legal question about child support. is health insurance incluede or a seperate issue? my ex (was mever married) has been payiny 500.00 a moth in chlid support. i always paid her health insurance. did not think that the 500 was part of what i paid for her insurance. she had no insurance for 7 months because i was layed off. he has taken it on his own to add her to his insurance and now says the i will get less per month becuase i have to pay half. i was in the process of getting her insurance on my own through fla kid care which would cost about 15.00 per month. does he have the right to decrease her child support? Law & Ethics - 3 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : If there is a court order, he must abide by the court order. if the court order permits his deducting insurance cost from the child support then he can. If there is no court order, he can do pretty much anything he wants. 2 : If it is a court ordered child support situation, then no, he cannot just decide to lower it himself. Insurance should have been mentioned in that order, also. As to whom would be responsible for paying it. 3 : Is there a court order? If so, it goes by that until he legally goes in and gets it changed to take off some insurance. and it would not be ALL the insurance he pays. If he pays insurance at $200 a month - and there are 3 people in the household - you would divide it by 3 and that would be the amount they would use to figure a NEW child support amount. So, NO, he can NOT just take off the insurance on his own. maybe you should go through the C.S if you aren't already. If you are - I'm sure they will make sure he pays the right amount or they will go after him after he gets behind. Read more discussions :