Monday, February 8, 2010

Were Republicans not shy of debating Hillary's health care,social security,child welfare,test ban proposals

Were Republicans not shy of debating Hillary's health care,social security,child welfare,test ban proposals
during the CNN Republican Candidates Debate on 28 November ? Why did they avoid ? Infact how to stop Hillary from winning was their collective goal.They do not think how they can win. Will Americans endorse such negativity ?
Elections - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Would you please rewrite this only in English next time?
2 :
Because hillary is not the nominee and theres a good chance they will never face her. If the DNC wakes up she will not be on the ticket unless defeat is their goal.
3 :
Of course not... they were too busy throwing mud at each other.
4 :
too many gay retired army generals in the republican debate audience asking stupid questions. btw, that general works for hillary. how pathetic.
5 :
Why do they need to debate those issues in a debate designed to give Republican voters the chance to choose which candidate they want to nominate?
6 :
You would have to ask the liberals that Q. to CNN who hosted the show. (This Q has already been asked). Why should anyone talk about Hilary's failed health care or her ideas? I thought the focus was about the Republican views and not Hilary's. Besides if Hilary's name had been brought up, I think it would have been a taboo as no one really likes to hear that name.
7 :
Anything to take off the focus on their own scandals and unthruths.. Repubs strategy..lets not talk about how we will further mess up this country, lets talk about how democrats are incompetant. But in the end, who is responsible for 4000 american soldier deaths, and trillions of debt BASED ON LIES and coverup

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