Saturday, February 28, 2009

How will this mother pay for her children's health care

How will this mother pay for her children's health care?
Father of 4 children, doing pretty well for himself, making over $70,000 per year abandons homemaker wife and 4 children 10, 8, 5 and 3 years old. She has been a homemaker all throughout the marriage. She has gets a job at making $15,000 per year but does not get health insurance from employer and really cannot afford to buy insurance on her own. Meanwhile her husband has disappeared and is paying no child support. When the 4 children get sick, and when the mother gets sick, or if they want to have preventative routine healthcare and dental care, how will they get medical your vision of how american health care. Before you answer, please take into consideration that the 5 people in question, the mom and the 4 children did nothing wrong, and are actually victims, just like many other americans have not necessarily done anything wrong when their employers lay them off or other calamities occur. Please please please, if you believe our current system is adequate for dealing with this situation, please be very specific how it would be dealth with..especially the part about routine doctors visits and dentist visits and preventative care. I am not getting specificity on how they would get health care. People seem to be avoiding going into detail..why I dont know.
Politics - 17 Answers

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1 :
It happens all the time. The government already has programs, such as WIC, to help single mothers. She also needs a better job and her ex hubby can be found if he is working.
2 :
Can you elaborate on "disappeared"? The mother should be able to get the police or a PI to track him down, and get him to pay child support. Every year it gets harder for deadbeat dads to operate in the US without paying child support. Now, you can't get a passport or a driver's license in most states if you aren't up to date. Unless he skipped the country, they will find him.
3 :
Under her circumstances she would qualify for what is already offered. Medicare/Medicaid.
4 :
She fits the model to qualify for medical care for her children. But why is the father not responsible for their health care?
5 :
Crap happens, she can get aid from the state, all she has to do is look for it, it wont come to her.
6 :
They are eligible for WIC and welfare including medical care.
7 :
My first question is, why isn't she getting child support? If she was married to this man and can prove paternity, she has all the right to get money to support them.
8 :
Here's what I'd do... 1. Contact the appropriate local authorities and have my husbands wages garnished...when he eventually works...this is traced by his social security number. 2. Look to friends, family, the church, local charities, and EVEN THE DENTISTS AND HOSPITALS, who do pro-bono work in special situations (I know I do it). 3. I'd immediately look for a better paying job...if I don't have the skills for it now, I'd get them fast...I wouldn't sit as pity myself indefinitely...or hope that everyone will socialize medicine so my status can remain as it is.
9 :
They should hunt down the father and make him pay support and cover their health insurance just like they do in all states. There are ways to find him. SS#, Driver's license, etc. He needs to foot the bill. I'm sure they qualify for free care until that happens under medicaid.
10 :
She and her children qualify for medicaid as it is in place right now. She also has the legal rights to garnish his wages directly from his paycheck in order to get child support. But she is not completely innocent. She did have sex and 4 children with a man who was capable of leaving his children in poverty. He obviously could not have shown any good moral standing during their relationship, but choose to reproduce with him anyway.
11 :
She should check with her state and see if they have a health care program for low income families. These plans are usually quite rich and extremely cheap.
12 :
I think that all deadbeat dads should have to have the words tattooed on their faces - that way, every woman that comes into contact with him knows what a loser she is. But our system does have things in place to help people like this. WIC and Medicaid, and I'm sure her state probably has some programs, too. The husband shouldn't be all *that* hard to track down - I know the state of Alaska helps track down deadbeat dads; they'll garnish his dividend checks and his pay checks to help the mom and the kids out. I agree 100% that our system is broken - especially our health care system. I just don't think our federal government is properly equipped to run it - it's just too large of a bureaucracy. Edit: I don't know how much more specific I could be. I have never had to deal with the system, so I can't tell you how she needs to navigate it. Nor do I know what state she's in, and what type of help they'll offer her.
13 :
APPARENTLY SOME ANSWERERS JUST DON'T GET IT get a better job (This coming from someone who's party thinks the minimum wage is too high and has enabled corporations through-out the U S A to out-source) I know several women that have been left without getting the court ordered child support, even when they know where they are, the courts are way too lax in enforcement of this.
14 :
I was laid off from my job a few years ago and my wife made about $25,000 at her job. We had 4 children to feed, along with house payments, car payments (so she could get to work and I could go looking for work), and so on. We applied for, and got accepted to, Minnesota's U-Care program (the state's Medicaid program). We also received WIC to buy milk, cheese, cereal, etc. Edit: There are programs available. They are administered by the states, and the mother would need to contact her state's Human Services Department (or whatever it is called in that state) to get information on how to get coverage. And yes, they do cover routine doctor visits, preventive care, and dental. In fact, it was better than the current insurance I now have through my employer.
15 :
They would get health care the same way my family got health care, until I got my act together and got education and a good job. You go to the county medical center (Refereed to as the Emergency Room in the news media) and you get triage and your financial history checked then you see a doctor and get your prescription. If you are in the military or use the VA it's the same thing just a different facility. This is social medicine in America. I've lived in poorer parts of the world and they think even this standard of health care is paradise. Even the UK has a separate medical system for those who what to pay extra to jump ahead in line. Their doctors do national health care in the morning and for fee in the afternoons.
16 :
Depending on the state, she should qualify for either Medicaid or at least SCHIP for the kids. The local health department also will provide considerable preventive care. Most doctors provide some pro bono care, usually in the order of 10% of their practice, and her husband can't hide forever. It would be nice if we had some level of basic care available to all, but it seems we'll never be able to agree on what level that would be, so one has to game the system as best he can.
17 :
I would start by going to the Dept.of Families and Children,Tell them what happened and see if they will give them medicaid,foodstamps and some cash, She'll have to file an abandonment case against her husband so the state can go after him for child support. I hope she gets the help she needs and deserves,Lord knows their are plenty of lazy people out there getting help when they can get up and go to work!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What if I don't want my child on my health insurance until he's 26

What if I don't want my child on my health insurance until he's 26?
How many 26 year olds still need to be on Mommy and Daddy's insurance? Even if you go to school full time, aren't most colleges a 4 year deal and you'd graduate by 22/23 max? Do you think parents need to be supporting their children into their mid-twenties? *provisions in the health care bill include one to keep children on their parents health insurance until age 26.* Ok, do you want your 30 year old adult child on your health insurance and dependent upon you? Where do you stop being the enabler and start letting a child face some tough choices of do what you have to or there will be consequences?
Parenting - 15 Answers
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1 :
26 year old male needs to be doing grown man things, not depending on his parents. How is he supposed to eventually provide for his future fam? My parents have given me until I graduate [22] to get off their insurance. There's no problem in helping him out, but insurance... he needs to be able to buy some on his own.
2 :
That's insane. A 26 - year - old is a grown adult, not someone who should be dependent on Mommy and/or Daddy. Unless my son (forbid) ends up having some kind of serious medical problem that prevents him from supporting himself, he will not be on my insurance at 26. I was paying my own way before 19. If I can do it, so can he.
3 :
Unfortunately, statistics show that it is becoming increasingly more common for children to remain a dependant on their parent until AFTER their thirtieth birthday- I know plenty of 26 year olds who have been through University and have been unable to find a job! I was almost one of them! I was only able to find a job because I was prepared to take ANYTHING- I found a job in childcare, that's a far cry from the job I had studied for (microbiologist), I'll be staying in the human services and public servitude industries- they pay better and there is a LOT more work available.
4 :
i think that is ridiculous unless the child is still at mind a child. if he/she had a disability and couldn't work to get their own insurance. however a healthy 26 year old needing to be on mom and dads insurance is absurd. i am 24 with 2 soon to be 3 children and have had my own insurance since i was 18. i started working got my own and then once i got married i was put on my husbands along with the children. it can be done and should be.
5 :
Wow... I've had my own health insurance since 19...I'm 26 now, so would that mean my parents could cover my daughter too?? That'd be so weird! Sad enough I do see people on fb I went to highschool with who are my age and are still dependants going to college ( for 4 yr degrees ) as for my child, I dunno I wouldn't mind having her on my group insurance, but I would make her pay by 21
6 :
...I think having health insurance into my mid twenties would have been nice. I mean if you don't need it that's great but the age of financial stability and keeps getting later and later. It seems like there's lots of people i know that have a degree and are still working some random small time job because they cant get a job. I couldn't get financial aid to go to college until i was 24 because my parents wouldn't pay for it (and neither could i), but i had to include their income to qualify. If they're going to set up ANYTHING in the system so that you depend on your parents into your twenties then lets extend some benefits as well. If they didn't expect you to be under your parents to get money for school so that you could get that great job then i would say that extending health insurance wouldn't be needed.
7 :
If your child doesn't have their own health insurance, wouldn't you want to keep them on yours as long as possible? This is the health of your child you are talking about. Yes, a 26 year old should be supporting themselves and not relying on their parents, but isn't the health of your child the most important thing in the world, and isn't everything else, including the fact that the child may be a bum or a mooch, second to that?
8 :
Ours insurance says they can be on the insurance till they are 24. It doesnt cost any more to have them on the policy. If they werent on the policy it would cost them an enormous amount to buy their own unless they are provided it through employment. I think its wonderful. If there is anything I can do to help my child stay in college and be healthy and worry free I am doing it. As for time...most 4 year degrees take 5 years unless you go summers. And these days a bachelors program doesnt get you a job, you have to continue and get a ms or even phd. I dont think allowing your son to stay on your insurance is "supporting" him financially. Supporting him would be paying his tuition, living expenses, books, recreation etc.
9 :
What's the big deal? if it costs more money for you, simply ask him to come up with the difference.Health insurance, bought privately is expensive and a lot of jobs do not offer it.I would keep them on my policy.If it costs me more and I feel as though I am supporting my "adult child", I would simply ask for the difference and co payback.It would be cheaper for them yet they are still covered.
10 :
you never know some people mature slower, some might have special needs, it can come in handy if you are going to grad school.
11 :
No. Parents should not support their kids. But, if my kid was still in school and wanted to be on my insurance, I would require my kid to pay me the premium for his or her insurance.
12 :
That's ridiculous, the government has no business mandating such a thing of insurance companies. if the insurance companies want to elect to allow people to claim their kids on their insurance for that amount of time, that should be up to the insurance companies, not the government.
13 :
This is one of the things about the health care bill that doesn't infuriate me. Rather, it reinforces my opinion that this bill isn't thought through anywhere near well enough. It's literally being passed for political power reasons. Private insurance plans have covered dependent children up to the age of 24/25 for a long time. My father's plan would have covered me until then. I graduated and got a job 5 months later. It wasn't a great job, but it did have health insurance. But I don't think I was taking advantage of anyone by staying on the plan while I was in school. I don't see paying for your child's health insurance while they are in school full time as coddling them. Having the government mandate it however? Nah. Colleges do offer minimal health coverage. You're not allowed to waive the coverage unless you have your own I believe. It's been 14 years...I can't remember 100% for sure.
14 :
I didn't take any time off or any extra years and did not graduate law school until i was 24. My husband didn't take time off (did add two extra years because he transferred schools after his masters degree and had to start over at his new school), and didn't get his phd until he was 27. and he still finished before our good friend who took no time off but was getting an md/phd. the new health care bill wouldn't *require* people to keep their kids on their plan after they are adults, but would allow them to. it provides some option where parents are okay with it for the many of us who got advanced degrees and did not yet have a full-time job with benefits, so really needed the insurance coverage from somewhere during that period. what's wrong with that? surely that option should come from somewhere? it would be pretty ironic if all our future doctors were going without health insurance. 30% of young adults are uninsured. That needs a correction, don't you think? It's not new, either ... 30 states already have similar legislation.
15 :
Ok i have mixed emotions on this. I am all in favor of people being adults and not staying with their parents forever. However I have been paying rent and living on my own since 19 and because of that I could not afford to go to school full time and did not graduate until 26. I know many people who also did not graduate until later in their 20's . The 4 year degree is getting longer and longer as college prices rise and some people go part time to avoid or diminish their loan payment. I was in bind myself. The Federal government considers you a dependent of your parents until 22 in terms of assistance (grants, pell grants aide etc) unles you are married or have a child. I was single paying all my own bills and still had to use their income to fill out the FASFA and got very little aide because of it. So i could only go part time to college which then made me get dropped from my parents health insurance because you had to be a full time college student to get it till 22. I worked but my hourly wage job did not offer health insurance. I still have at almost 30 ER bills from back then in the thouasands of dolloars from being uninsured. I worked and went to school and could not afford primary care and made to much for Medicaid. It is a horrible place to be. I wanted to give up on school and eveything so many times. I think that allowing kids to stay on till 26 is a great idea because of my expericne. However I can see where some people would take advantage

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Friday, February 20, 2009

i pay child support and health coverage.. can i get my child support reduce because this bills are killing me

i pay child support and health coverage.. can i get my child support reduce because this bills are killing me?

Law & Ethics - 8 Answers

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1 :
Don't ask me, I am not the judge.
2 :
3 :
You would have to go back to court for the amount to be changed
4 :
5 :
You would need to go back to court and probably bring all your bills and explain why you can't make the monthly payment you are making. Seriously just take your paycheck stubs and all your bills. But if your trying to get out of paying well then....that's wrong. I do think you should pay child support, but if you are having a hard time with monthly bills then it should be reduced.
6 :
No, you cannot. Child support is based soley on your income, and your bills and any other expenses are not taken into consideration at all. (Don't try sending less, if you are paying personally, otherwise the FRO (Family Resonsibilty Office-you can look them up in the blue pages..under government listings) will make a direct deduction from your pay cheque. Good luck!
7 :
The ONLY way to get a relevant answer is to answer these questions. 1. WHEN was the last support / modification order issued? 2. In what state was the last support / modification order issued? 3. How many days a year do you have visitation / custody? 4. What are you ordered to pay in the last support / modification order? 5. What change of circumstances can you prove that would allow the court to modify the order?
8 :
The only way to reduce child support payment is request it. Then you would have to show the following: 1) that you don't earn the same as you did when the amount was first factored. 2) that your time with the children has increased thereby changing the equation used to factor child support. 3) that your ex spouse's earnings are far greater than your which makes you eligible for a lower support amount. Your bills and other costs are not reviewed when a child support amount is created. Good luck.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Does anyone here pay for their Health Insurance (and child's Health Insurance) out of pocket

Does anyone here pay for their Health Insurance (and child's Health Insurance) out of pocket?
My husband, son and I have Blue Cross PPO (Anthem) and we've had this for 3 yrs. now (since getting married in 2006). In 2007 we increased our deductible when our son was born and added him to the policy. We originally had a $1,500 deductible, then after our son was born we changed it to $2,500 and added him to our policy. The Blue Cross plan is a Shared PPO, BUT the deductible is individual (we all have to meet the $2,500 individually before Blue Cross picks up the remainder). AND we have a $35 co-pay for Office Visits. Anyway, Blue Cross just increased our premium by $100 per month! for NO REASON! They just increased the premium at the beginning of the year (which they apparently did to everyone). So, now we're paying a little over $350 per month for our Blue Cross coverage with the same coverage that we were getting for $250 per month. So, we're thinking of increasing our deductible again! (if there is anything higher, ugh!) Anyway, my question is: Is $350 per month an 'average' amount to pay for a Shared PPO plan (for 3 people) with an individual $2,500 deductible? and a $35 co-pay for office visits? I am just curious what other people pay for their Health Insurance for their family (including children)? This coverage is NOT through an Employer, we pay strictly out of pocket. It has never been through an Employer, we signed up for the Policy independantly. Also, this Policy is strictly Health; it does not cover any dental or vision. I live in California, would that be a factor in the premium?
Newborn & Baby - 10 Answers
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1 :
we have blue cross. our welness ded. is 2500 per year for myself, my husband and my daugther. they raised our monthly premium by 75 dollars. i asked them why, its because of your "wellness score". every 6 months they go through every file and determine a "risk factor" . the only way to chagne that is to increase your deductible. it sucks, but its worth it to have health insurance i suppose. it just makes me mad to see women that dont work and COULD BE WORKING and they get everything for free, including health insurance. ooo to be an american..
2 :
I've heard of people paying more than that. My dad paid around 500 dollars a month for just me and him with United health Care. But your deductible is really high for it being individual. My Fiance has BCBS of Tennessee and he pays 145 dollars a month and with a 1500 deductible, which I think is still high. I personally think BCBS is high in general though.
3 :
I pay 20 dollars for my health insurance through work Medicaid for my daughter, but if i had her for my insurance at work she would be an extra 50 a month. 350 is alot!
4 :
Sounds high to me. I have BC/BS PPO with no deductible and a $25 office copay. It is $1540 per quarter for a family regardless of how many dependants there are (so, a little over $500/mo). But, that $500/mo includes medical, dental, vision, and an accidental death policy. I have no idea how much it would be if it were just medical, but I imagine it would be close to what you are paying. But, the coverage is very different. Are you sure BC/BS upped the premium or is your employer simply paying less toward the coverage and passing on more of the cost to you?
5 :
My husband initially had us all on the same Blue Cross plan and it was around $400 a month. We found out though that if our daughter and I were on our own individual policy that it is way cheaper. I have no idea why but it is. Now we pay like $240 on our individual policy( for both health and dental) While, my husbands insurance is taken out of his paycheck. I believe our deductible is $1000 and our copay is $30.
6 :
I will be honest, I don't know much about insurance. This is what we deal with though: BBBS insurance through my husbands work, $2k deductible for the hospital, $250 deductible for the emergency room, and 25% co pay on any bill filed. Scripts are on a $250 deductible per person, per year. We have 3 kids, and him and I. He's paying $332 per month out of his pay for the insurance. And we are in a town of 26,000, in one of the cheapest places in the country to is HIGH!!! Our $5400 tax return is almost ALL going to medical bills. I have to have my gallbladder out on the 20th, and even with insurance it's looking like it will run(after insurance) $1500 as an out patient procedure! They wouldn't cover a penny of my $2600 tubal! They said "we don't cover birth control, we make more if you keep getting pregnant".
7 :
We live in Canada, where in MOST provinces it is free. However, in British Columbia it is not completely free. My husband has all of us on his insurance through work, where they do pay a portion. He gets deducted $56 a month I believe for the 3 of us.
8 :
My husband has Atlantis Heals Insurance and we pay $350.00 per month for one person. And on top of it if he does not want to pay co-pays he has to go to the Atlantis clinic. Anyways after reading all answers I am thinking of canceling that coverage and buy something different - we are paying way too much for one person. Thanks for the nfo
9 :
My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here is a good one.
10 : - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

how do you think would the health state of a school age child affect his development

how do you think would the health state of a school age child affect his development?

Grade-Schooler - 1 Answers

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1 :
Sick kids don't grow well, they can't play well and they sure as heck can't learn well. It diminishes all the things a child should be doing during childhood to be ill.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

i pay child support for health insurance and i have another creditor taking 25% of my pay can they do this?

i pay child support for health insurance and i have another creditor taking 25% of my pay can they do this?
Insurance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sure, why not? It does occur to me that when the amount you pay in child support was figured out, the 25% that was being taken by someone else should have entered into the equation. Did it?

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to start a hoe health agency for medicaid children in Texas

How to start a hoe health agency for medicaid children in Texas?
I am an RN and we are in need of a Home Health Agenciy where children in Foster Homes or at their own homes can receive proper medical care requiested by their Docs.I need to know the if thre is a handbook on the rules and regs that will guilde me in setting such a Home Health Agency in business that meets all the requirements of the State of Texas. If isthere is, I would be ever so grateful for a copy of this to be sent to me ASAP. My telephone is 972-935-3743. Thanks to anyone for their assistance.
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers

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1 :
There is a health agency for hoes????
2 :
How many hoe's you got that they need their own health care?
3 :
I think it is a great idea to look out for the hoes. Hoes need support too! Maybe you can get Don Imus to back your Hoe Health Agency. EDIT: umm, Lady Di, I wouldn't post a phone number online. You will have trolls calling you all day long...

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can anyone help me with my home work.list implications within child protection.recording signs of ill health

Can anyone help me with my home work.list implications within child protection.recording signs of ill health?

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
ill health : 1) dark cirlcles under the eyes, puffy eyes 2) black and blue marks healing or new, 3)joint movement pain 4)pain on urination 5) pain on coughing 6) oain on palpitaion 6)unusual RBC or any of the CBC the list is endless...e mail me with the specifics

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