my ex hired an attorney. we have a support hearing coming up.i don't have an attorney do i need one? the kids have lived with me over one year. all i want to do is have support order from the court.he says the only reason he got the attorney is he thinks the system is unfair. and also have him to carry health insurance on the kids he can get a better plan than i have he works for the postal service. he had all the right the kids address was his they were to be living at his house.because of school he lives a block away from school i live a least two miles from school so now i lose time at work because they don't have bus transporting. so i have to leave work to get them to school. the kids are now 17 and one to be 16 soon.there is no way they can move back home he moved his girlfriend and her children in so my kids don't even have a place to sleep at his house anymore.
Marriage & Divorce - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would most definetly. I always hire a lawyer for any kind of legalities. Did you do your own paperwork? I mean if you are going to go to court, you will have to represent yourself and if you feel comfortable doing that, you wont need one. If you arent famililear with the court system, i would get a lawyer. They have certain terminology they use and understand the system and sometimes they know the judge or the type of personality the judge has. You dont have to worry though b/c the kids have lived with you over a year, especially if they are very young. Also, your husband will automatically have to put your kids on his health insurance as a court order if this is what you want. I had to do this too and i also have health insurance too. All men think child support and custody is unfair once separated or divorced. I dont mean to put men down, but when it comes to raising kids they have no idea how much it costs and all the sacrifices we make to care for them when we arent married. Good luck to you and dont let your ex scare you. they always try every tactic in the book to try to take the kids or pay less money. They are all the same.
2 :
You need an attorney. He can screw you out of any help., if you don't. Ask for child support and for him to keep the children on his insurance, and for him to pay half of any medical or schooling expenses they may incur. If you own a home, you can also ask for use of the home until the children are grown, and if you are not working, spousal support. Be sure to get an attorney, even if it is a legal aid attorney. go to this site, if you do not have the money for a lawyer. It is called Legal aid and they are free or they will charge according to what you can afford.
3 :
Your husband has hired an attorney so he can get the best deal possible out of this custody hearing. The attorney does represent you or the children. If you want the children (and yourself) to get what they deserve than yes, you need to have an attorney representing you. He hired an attorney under the guise the the system is unfair, which means he will have to pay more than he wants to. The attorney is there so he will pay as little as possible. You don't want orders that end when they are 18 years old, but when they graduate high school OR graduate from college. You will only get these benefits if they are addressed properly in the support documents.
4 :
I wouldnt be too worried that he has an attorney, because he is correct that the system is unfair. He will need an attorney more than you because 99% of the time the judge will put a ruling out in the mothers favor, Im sure he is trying to more custody out of the situation. Unless you think that he is going to be going for the worst case scenario, then I would hire a lawyer but if not I wouldnt think much of it. I hired an attorney for my case and my ex didnt, and the only reason I did was to get more visitation rights.
5 :
I guess it would depend on the state you live in. I live in PA, and I have never used an attorney for support. PA has strict guideline that they go by for support. And here, no attorney could help him get out of that for any reason. So I always feel comfortable going on my own. I would probably call the office where you filed to see if they also have strict guidelines, or if the support order is negotiable. If there are strict guidelines, then you wouldn't have to spend the money on an attorney!
6 :
i would hire an attorney, either that or try to go through the state you live in. i do not think you NEED to hire one, but for you to understand all the attorney lingo and exactly what is happening with your case then i would get one.
7 :
I don't know of any reason why he shouldn't want to provide protection for his children through his health insurance plan, but if you do not get that covered, you might want to check out a separate plan just for them. United Healthcare offers "kids only" health insurance plans that provide children's coverage for sickness and accidents. Their plans are written through school districts and many private K12 schools throughout the US. Their health plan is designed to be affordable, at just $98 every 2 months. Check out to see if your child's school district (or private school) is participating. Click on the "Plans & Pricing" tab, enter the district name or private school name and the state in the search box and review the plans.
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