Thursday, June 28, 2012

Smokers paying more for health insurance? Why should I pax tax to put your children through public school

Smokers paying more for health insurance? Why should I pax tax to put your children through public school?
As a smoker I would be happy to pay more for health insurance. That is...if I do not have to pay school tax to put others' children through school. My child went to a private school. Having children is a "choice as well" right?
Insurance - 10 Answers

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Another selfish, uninformed citizen. The Children you help to put through school are the ones supporting your retirement.
2 :
Public school is an obligation and is as important as police and fire departments. It may be more important.
3 :
Smoking is definitely an individual choice. Being able to afford private schools is not a choice that everyone has. You are fortunate that you can afford higher premiums on insurance because you smoke and can afford to send your kids to a private school. Good for you, and thanks for your help with those less fortunate.
4 :
Let me start with the fact I smoke. Yes, having children is a choice. (Thank goodness, Roe v. Wade has not been overturned) However, raising productive citizens and members of our society is every citizens responsibility. Countless studies have shown that if we get our children through 12th grade and graduated, the risk of them winding up in prison is significantly lower. Even on the upper end of the spectrum, it costs $10K per child, per year to be in school. It costs over $30K per year to keep someone in jail. Where would you like your tax dollars to go? And if your argument is that you should only pay if you have children in public schools, that's fine. As long as you are OK with your taxes being raised to pay for prisons, because that is what the studies have shown us will happen.
5 :
I agree with you. And I firmly resent my health insurance premiums going to pay for your behavioral caused health issues. I wildly resent my tax dollars and insurance premiums paying for abortions. And I sure resent my social security tax going to pay benefits for retirees and disabled persons, because we all know the program will collapse before *I* can collect anything myself. As you why you have to pay taxes for the local school systems - because it's the law. Land owners pay property tax to fund local schools. If you don't like it, sell your real estate. In a SOCIETY, any society, there is always going to be an element of socialism - take from the individual, pay for something for the group. That's the whole idea behind "society".
6 :
What the hell does smoking and associated health insurance rates have to do with public education?
7 :
There is nothing fair about the tax system in our country, including school taxes. The pro tax bums argue that paying school tax helps keep your community desirable, that people will want to move where the schools are good, so it keeps your property values up. However, I agree with you. If the school systems weren't tied to taxes, they would be funded by those families that use and need them, just like private schools. It would also make it possible for more people to afford alternatives to public schools. Most people can't afford private tuition on top of their school taxes. I, too, paid the double whammy for years-private school tuition coupled with ridiculously high school taxes that were frivolously wasted. Being right just doesn't matter though, does it? And with President Obama we will be taxed even more, on all levels. UGH!!! In another time, this would be "taxation without representation".
8 :
Without addressing whether the fact that everyone who practices unhealthy lifestyle choices from smoking to obesity to risky behavior should pay increased health insurance premiums , property taxation to support the school systems does put an unfair tax burden on property owners whether they have children or not. Not having children, however, I am of the belief that our citizen children deserve the best education to compete in the global marketplace that we can provide. But, I should be able to make the choice as to which programs or schools that I am willing to support with those tax dollars. When I see our annual school budget, I am amazed at the wastefulness, the misuse of funds and programs aimed at teaching English to non-citizens who are performing poorly enough to drag the test scores below NCLB levels. I am incensed when the school is constantly requesting more and increasingly expensive bond measures when I live in a community comprised largely of seniors on limited incomes with no children, renters and people who are paid cash and pay NO taxes but receive free benefits at taxpayer expense. We are presently paying on 4 school bond measures for the next 40 years and there is a 98 million dollar bond measure up for vote during this election. Shouldn't those who don't own property have some financial stake in the school system? Perhaps if they did, our dropout rate would decline from nearly 20% in my community because they would value the education they receive more. As a beneficiary of an excellent school system myself, I know the value of an education but don't want to spend my property tax dollars educating those who don't.
9 :
Smokers pay more for health insurance ONLY with some companies and they do so because the risk is higher -- just like someone who is overweight as well. What that has to do with the public school system is unclear. So should only the people who call the fire deparment have to pay for the fire department. I also put out way more trash than my neighbors, so should I pay more? Think of the PUBLIC school system as a gym membership. It's not the gym's fault if you don't use it. Anyway, I'm not sure why I even answered this question as it's pretty absurd.
10 :
I would like to recommend you possess as much information as you can before taking action,here is a good place for that purpose.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why would the government include $6 billion in fines as part of payment for the new health care plan

Why would the government include $6 billion in fines as part of payment for the new health care plan?
That's a ton of fines for Americans. Don't think that is constitutional. How sad a person will have to decide between feeding their children or buying health care they cannot afford. Thanks spock and DAR I just remembered that the employers may be payiing a ton of it, but since they haven't even taken the time to figure out a half way concrete number it must not matter. I am glad Sen. Hatch has fired on it.
Government - 6 Answers
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Because they know millions won't be able to afford the more expensive premiums, that is why they lowered the penalty and removed the criminal part. It is just going to be a different group not insured, particularly those over 50 but not yet on medicare.
3 :
Give us tangible proof for this prepositions post.
4 :
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-Utah and member of the Senate Finance committee], writing in yesterday's Investor's Business Daily, points out that independent legal researchers concluded that such fines are not permitted by the Constitution. Neither is mandatory health insurance. Nor can high cost health insurance policies be taxed or penalized unless low cost ones are similarly taxed. seems to me that the Democrats are itching to have their precious bill tossed by the Supreme Court.
5 :
The government include $6 billion in fines as part of payment for the new health care plan because to many people the fine cost less than the healthcare. Therefore the poor will still be without healthcare.
6 :
This is what those slim clintons proposed years ago, and people actually cut back on employees. So even though that b@tch did not get elected, she is working behind the scenes, she is a real commie..

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Need info power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child

Need info power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child ?
Do you have power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child ? My son is going to be 18 .I have a few questions .He has multiple diagnoses . On some levels he is age appropriate but on life skills he is bordering 14/15.Now i don't want on his 18th birthday to declare him incompetent because he isn't. I don't want guardianship of an adult child . But he will NEED assist with legal documents college apps Doctors appointments medication management. so i am going to need documentation that i can sign his signature for him and make legal decisions for him and permission to speak to me now that he is an adult .So what steps did you take ? Did to get power of attorney and health care proxy ? did you need a Lawyer or advocate ? or is there another solution ? Thank you Okay to clarify He doesnt comprehend things he is sighning .Legaly after 18 providers and such CANT speek with me as he would be an adult .Yes he can take his own medications as he does but the decision making when he is asked by he providers are not clear to him.
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers

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1 :
I am an adult disabled child I'm 23 i'm disabled from my leg i had leg disease as a child and when i turned 18 they made my mother my provider. i'm considered completely disabled they review me every couple years to make sure i'm still disabled which i am cuz i have no hip in my leg but you can get someone else to be a provider for your son if you dont want to be the government pays my mother to be my provider and she takes care of me you just need to sign papers and we didnt need an attorney. also i sign all my own paper work i dont need my mother and my mother is not my guardian she is just my provider. you can do that with your son if you go do to the social security office they will explain all this to you!
2 :
If you need legal advice regarding your situation, you can try looking at Avvo. It's a website where real lawyers answer your questions, for free. Hope this helps. Megan from Avvo

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Does anyone health benefits that covers a dental spacer for a child

Does anyone health benefits that covers a dental spacer for a child??
My daughter needs a spacer and we are currently going to be covered under health benefits that cover dental as of May 1 2008. I called to see if they cover dental spacers for 8 year olds and they will not tell me until our coverage is active , which will be May 1. Is there anyone who has had a child's dental spacer covered through there dental benefits?? We are going to be covered under Green Shield Canada through my husbands work. Thank you
Dental - 1 Answers
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1 :
You have to wait till you are covered

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do I have to keep kids on health plan after divorce

Do I have to keep kids on health plan after divorce?
I have been divorced for almost 6 yrs and my wife kept our kids. I have them on my health plan and I do pay child support. My ex wife currently got a better job and her insurance is way better than mine and we both agreed to take off my kids off my health insurance. The attorney general's office said no to the idea. I live in Texas, why isn't this possible if we both agreed to it? And yes, her premium is a little higher than mine.
Marriage & Divorce - 8 Answers

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its just the law. Both parents have to carry insurance. Sadly when you get the courts involved...they now tell you how to parent your children.
2 :
If her premium is higher then please explain what is way better about it? Unless your kids have some sort of specific illnesses where a more expensive health coverage makes sense for better treatment options, any basic health care should suffice so you stick with the cheapest one.
3 :
I would ask a lawyer-but I would think if it's 2 kids maybe agree to put 1 child on each of your plans
4 :
Why are you asking the attorney general office? That's an agreement between the 2 of you. If you trust her to do the right thing, then go for it. However, if she is an vindictive women, it might be a good idea to keep things the way they are.
5 :
I'm divorced in Texas to. When my ex had my kids, she kept them on her insurance. Hers was better. I paid extra c/s to cover it. That was approved by the court. Now they live with me. I don't see where the AG office would know about the change in the ins.
6 :
In NY BOTH parents must carry health insurance on the kids by LAW...sounds like Texas requires the same thing.
7 :
Read your divorce decree. If you're obligated to provide health insurance, it'll say so in the Decree. And, most well-drafted decrees cover this situation: if your ex's plan is better, y'all can agree to switch to hers, but now you're supposed to pay her back for the incremental premium for the kids in addition to regular child support. Usually, the Attorney General only gets involved if someone complains that they're not getting their child support.
8 :
In many states, the non-custodial, or in your case, the Possessary Consevator, is required to carry the medical insurance. But, a percentage of the cost of the insurance is a deductible item off your child support, though I don't quite understand how they set the amount. You can do the calculation here. To learn a father's rights, join Dads House in Yahoo Groups. It's free to join and you associate with other fathers going through the same thing. Child Support Modifications & Arrears Negotiating The System Modifying The Order http://Ch11c-Child_Support_Modifications.Dads-House.Org Federal Handbook For Non-custodial Parents http://Www.Pueblo.Gsa.Gov/Cic_Text/Family/Childenf/Noncustodial.Htm Rebuttable Presumptions Modifications http://Ch11d-Child_Support_Rebuttable_Presumption.Dads-House.Org Child Support Trust Funds http://Ch11e-Child_Support_Trust_Funds.Dads-House.Org Contempt Of Court Hearings http://Ch11f-Child_Support_Contempt_Hearing.Dads-House.Org Retroactive Modifications Of Arrears Tax Info http://Ch11g-Child_Support-Income_Tax_Considerations.Dads-House.Org When Support Orders End http://Ch11h-Child_Support_Ends_At_What_Age.Dads-House.Org Modifications Due to New Child http://Ch11i-Child_Support_Adjust_Due_2_New_Child.Dads-House.Org Modification Due Remarriage http://Ch11l-Child_Support_Adjust-Income_Of_2nd_Spouse.Dads-House.Org \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Can a father's health insurance cover the prenatal care of the mother who is carrying the child & the delivery

Can a father's health insurance cover the prenatal care of the mother who is carrying the child & the delivery?
We are covered under separate health insurance plans by our respective employers (she has an HMO, I have a PPO-HSA). There is a local hospital and OB-GYN medical group that is considered to be amongst the best in our area; although insurance does not include the hospital and medical group in their network, mine does. Can the medical bills for the pre-natal care and delivery be covered under my insurance (considering that it as much my child as it is hers) even though has own health insurance that would cover the expenses from a different provider?
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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If the father's insurance is an individual policy (not a family policy) then no, it would not cover the mother's medical expenses for anything, including prenatal delivery. On the other hand, if you have a family policy (covering both of you) then she would be covered. I think she can elect to go under your coverage for the preganacy and delivery, even if she has her own coverage, as long as your policy covers both of you. Your best bet is for you each to check with your respective insurance carriers.
2 :
mother can only use the insurance that she is enrolled in.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Did you know that some of the new Health Care Law goes into effect on Thursday

Did you know that some of the new Health Care Law goes into effect on Thursday?
You can no longer deny Health Care Insurance to a Child for a Pre-existing Condition. Kids can now stay on their Parents Health Care Insurance until they turn 26 yrs old. Insurance Companies can no longer deny coverage once a person gets sick.
Politics - 13 Answers

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You forgot premiums that have gone up as much as a 100%.
3 :
Thank GOD! Many American families have been waiting for this.
4 :
These are some of the only FEW good things that the Healthcare bill had. If only the dems had the guts to stand up to big business and the republicans and do the whole thing right. sigh*** @ pixie, The deal is your premiums went up because this bill did not address the fact that insurance companies have controlled the high costs of healthcare and needed to be stopped.
5 :
yeah,i noticed it a few months ago when my premium went up a hundred not only do you take taxes from my check to support the poor,now you tax my premiums and call it humanity.i call it stealing.
6 :
And I hope you are aware of how much this free health care is going to cost us. @@@
7 :
Thank goodness! There are too many families in this country that have needed this for so long.
8 :
Interesting. Have they done anything to lower costs? This private coop thing from Republicans is really Frankenbill - the worst of both worlds. They need to put public option back in - just expand Medicare or Romney care already, you twits, and get it done with.
9 :
I'll go along with the clause that states that an insurer can not deny or cancel coverage for a condition that was previously covered under your existing contract. Isn't that why we buy insurance in the first place? The rest of it is a bunch of Marxist Socialist Power grabbing irresponsible crap. Anyone can abuse power and distort laws if they a good enough shyster lawyer. Insurance Companies included, so we must consider both sides of each separate issue and place all aspects of these issues in perspective. The Idiot Fool side of this is that piece of crap legislation this corrupt Marxist Administration passed in the first place. Throw out the Congress and give America a chance to follow the Constitution for a change.
10 :
If Obama wants National Health Care, he has to get rid of the health insurance companies. There is no reason for any of us to be TAXED for Obama-care, and having to pay for health insurance too.
11 :
Cue the teabaggers: 'Obama hasn't done anything'.
12 :
Somebody had to do something, when I got sick, and they realized I was going to cost them a lot of money, my health insurance provider figured out a way to retroactively cancel my health insurance. They refunded all of the premiums I paid, and then sent me a bill for all the claims they had paid. And the Tea Bag Republicans claim that we have the best health care in the world, it may be, but only if you can pay for it.
13 :
That is why insurance rates for all of us are multiplying. That is why so many things previously covered by Medicare are not longer covered. That is why, in spite of the Michel's 'health initiative' most insurance companies have stopped coverage for weight loss and quitting smoking programs. You said 'Insurance Companies can no long deny coverage once a person get sick'. Surprise, surprise, most of these people do not pay for or have health insurance plans, most of these people are illegal immigrants. These kids from 18 to 26 years old can continue living non-productive lives, rebelling against parents that do not carry health insurance. Dream Act: It's a nightmare and does nothing for U.S. citizens who has spent their lives living by the rules, paying their taxes and now losing their homes, jobs and depressingly living on food stamps and food banks. This also seems another scheme for parents and teachers to diagnose and find doctors to declare their very young children with Attention Deficit Disorder and give them 'medication', not to help the children but to subdue their children and to receive more government subsidies' Case in point the Riley case now on Court TV where they finally overdosed and killed their two year old. Progressives' and Obamas' goals seem to be to redistribute wealth to not just the in the U.S. but to all the progressive, poverty nations of the world.

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Friday, June 1, 2012

What are your thoughts about a daycare focusing on your child's health and fitness? Would you enroll

What are your thoughts about a daycare focusing on your child's health and fitness? Would you enroll?
I am planning to open a daycare teaching children to love healthy food and learn how to actively play and exercise. I need your thoughts from a parent's point of view and what is the demand for this type of care, like a "daycare". The curriculum would entail the alphabet exemplifying its letters, like "a" for asparagus, apple and apricot, then actively play a game with the letter "a" in it, like "all about action" then the children would learn about actions. I need your thoughts! Please help! Adrienne
Preschool - 3 Answers
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I think it is a good idea. I would enroll my child.
2 :
I would enroll my child. Sounds like a great idea -- seeing how so many little kids are becoming obese - and even morbidly obese. Good idea!
3 :
One of the major things I looked at when choosing a preschool was having a second language integrated into the curriculum. The popular languages right now are Spanish, Chinese, and Sign Language (especially for babies). I didn't even look at schools/daycares that didn't offer it. One of the things I love about my sons current school is the cooking class they do. The kids learn math (measuring), nutrition, cooperation, and the satisfaction of making something they enjoy. This would fit in well with your concept. I also asked about their cleaning schedule (if toys and everything they touch isn't cleaned every day they get sick a lot more often). I also liked that my sons school stresses self-care. Things like brushing their teeth and hair, learning to put on clothes and jackets themselves, washing their hands (and why they should), cleaning up after themselves, etc. I wanted my son to be independent and this helped with that and made him more confident. Another important thing I looked at was student-teacher ratio and what qualifications the teachers/day care providers had. I also asked about what kind of background checks they did. You want to look at the different educational styles and see what each stresses and the benefits to each so you can answer parents intelligently when they ask about your theory/style. There are things like Goddard, Montessori, Waldorf, play based, etc. You don't have to choose just one but you may want to say that you incorporate aspects of each into your curriculum (but only if you do because some parents study this stuff and will quiz you on it). Look at the listings of pre-schools and daycares in your area - call and ask questions as if you were a parent. Your first question should be tell me about your school and why you think it's the best. See what perks your interest and what that schools key selling points are so you know what you should include in your daycare. Daycare isn't just daycare anymore. I know that in my area daycare these days is more pre-school than daycare - no matter what the age we expect you to be building the basis for our child's entire education. Now that parents know the importance of the early years we want our children learning not just being babysat. You also want to look at the regulations for getting state approval. A lot of parents receive subsidies from the government for daycare (especially if you live in an area with a lot of military people) and making sure you are able to get certification from the state, city, and/or military could mean the difference between a ton of profit and struggling to get by. You can also attend conferences for teachers to learn about the latest techniques and theories for pre-school learning. This is a big plus for parents. You can set yourself apart by offering things like: Organic snacks Offer odd-hour and weekend day care for parents with demanding schedules (you can charge a premium for these services). Low student-teacher ratios Bilingual curriculum so the child gets immersion in a language (hire a spanish or chinese speaking assistant if you don't) Look at what other countries teach as far as early childhood education and incorporate what sounds good to you into your curriculum - I was especially impressed with how Japanese schools paired older children with younger children - it teaches and benefits both kids quite a bit. Put a brochure together that lists the important parts of your curriculum. Include separate areas for different ages or different brochures for different ages. Make sure you come up with something with music - whether it's Mozart during craft projects or Beethoven snack time - parents look for this for younger children. There are lots of cheap instruments you can get so you can add a music class. Crafts are important for fine motor skills - the web has tons of good info for pre-school and toddler art. Come up with a cool name for your art curriculum and advertise it as a bonus. Make a simple website for your daycare center - people are much more likely to call you first if they can do a lot of their research at their convenience. Depending on your tech know-how... Some daycares offer a secure service for parents to check in on their kids over the web. They also feel better just knowing it's there so they trust you more (if you're willing to be watched you must not be doing anything wrong). You could probably get a college kid to put a site like this together for you and set up the webcams for a reasonable price. This is a major plus parents are willing to pay a premium for - they feel safer knowing they can peek in on their kid at any time. Hope this helped - email me if you have any questions!

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