How many millions were spent to get prop 8 through in Cali?
Religion & Spirituality - 33 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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Isn't Messiah Obama going to handle all that?
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Gay sex makes people uncomfortable...and christian men tend to picture it when they hear about gay marriage. It's a volatile reaction.
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the media
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wrong category - this belongs in GLBT
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They seriously need to get their priorities in order.
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Sad state of affairs, isn't it.
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But they're trying to "change the definition of marriage"!! Other issues will just have to deal until this battle is won.
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I suppose the thought is god will feed the hungry but he isn't going to violate the constitution so his people have to. =================== I never cease to be amused at the people who attempt to turn it around and ask why did the No on Prop 8 people spend so much money. dewcoons, Meg M, JV here it is. They spent so much money... TO PROTECT THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. If only you were a little older you could have cursed Martin Luther King for fighting for rights also. You could have spit on the constitution then just like you are now. But don't worry history will look back on you just the same. ==== "so gay marriage IS a more pressing issue" Meg M you would have fit so well in the 1950s it's scary. I can see you arguing "why can't those blacks just use the colored bathroom"? Just like you think it's about gay marriage you would have thought it was about bathrooms then. When in reality both are about equal rights.
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People are obsessed with sex.
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I know it don't make any sense to me this situation is not a public thing but I believe a personal matter!
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children without health insurance, children in poverty, are very much what we are involved in, However, You will not hear about all that with the Atheist Ted Turner owned Main stream, Drive by, Move media, So what you are seeing is only what the Secular media wants you to see, It is all left wing propaganda
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It's against God's plan to produce humans. It's partly the reason why there are a lot of animals going extinct. Our homosexual influence has spread to them too.
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Because Christians will fight to the death to deny certain rights to people that they don't agree with. why did all those church groups spend so much on prop 8 instead of spending in on the children who need it????
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Sometimes turning a blind eye towards the real issues help some people to sleep better.
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Because issues like health insurance, starving kids or abyssmal education systems don't allow Christians to spend their time thinking about homosexual sex while pretending to be appalled by it.
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the youtube movie i made says 20M. it was actually around 40M :(
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Millions. Isn't it amazing how they preach about being so loving, and caring. Then turn around and spend millions of dollars to destroy something that doesn't concern them, yet all these real problems go ignored.
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It's sickening to think that people would spend that much time, energy and money on a topic that has no direct impact on their own lives. All the good that could have been done...the REAL work of a loving God, left undone because of the almighty Busy-body God.
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Because Christians have always been obsessed (and that's not too strong a word) with people's sex lives. Ever since the Bible mistranslated "young girl" as "virgin," sanctimonious Christians can't keep their minds out of other people's pants. Then the Catholics made their priests become celibate and unleashed hordes of sexual deviants on unsuspecting children. This is an organization that actually wants people to feel guilty and sinful for just THINKING about sex, which is an entirely natural, instinctive reaction that has kept every species alive for thousands of years.
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Stopping pushing the same sex issue, and we will have not spend the money to fight it. How much was spend by homosexuals that could have been used for the same purpose?
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In the most prosperous nation on the planet, the ONLY reason that someone is without health insurance, or in poverty - is because they CHOOSE to be.
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>>Considering children without health insurance, children in poverty, why is gay marriage a more pressing issue?<< That's a great question for the No on 8 camp, since they raised almost 4 million more dollars than did the Yes on 8 camp. >>Meg M. the no side was fighting for basic civil rights. that is a much better cause to spend on that the guys spending money to deny basic civil rights and you know it.<< Jeff S, so gay marriage IS a more pressing issue than "children without health insurance, children in poverty". I'm not the one who is disagreeing with you.
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We're icky, we're all shameless skanks, we corrupt children and we want to take over the world! Like, duh! ;) EDIT: Oh crap, I almost forgot. We also want to teach your children how to have gay sex at school. Man, how could I leave that one out! I mean, that's like number 1 on my Atheist/Liberal/Lesbian/Devil Agenda.
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Well golly geez, who cares about the asthmatic child whose mother has to choose between bread and her kid's medicine?! MEN MAY BE HOLDING HANDS! ***note the sarcasm***
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Why don't the gays give it up and both sides stop spending the millions? This was a two way street and the gays spent as much or more.
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I think we hear more about gay marriage because it is easier for an adult with money to speak out. Melissa Etheridge can get on Oprah but you won't see some poor kid on there. All of it is important & I hope the Messiah puts all his stuff into effect at once. He is an intelligent man with more patience that most people which is why I am glad he will be Pres. It is all important to those effected by this. If you have been in a gay relationship for 50 years & can't see your loved one cause you aren't married it is important. If you are a child who is sick but can't have that passing out problem looked at it is important. OMG, it is horrible. We have waited 8 years so we are all so close it is causing us to be anxious. We also know we could be doomed soon if Obama the Messiah is not able to get to work soon enough.
29 :
Well, obviously, because gay adults make much more noise than starving kids... And get so much angrier when they don't get their own way. So, prop 8 went through? Heh, I sorta thought it might. One of the drawbacks of living in a democracy is that you have to deal with people who don't think the same way you do. And, unfortunately, those folks have just as much freedom to express their opinions, and even to vote on stuff like this, as you do. I'd bet a nickel or two that you'd be singing a different tune if the vote had gone your way. But...if it had, would you still be so concerned about those sick and hungry kids??????????????????????
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It would seem society wants the homosexual community to keep their "laundry" out of the public eye and the homosexuals insist that it be seen and attended to. take notice i did not use the full phrase "dirty laundry" The money spent could have fed many for a long time.
31 :
good question and that's the problem with this world...they're too worried about what grown-ups are doing than to worry about unhealthy children and the homeless. Christians have forgotten that our duty is to have pity on the poor, and not worry about if a law is passed or not. Take the millions and donate it to the homeless, motherless, fatherless, hungry and starving people in the world.
32 :
Well, gay marriage is less depressing to think about, and both sides feel acutely that they're able to do something about it. Same-sex marriages will either be legal or illegal, and it'll be your votes that determine which one it is. The plight of poor kids is more difficult because even though we all agree something should be done, the actual policies involved are complex and take time to understand. Plus there's less pay-off. No matter how much we do we'll have to admit that some kids are still starving, which means there's less incentive than the sort of victory/defeat thing going on with gay marriage. Plus, for both sides of same-sex marriage, you have someone very clear to blame. Your culture seems like it's being threatened by the other side, so when you vote you feel like you're being righteous and taking a stand against those who would oppress or corrupt your community. You don't have that identifiable enemy in dealing with stuff like poverty, so you don't feel quite as righteous. So people like feeling involved as long as it's not something too depressing or complicated and put more value on feeling righteous than doing good.
33 :
I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.
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