die under Obama's health care plan? What about your child who has terminal cancer that doesn't have a high "projected" chance of being cured and the beaurocrat says he is not worth the expense either?
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Shoot him and see how fast he gets health care.
2 :
I'd say I'd move away... but that isn't true. There isn't better care elsewhere. Just more socialist systems that will tell me my loved ones are worth MY tax money.
3 :
Well you can't go to Canada, the UK, etc since their own socialistic healthcare has killed hundreds of their own people. Maybe we will take a trip to to the Caribbean and go to some voo-doo witchdoctor.
4 :
Cry for me Argentinaaaaa LMAO that's what I'll tell them. Then we all will have a good laugh and feel alllll better.
5 :
What do you do when some health insurance peon tells you that.*
6 :
I think you are confused, what you are describing is exactly what happens now, thanks to the greed of health insurance corporations.
7 :
Where does that happen? Because it doesnt happen in countries with UHC
8 :
A bureaucrat is far more likely to treat an individual than someone who has to make a profit for their shareholders. Why does the AMA quiver in fear over the PUBLIC OPTION? Is it because taking the profit margin out of medicine means that more people can get care for the same amount of money? The Armed Forces have a kind of socialized medicine; would you say that they get inferior coverage? I don't mind you not using your spell checker, even though Yahoo provides one. I do mind you glossing over the fact that for-profit health plans dump people out of coverage much more often than socialized medicine. And that is a fact.
9 :
I hope you had time to listen to the question and answer town hall meeting on ABC tonight---it was extended to be on Nightline as well. The negative tone of your questions suggests that you missed seeing it, though. You have to listen carefully to the points he makes or you will keep on suggesting that "bureaucrats" (I assume you are referring to the proposed "public plan" President Obama wants to have included in the final health care reform bill) will somehow diminish patient care or quality of care. There is a chance you are just a lobbyist for the health care industry eager to preserve the unrestricted (unregulated) candy trough for your piggish multi-billion dollar corporations' spoiled-brat executives and are trying to plant propaganda to scare people. This question was actually addressed in the Town Hall meeting tonight. A woman who's mother is still alive and functioning at age 105 needed a pacemaker at age 99, and one doctor did not want her to have this procedure; however, her personal physician recommended it because of her spunk---he thought the risk was worth it, but her private insurance would not pay for the procedure. Medicare did pay---a public option that the insurance companies are against having so they can keep on raising premiums 110x cost-of-living rates, with no checks and balances, and then deny payment due to profit margins instead of patient need. Your argument is false, sir or ma'am. The bureaucrats about which you speak are in the private for-profit insurance companies or in the administration side of major hospitals. Don't be fooled, people---this is propaganda. Did you know that pharmaceutical lobbyists on K Street in Washington D.C. outnumber our elected representatives 4.5 to 1? Wonder which of our representatives have stock in health-care related companies? Which representatives meet with the lobbyists, and what are they given to induce them to block health care reform? These are the real questions the public needs to know. My guess is lobbyists and their stooges are going to be coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches, trying to defeat any attempt to re-regulate or reform their respective corporations/industries even if the proposed changes are good for Americans. They are like a hungry cat who growls ferociously while gobbling down the food on their plate, but scratching anyone who even tries to eat food off any other plate---they want it ALL, the greedy villains.
10 :
This is why I want to just keep things the way they are. Anyone who does not believe it going to be bad needs to go stand behind the illegal aliens in the emergency room line.
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