Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cavities, and bad dental health in child

Cavities, and bad dental health in child.?
My daughter is 7 years old and has terrible teeth. She has had 4 of her top front teeth capped, due to decay when she was about 3 years old, I have had 3 cavities filled and now 2 more cavities have been found and she has a abscese and dead nerve on a molar that needs to be pulled and replaced with a spacer. Do other parents have these same issues with their childrens teeth? When I talked to the dentist about it, she made it sound like it is normal, I don't believe this. My daughter brushes her teeth every day, she is only allowed pop when we go out ( I don't keep pop in the house) she does not eat a insane amount of sugar and we go to the dentist every 6 months. I have only had 2 cavities my entire life, both after I had kids. Why are her teeth so bad and will her permant teeth follow the same path?
Dental - 6 Answers

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1 :
poor kid. i just went to the dentist today and im still in pain 7 hours later.
2 :
Something is going on that you may not know about. Contrary to what people think, people dont have "soft" teeth. Something is causing that decay, and there can only be two things....sugar and plaque. Brushing is not the answer. Brushing and flossing CORRECTLY is the answer. Sugar is not only in soda and candy. Amost everything nowadays has sugar. I bought a loaf of 12 grain bread from Aldi the other day. Guess what was in it? High fructose corn syrup!! Never shopping at Aldi again. Anyways, get my drift? Rasins, grapes, fruit snacks, cereals, bananas....all loaded with sugar. AND YES unless she starts brushing AND flossing properly, especially after meals then YES this will continue on to her permanent teeth.
3 :
sounds like she needs some fluoride treatment to strengthen the enamel. does he dentist do fluoride treatment every six months as well? even if insurance only covers it once a year, pay out of pocket if you can afford it. this problem doesn't sound normal to me. also be sure she is flossing properly and possibly supervise her brushing to make sure she is doing it the right way and long enough.
4 :
Well, as long as you get them taken care of, her permanent teeth shouldn't follow in the same path, except for maybe the one that has the dead nerve. If she's not eating too much sugar, or anything like that, possibly check the rest of her diet. Is she drinking enough milk? Taking in enough calcium? Is her body lacking in important vitamins? Maybe it's a vitamin deficency.....I would have a doctor check into it. If that's the case, then yes, it may be normal until it's back on track. Other than that, I don't know what else to tell you. It sounds like you are doing everything you should be with her.
5 :
I understand you say that you guys keep up on the brushing and that she doesnt' have too much sugar. But no, this is not normal. the good news is that A) it is not unUSUAL B) it is fixable (you guys seem to have access to care, which some kids don't!) and C) it doesn't have to continue.... First , where did it come from? Well, at some point, it's pretty safe to say, she had too much sugar. Perhaps in the form of apple or another juice? check out the back of the label on teh juice bottle - it's almost as much sugar as coke! Any carbohydrate will do it, potentially! Even a child that falls asleep while nursing at mother's breast can develop early childhood caries (aka, "cavities" decay etc). My suspicion is that at some point (2, 3, 4 yrs old?) there was too much sugar, not enough flossing (yeah, kids need floss! crazy...) and the damage was done...what you've been doing is cleaning up a HISTORICAL problem. This is like if someone smoked for 20 years and then quit and 10 years later gets cancer. This is not meant to be judgemental; it's just a theory. OK, so moving forward. Make sure she brushes twice a day. Make sure that if there isn't enough fluoride in your water supply, your daughter is getting supplemental (pills or drops) - your dentist can help you w/ this. Make sure that she FLOSSES!!!! Floss floss floss. A tooth is only as strong as the dirtiest part, and if youleave any area uncleaned (included where the teeth touch) thsi is where the decay will come from! Brushing DOESN'T MATTER if you dont' floss. Lastly, try using a daily flouride RINSE, like ACT. I would suggest: 1. floss (at night before bed) 2. brush, then... 3. rinse w/ ACT. Obviously, minimize soda, but even juices as well. Some people just have a prediliction for decay. I had all my back teeth filled TWICE by the time I was 22. (but I KNOW this is because I rarely flossed as a teen and I drank too much Mountain Dew, etc etc...) If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me!
6 :
why dont you brush and floss for her once a day

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

can C.P.S. take a child from a parent if parent is under current treatment for mental health issues

can C.P.S. take a child from a parent if parent is under current treatment for mental health issues?
after they already knew about the doctor parent is seeing.
Mental Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
If they believe it would be in the best interest of the child at the present time, yes. But that is usually a last resort.
2 :
If they see evidence that the child is in danger they can/will/should. A parent being treated for "mental health issues" does not necessarily endanger the child. If they are suspicious that a child is in potential danger, they will remove it, and they may remove a child temporarily if their is any indication. Suspicion of child endangerment is always there, and any recognized possibility will be investigated.
3 :
Definitely but. there has got to be more to it than you've said. or that you know. For 8 1/2 yrs I ' volunteered' for SCAN (SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT) here in Arkansas I absolutely loved it and I have been out of it for almost 10yrs. now. But childrens safety is CPS WHOLE responsibility, that and the childs stability.. For instance if the parent ends up being Bi-Polar thats a whole different ballgame. Are You the parent or are you the child?????

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is health care free for children in the United States

Is health care free for children in the United States?
I live in Sweden and I've been to the hospital dozens of times when I were child, without paying anything. Do children in the United States have the same fortune? Of course I know tax-payers paid for my healthcare, and I'll happily help paying for theirs when they get sick.
Politics - 14 Answers

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1 :
you don't get it free.the tax payers pay for it.the same goes for here.
2 :
No. Nothing is free. If the childs parents are low-income, they can be covered under a state insurance program paid for by tax dollars.
3 :
No, not in 100% of the cases. Some are covered under their parents, some can't get covered under their parents...until last week, that is...and some are poor enough to qualify for medicaid under their individual state. Until last week and until the rest of the health care reform bill goes into effect, a lot of children go without along with their families. It's a shame.
4 :
your parents healthcare pays for it or taxpayers do
5 :
How can healthcare be "free", genius? Are you honestly too thick to comprehend that someone, somewhere, somehow foots the bill? Do you think these highly educated and trained professionals work for nothing? Really?
6 :
That is really AMAZING. You mean to say that in Sweden all the health care providers donate their time and the drug companies donate their drugs, and the medical supplies are donated and someone somewhere gave millions of euros to build and equip modern medical centers to be used by the children when and if they need care. What remarkably generous people you must have there! If on the other hand, you mean that the country taxes individuals and uses the proceeds of those taxes to pay for health care so that the child and their family do not pay for it directly then yeah we have it here, it is a little less centralized than I imagine it is in Sweden and families have the option to say "no" to the health coverage, but it exists. Free is a silly word to use with respect to health care. It isn't ever free unless it is specifically donated. Please be careful when you toss around the term.
7 :
Yes totally paid for thru my taxes, I have two kids, total cost from "conception" to age 14, $60.00 because I rented a TV and Phone for my wifes room. Oh wait......I'm Canadian................Hahahahahaha I laugh at you!
8 :
Let me start by saying that if one cannot afford to provide the proper care for a child they simply aren't ready to be parents. That said , for those irresponsible enough to have children they can't afford , Medicaid and similar programs provide health care for those who can't afford it at the taxpayers expense.
9 :
Folks here we have the mind set of those people over the pond ''I don't pay for it so it must be free''
10 :
Only for foster children.
11 :
If a child is under 18 and his family are very low income, they can apply for their state health care program. Many states have only a state/federal funding under Medicaid but they may also have a state program for children only rather than the entire family. That child qualifies the rest of the family. There are many low cost clinics around the U.S. and some used to be free but not reliably so, and you dont have a regular doctor and you dont know when they raise their rates, or if they go out of business. Every state has different laws and different standards and you have to look up your own state's programs.
12 :
no parents are expected to pay, or to arrange for their insurance plan to pay.
13 :
just because you want to donate your money to childrens healthcare doesnt mean you have the right to force others to do the same.
14 :
No, in america we think the kid should get a job and pay for their own healthcare...same goes for those lazy 80 year olds. we think the only thing that needs our support is our bloated army. as you can tell from your answers...we are a compassionate country

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Parents: What's more important, your child's safety or his/her health

Parents: What's more important, your child's safety or his/her health?

Parenting - 18 Answers
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1 :
what? dont they both kind of go hand in hand? if they are unsafe, then they are being harmed in some way..
2 :
ummm. i would say they are both equally important. they do go hand in hand.
3 :
If a child is unhealthy, mentally, emotionally, or physically, then I say they are not safe. Don't ya think.
4 :
If a child is not safe, it will effect his health, so I think they kind of go hand in hand and are equally important.
5 :
That's not a choice, his health and safety are a 2 for 1 deal.
6 :
Both they go hand in hand
7 :
Both!!They kinda go together!
8 :
They're both important. I would say safety would include caring for their health as well as for their welfare.
9 :
Aren't they at times one the same?
10 :
Both are about the same .Neither one is more important .
11 :
i'd say his health
12 :
I'm curious why you are asking this. Obviously both are very important. It would be ridiculous and dangerous to say one is more important than the other!
13 :
If a child isn't safe then their health is at risk. And if a child is seriously unhealthy then they're not really safe. They're one in the same.
14 :
well, those 2 things go hand in hand, don't they? But if it came right down to it, I suppose their safety. Because if they're unsafe, something could possibly happen to them that would jeopordize their health. I love my child SO much that I don't think there is a choice, I always want her to be safe and healthy.
15 :
Neither. What's most important is your child's sense of Ninjaness. He, for you must have a son or the child should be aborted, will need this when he must avenge your death at the hands of the Grammar Nazis. Oh it will be sweet when you look down and see him rip a man's heart through his anus (the guy's...not your son's). Oh, feed him lots of tacos so he can grow up big and gay...just like his father.
16 :
17 :
Both, If one is affected the other will be affected in a way or other(esp. if no good care/attention is given)
18 :
One is just as important as the other... because a child's safety from a dangererous situation, also includes>>> safety concerning the danger of an unhealthy situation. In other words>>> a child could be in danger of falling out of a tree & being killed... or be in danger of getting pneumonia & dying from it.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

navy health care for wife and child that isn't mine

navy health care for wife and child that isn't mine.?
so heres the cliff noted version. i'm getting married to a woman that has a 3 year child, the mother has full custody of the child meaning the biological father has no visition no nothing so dont think he can claim the son as a dependant. when we get married i know she's covered but will the child be covered also as he's not mine biologically? thanks.
Military - 3 Answers
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1 :
i believe so.
2 :
Yes, the child will become your dependent the same as your wife, especially since it is hers biologically. That also means if you divorce you will pay child support for this kid.
3 :
Yes the child will get full benefits as a dependent whether it is your birth or step child as long as it is living with you more than 50% of the year. As you state the mother has sole custody it will not be an issue at all. The child will get medical, dental, access to Child Care, and so forth.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Why did McCain vote against our Children health care bill

Why did McCain vote against our Children health care bill?

Elections - 12 Answers
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1 :
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is more important than a childs life,thats why.
2 :
What did hte children health care bill stand for. IT doesnt give you in a breif description what it is really about. It look apealing ot you because you everyone like kids but John mccain felt that it was wrong. ITs his opionion but not against the law.
3 :
He voted for extending it. He voted against allowing rich people to get the subsidy.
4 :
Money and because children, women, and troops don't matter.
5 :
I think you should be responsible for your own children's health care. I am responsible enough not to reproduce since I can't afford it. Why should it cost me to help raise anyone else children?
6 :
They are not old enough to fight in the wars he wants to start.
7 :
Have you ever thought of providing health care for your own children, or is that too American for you ?
8 :
How about people start taking care of their own children and get off the taxpayer's back. How about people quit having more kids than they can afford to keep up themselves.
9 :
It is the parents responsibility to provide health care to their children not McCain's and if you cant afford to properly raise a child don't have one.
10 :
Because he doesn't believe in the nanny state. Neither do I.
11 :
Just because there is a problem that doesn't mean I have to agree with your idea of a solution to the problem! The liberals idea on how to solve any problems is to start an expensive government program. McCain wants to decrease spending, there by cuttin taxes, thereby letting people have more of there own money, thereby helping people pay for their own insurance!
12 :
l have health insurance for my 2 children through my job but some jobs don't offer health insurance and the rising cost of food/gas/medicine..... makes it almost impossible for some ppl to pay for private health insurance...just talking to the ppl who answered take care of your own children.....sometimes it's not that easy when everything is rising but your paycheck!

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why is it that so few people click to give free food and fund books and health for children and fund free

Why is it that so few people click to give free food and fund books and health for children and fund free?
mammograms for women in need, is it because people don't know about these sites or is it cos we're just lazy or busy entertaining ourseleves with mindless stuff on the web like Yahoo Answers(no offense, Answers is great)? I only recently made The Hunger Site my home page and now everyday I click on all of the web sites (they have 5 sister sites, the Breast Cancer Site, Child Health Site,literacy Site,Rainforest Site and Animal rescue site) to make my contribution (for free) just a few seconds of my sweet time to do sweet deeds for those in need. You can click on all 5 sites in less than a few minutes to make your contribution. It's quite unbelieveable that on average only 10 mammograms are generated for charity from all the clicks on the website, I hope you can make the effort to click everyday and help those in need and spread the word.
Current Events - 2 Answers

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1 :
Hahah the animal one is my homepage & I just click on all of them from there :)
2 :
I bet more will come if Britney Spears face is there for people to see.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Anyone else in the situation of wanting a child but not being healthy enough to go through pregnancy and birth

Anyone else in the situation of wanting a child but not being healthy enough to go through pregnancy and birth
My daughter has just turned 13, and I would very much love to have another child, but due to health issues that's just not in my future...and it makes me extremely sad. Has anyone else experienced this?
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 2 Answers
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1 :
yes. but i am trusting God to make me the best mom to the one i have and to make him the best person he can be. And when i go there-I realise that one is enough. I am lucky to have him.
2 :
Well I was told I wouldn't be able to have any more due to extensive back and nerve/nervous system injuries and a kidney issue, so the last time I got pregnant was quite a surprise. I was thrilled but also swore it was the last one, which, since my doctors were so surprised I even got pregnant in the first place, made sense. As it turned out, I put so much energy into getting as healthy as possible during that last pregnancy that I'm now expecting another "last one" :). It's a challenge, but I'm grateful to be able to undertake it. I understand your feelings, there is a sense of mourning when a woman loses the option of childbearing, and that is part of my own gratitude for my babies. It's being forced to give up an option that is a natural part of womanhood. If it doesn't resolve, perhaps adoption would be an option, if the health concern affects your fertility but not your overall health to a huge extent? There are so many children who need loving, mature homes...I get the impression you'd be perfect for at least one of those children, especially being in a position where you appreciate what a gift it is to be able to have a child and have the love that you want to give. I'm sorry you're sad, I'm almost feeling guilty for my own surprise babies right now...

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