What’s the difference — except that health care for children is far cheaper? Please star this question if you liked it, because I am trying to get as many responses to this question as possible, its something that I truly want to have a global perspective on from ALL political sides.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The elderly paid into medicare their whole working life to get it and children of familys that can't afford healthcare already get it.
2 :
The elderly have paid into Medicare their entire lives. Moms and dads are responsible for their children.
3 :
Elderly have already paid for their care through Medicare taxes! I shouldn't have to pay for other peoples 'mistakes' in life. Their state can pay for it, or they can use the emergency room. When is the last time you heard of an emergency room turning down a child for health care?
4 :
I'm only guessing here, but here goes..... The elderly have done a great deal for our country and should be taken care of. People decide to have children and should be responsible for them.
5 :
Many conservative elders enjoy and want Medicare benefits, so conservative politicians have to leave it alone. Over time, the same thing will happen with all of health-care. People will learn that it is a necessary part of living in the US, and politicians will have to leave it alone. The same thing happened with Social Security. Although some conservatives speak of privatizing it, Americans generally don't want politicians to mess with it.
6 :
If "the elderly" have it but others don't, it's not universal. Rethink your question and try again. To get sensible answers your question should ACTUALLY ask what you MEANT to ask.
7 :
The Elderly have payed into the system their whole lives and they have stopped earning a wage. Children have working parents who should be providing them health care. Those children whose parents cannot afford it are often covered through CHIP.
8 :
Yeah, well, somebody mentions Social Security and "Americans don't want politicians to mess with it" : that's exactly the problem, it needs to be messed with, because as noble as its intention was [and with progressive lefties, good intentions are all that's important], it is really nothing but a government run Ponzi scheme of the sort that Bernie Madoff just got busted for. It needs to be privatized or abolished, and given into the hands of those that can actually earn money with it, and not just borrow against it.
9 :
For one thing, children have breeding age parents and breeding age adults are capable of working for a living.
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