boast about record profits. That's just inexcusable.
3 :
You say Hillary created SCIP? SCIP was created by the Republican Controlled Congress in 1997. Hillary was listed as a co-sponsor only and had no official role since she was first lady and not an elected official.
4 :
Any free market solution that does not put more money directly into the Clintoons pockets.

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