what are the health risks of putting a child in a vehicle that heats up to 104 -110 degrees for 90 Mins ?
yesterday while waiting to pick my son up from school a security officer told me I was not allowed to open my sliding van doors for ventilation for my 4 year old daughter, Because of that my van heated up to 104 degrees. by the time I got my son and got home my 4 yr old had stopped sweating even thought she had 2 bottles of ice wter to drink. I have no AC in my van at this time. when I went in this morning to talk to the Vice Principle, I was basically told that it was my problem not hers but that if it was an animal in the vehicle she would call the cops for animal crulety. What do you think I should do?
Other - Health - 3 Answers

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1 :
okay first of all it is your vehicle and no one can tell you what to do. Also it isnt even illegal to dirve without doors as long as you are secured. think of it like a jeep. Plus it would be child endangerment to stay in a vehicle for that long. my suggestion would be look for a tree to go stand under with your child while waiting for the other. Take a small blanket to sit on. Make the best of your situation and remember its your kid, your van, so dont let some jack ass tell you different.
2 :
Health risks? Uhhhhhh...DEATH!!!! Use your brain; park your van, take your daughter out, and go inside the school to get your son. Then make a report to the health dept. ot the school board. Why would you go 1 1/2 hours early to pick up your son anyway? If you don't know the dangers of having kids in hot vehicles, you don't deserve custody of them.
3 :
Well first you should think - gee, why did I not just get out of the car? And gee, if you aren't sweating, that means you're dehydrated? After you make steps to NEVER let this happen to your child again, then you can file a complaint with the Administrator. If you get no where go to the school board. You might also want to talk with the local police to have a chat with the school. |