Monday, February 28, 2011

If your child lives out of the state can they still be under the same health insurance

If your child lives out of the state can they still be under the same health insurance?

Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers

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1 :
Yes, my brothers live out of state and have my fathers' insurance. I think it depends on the company though
2 :
yes, insurance agencies have a "travel"plan.
3 :
Usually yes, although it really depends on the type of health plan you have. Also, again depending on the type of plan you have, even if your child is on your plan, he or she might not be able to get access to doctors and hospitals that participate with your insurance plan. What I mean is that if you have a HMO (health maintenance organization) or PPO (preferred provider organization) plan, you only receive full coverage if you see someone in the HMO’s network. If your child lives in a state without network doctors or hospital, he or she might be on your plan but still wouldn’t be able to get full health benefits. It’s much easier to figure out with a traditional fee-for-service (FFS) plan of course, because your child would be able to visit most any doctor or hospital and still be covered – although most FFS plan do not cover regular doctor visits and other preventive medicine costs. So, I’d call your insurance company or a local insurance agent. is an excellent way to find information about health plans in your area. You fill out a short form, and they will send you free information on health insurance plans. You’ll also get a chance to talk with state-licensed health insurance agents near you. There’s no cost or obligation, and MostChoice won’t use your information for any purpose apart from matching you with local health plans and agents. So stop by and fill out the form. Agents should call you within two days and have your questions ready. You can find it here: Hope this helps, Barnes @ MostChoice.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

can a child with meningitis and severe paralysis be infectious to a health care woker taking care of him

can a child with meningitis and severe paralysis be infectious to a health care woker taking care of him?

Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
yes get out of there as quick as you can also make sure not to catch cancer
2 :
This is from the CDC: "Yes, some forms of bacterial meningitis are contagious. The bacteria can mainly be spread from person to person through the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions. This can occur through coughing, kissing, and sneezing. Fortunately, none of the bacteria that cause meningitis are as contagious as things like the common cold or the flu. Also, the bacteria are not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been." Hopefully precautions are taken and it won't be a problem.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

If I marry a Canadian citizen will my child benefit of health insurance

If I marry a Canadian citizen will my child benefit of health insurance.?
I am a European citizen and am engaged with a Canadian citizen. My child suffers from a heart disese that exceeds doctor's competence in my country. I want to know if I marry my fiance will my child benefit of free heath care in Canada, of free of charge investigations? Thank you very much, this is urgent!!! I wanted to add that my son is 6 years old. My son is from my previous marrage that ended in 2004. So if he doesn't get adopted by my fiance he can't benefit from health insurance? So what i am interested in is his health insurance and not citiyenship necesarily but that would be a very good question too! Thanks everybody, I appreciate your efforts!
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers

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1 :
Only if you live in Canada and pay taxes to the Canadian Government. Contrary to popular belief, universal health care is not "free". It is supported by the taxpayers. Move to Canada. Your child can take advantage of Canadian Health benefits as long he is a legaly admitted resident of Canada.
2 :
this is child your fiance's if so then he is gurantee citizen of canada therefore have rights to the health care provided by canada otherwise your fiance must adopt and make it legal that the child will be his in order to gain citizenship............
3 :
Your fiance does not have to adopt your son for him to recieve health care in Canada. You do how ever have to be legal residents of Canada for three months and then you will be covered as Canadian residents

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If I have a child at 14 (I'm 13 now,) will the child be healthy? And what about me? Will I be good health wise

If I have a child at 14 (I'm 13 now,) will the child be healthy? And what about me? Will I be good health wise?
I'm quite mature for my age, and love chidren. I always have. At kindy and pre-school, I used to treat the other children like they were my children. Ha-ha. What do you guys say? Yes or no? I like to see different points of veiw. What is a 'troll' anyway? =\
Pregnancy - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Even if you're "mature for your age" you aren't mature enough to have a kid. The fact that you're even thinking about having one is evidence enough. You have most of your life left for your future kids - why don't you just enjoy still being one while you can?
2 :
NO. Your body has not finished growing. How exactly are you planning to support this baby?
3 :
4 :
5 :
DON'T DO IT . ill barley be able to do this at 16 a 13/14 year old doing it on purpose is ridiculous . At least at 16 you could get a job and still wouldn't be in middle school OMG YOUR SUCH A TROLL , YOU SAID YOU WERE 16 AND ALREADY PREGNANT .NOW ON HERE YOU SAY YOUR 13 AND THINKING ABOUT GETTING PREGNANT .THINGS LIKE THIS AREN'T A JOKE SWEETHEART -No your not a troll your a ignoramous
6 :
VERY BAD IDEAL!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 :
Definitely NO. You should be able to answer this for yourself. Babies shouldn't have babies. You need to graduate high school and make a life for yourself before even thinking about having one of your own.
8 :
umm ur a kid and u want to get pregnant? thats strange ur mom didnt raise u well. at ur age i was still playing and have my youth.u cant even get a job at 14 ...
9 :
u have issues and need to find out what is causing that void in ur life to make u think that a baby will make everything better.... its a baby not a dog... they take lots of time and money and patience.... ur 14 u cant even legally have a job yet.... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH KIDS THESE DAYS?
10 :
What are you thinking? I don't care how mature you think you are you are NOT mature enough to have a child. Loving children is not being a mother! If you have a child at your age then you will be telling all the people who pay taxes, here raise my child for me because Im too young and uneducated!
11 :
Do you have a full time job to support this child? What about a car in your name? A driver's license? Your own home? Your own insurance? Grow up, it's what's best for you AND your future children.
12 :
Definetely NOT. Honey, you are way to young, whether you are mature or not for your age does NOT mean you can go and have a baby!!!! Maybe you should talk to your Mom, she will definetely know whats best for you.
13 :
It depends on your family health history. It has nothing to do with age.
14 :
Put it this way your bits and pieces down below would be ripped appart during birth due to your body not being mature. I would pity a child if you had one.
15 :
How about HELL NO!!!! You are a child yourself.I am 32 and having my first and I'm still worried I'm not ready.Enjoy being a kid.If you love kids so much then become a camp counselor.I was always very good with kids when I was your age too.I worked at a dance school.I NEVER had the urge to be a mother until I met the right man.We met 6 years ago and are finally starting our family.We are both scared but very ready at this point in our lives.Please wait,please.God bless.
16 :
i thought you were 16 and already pregnant?;_ylt=AmQgCW2lV5OnCruv1OFHtxbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090118220858AAWCxYY get a life. i hope to god u never become a mother.
17 :
Honey, If you have to ask if you would be okay to have a baby the answer is probably, well, is just plain no. Your only 13 hun, you'll change your mind trust me on that!
18 :
NO The fact you even THINK your capable at 13 is a sign your not mature enough. At 13-14 can you honestly say? -you have your OWN house -your boyfriend has a decent job (not just a paper round) to support both of you. - You have finished your education -you have had fun,experienced life first?!? come on sweetheart its a RIDICULOUS idea, you shouldn't even be having sex!
19 :
You're 16, you're 14, and now you're 13? Your previous asked questions don't add up to this. Grow up, however old you are, and keep your legs closed for the rest of your life!
20 :
whats with all the babies wanting to have babies forget it your all to young
21 :
not a good idea. You should be married and share this special time with your husband first. And how would you get pregnant? Having sex is not a good idea, and all the other options cost too much. I've always loved children too, but I never would have thought of having a baby before I got married. Why don't you do some babysitting or something?
22 :
Hun im 15 and thinking ur crazy Take child development and raise a fake baby its hard kid listen. 1. Do you have a full time job (no) 2. School (do you want to be a dropout?) 3.Bye bye friends(no social life) 4Ever heard of health insurance(your parents cant pay for you forever 5Im 14 and i want to die having a child (your just stupid) 6 Maturity has NOTHING do do with it
23 :
At this age I wouldn't recommend it. Babies born to teen moms have a higher chance of being ill when they are born, and later on. Besides, why not enjoy high school while you can, save the babies for later.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can my little sis use her health insurance for birth control w/o parental knowledge

Can my little sis use her health insurance for birth control w/o parental knowledge?
My little sis wants to be on birth control. And I think its smart, she just turned 17, and has horrible irrgular periods. Mom flipped out when she asked her if she could go on it to regulate her periods. Its a few months later now, and she came to me for help. She has Blue Cross Blue Shield Child Health Plan, so doctor visits are only a 5 dollar co-pay and medicine (including BC is only a dollar per bottle.) I know that she is old enough to get it w/o her parents knowledge at any health clinic or what not. But can she go to her regular doc and get it. She has an appointment this afternoon that I'm taking her to, but when she gets the prescription filled will it show up on the insurance statement as birth control or will it just show as just a medication filling
Women's Health - 8 Answers

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1 :
It will show up.
2 :
Statement is going to go to the policy owner anyway. If she does, it won't stay a secret long.
3 :
It will show up...she can go to planned parenthood, they will give her the birth control pills for $5 and will not notify your parents.
4 :
Your sister's billing might show up as birth, I would suggest that she use the free agencies to get the free bc. There, she would be protected against any parental knowledge. If she goes to her reg MD, she can ask him/her for free samples to start...........and tell the MD that she does not want her parents to know.
5 :
Birth control typically is not covered by insurance. She's better off going to Planned Parenthood.
6 :
oh yeah it will show up. first of all shame on your mother. she needs to let your sister make that decision now for her self . come on the girl is 17. look to keep it on the down load take her to the health unit and get it all for free. that is what they are there for. and just say she just moved in with you. it won't hurt to tell a little fib. other than that i would tell your mother that you are going to take your sister with or without her and you are going to use the insurance. i went to the health unit since my parents were very religious and i had no support from them. i had bad menstrual cycles and the pill helped eliminate the pain and torture i had to go through for 5 years till i was 17. it is a touchy subject when parents look as the pills as a way for the girls to go have sex. i was getting it my cycle not to go out and have sex. so i wish you two the best. don't go today re-schedule the appointment and try today to convince mom and if it fails then you can go the other route. pills are 30-45 dollars a pack. the health unit is there to help.
7 :
My advice is call BC/BS and ask them they have a number on the card you can call for questions. If you want it to be completely anonymous though you are better off going to family planning, or planned parenthood they will give you low cost to free birth control and they will not share the information with any one.
8 :
Your sister is 17 years old. She is certainly old enough to understand that birth control will not protect her against HIV or any STD's so I see no reason why she should not go on birth control no matter the reason. I went on BC at 16 because I had horrific menstrual cramps and suffered for years. It was at that point that doctors recommended it to my mother. My mother cared more about getting rid of my paid than the worries of sex. As her sister and assuming you are much older which is why she is coming to you and assuming your mother is unreasonable, why not speak with mom about this issue. Clearly this issue has been brought up more than once. If not, go with your sister to her doctor to ensure her doctor's recommends this plan of action. I have to tell you that my OB/GYN told me that my pains were from cysts in my ovaries and that as soon as I had a baby the cysts would disappear. GUESS WHAT???!!! My doc was right. Sarah's delivery ripped the cysts right out of me and they never came back. My flow is very light, I am still fertile at 42 and I have absolutely no pain or PMS.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

how to deal with in-laws when my child's health is at stake

how to deal with in-laws when my child's health is at stake..??
First let me say....My husband comes from a VERY dysfunctional family. The issue brother-in-law has been diagnosed with AIDS, also MRSA, and he is very irresponsible, poor hygiene, doesn't follow doctors orders and basically doesn't have much regard for others. My husband & I don't feel comfortable having our toddler around him. We are both very aware that AIDS isn't "contagious" as most folks make it out to be, but we are also aware of the other health conditions that come with and that he doens't even care for his own health, much less anyone else. A toddler is very hard to monitor and very susceptible to catching colds, etc. MIL, BIL and family do not see our concern & are mad at us for not coming around . They're all very irresponsible in taking care of themselves. Would you allow your toddler around this type of carelessness????????? Are we overreacting? There is so much more I could tell about this family but it would take years to explain thier antics...
Toddler & Preschooler - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would tell them that they need to come to you so you could monitor the activity/contact. If your BIL is dirty and not taking care of himself than he could pass other illnesses to your son. As far as the MIL she needs to understand. MILs are almost impossible to deal with these days. I swear almost every one I know has issues with their MILs.
2 :
Why not plan outings together where your son will be busy playing and not necessarily having to touch your in-laws like going to the park or Chuck E Cheese where your son can be observed by the family but they aren't touching him all the time like in the house. I really can't think of better idea. Also, don't be afraid to tell everyone to wash hands or use anti-bacterial gel to help cut down on germs. I usually just pull it out, use it myself, and then pass it around.
3 :
You're not overreacting. MRSA is serious, and you don't want your child to have it. What you need to do is go have a chat with your pediatrician to assess the risks. When he or she gives you an answer addressing the MRSA and possibility of infection and what it could do to your toddler, then you tell your MIL that you are following your pediatrician's recommendations, and that she is free to schedule an appointment with said doctor if she wishes to do so so she can hear it too. Then stick to your guns, because you have the baby's best interests in mind. It might not be pretty, but it's better than a sick baby.
4 :
Your child should always come first, even before your family's feelings. I don't think you are overreacting, just being a good parent. If they don't understand your concern, they don't have your childs best at mind. Let them be mad.
5 :
"Are certain people at increased risk for community-associated staph or MRSA infections? CDC has investigated clusters of CA-MRSA skin infections among athletes, military recruits, children, Pacific Islanders, Alaskan Natives, Native Americans, men who have sex with men, and prisoners. Factors that have been associated with the spread of MRSA skin infections include: close skin-to-skin contact, openings in the skin such as cuts or abrasions, contaminated items and surfaces, crowded living conditions, and poor hygiene. How can I prevent staph or MRSA skin infections? Practice good hygiene: Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until healed. Avoid contact with other people’s wounds or bandages. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors. ... Can I get a staph or MRSA infection at my health club? In the outbreaks of MRSA, the environment has not played a significant role in the transmission of MRSA. MRSA is transmitted most frequently by direct skin-to-skin contact. You can protect yourself from infections by practicing good hygiene (e.g., keeping your hands clean by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand rub and showering after working out); covering any open skin area such as abrasions or cuts with a clean dry bandage; avoiding sharing personal items such as towels or razors; using a barrier (e.g., clothing or a towel) between your skin and shared equipment; and wiping surfaces of equipment before and after use. If I have a staph, or MRSA skin infection, what can I do to prevent others from getting infected? You can prevent spreading staph or MRSA skin infections to others by following these steps: Cover your wound. Keep wounds that are draining or have pus covered with clean, dry bandages. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on proper care of the wound. Pus from infected wounds can contain staph and MRSA, so keeping the infection covered will help prevent the spread to others. Bandages or tape can be discarded with the regular trash. Clean your hands. You, your family, and others in close contact should wash their hands frequently with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially after changing the bandage or touching the infected wound. Do not share personal items. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, washcloths, razors, clothing, or uniforms that may have had contact with the infected wound or bandage. Wash sheets, towels, and clothes that become soiled with water and laundry detergent. Drying clothes in a hot dryer, rather than air-drying, also helps kill bacteria in clothes. Talk to your doctor. Tell any healthcare providers who treat you that you have or had a staph or MRSA skin infection. " That is from THE CDC--doesn't get more conservative than that organization. LOGICAL conclusion: a toddler should NOT be around a person who has MRSA and is careless about hygiene. Frankly, I never had kids, but I'd be damned if I'd have a small child I didn't have total control of (would be a rare child) around someone with a known MRSA condition who did not take it seriously and was well-educated on preventing transmission. If people want to have an attitude about LOGICAL caution, that's THEIR personal problem, don't make it yours.
6 :
Oh, heck no. When it comes to my kids forget the rest. I don't care what they think of me, they can hate me and talk all they want. Aids is not contagious by MRSA is. So if they do not understand that they can go to hell. If you husband is okay with that and understand like you do then thats all you need. Don't live for ignorant people like that. Let me just tell you when my kids have a virus infection my cousins don't visit me because of that, why because they have kids of their own. Why would they want to risk their kids health. I understand that and thats just a virus cold.
7 :
If your husband agrees, limit contact to the family-in-law, he can always go to see his family by himself. MRSA is TERRIBLYcontagious, and a terrible thing to have. You would always have to tell a doctor or a hospital that you have been in contact with it and they might even put you in isolation rooms until a test came back clean. You should really go to your doctor and get tested to see if you have it, and talk about the dangers of MRSA to them. Aids is less easy to catch, but if your BIL is so irresponsible you should limit contact.
8 :
Keep the kid (and probably yourself too) away!!! MRSA is horrible, how could they even expect you to expose a child to that?! Send pictures and videos if you want him to see your toddler.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

What are the health concerns, if any of having caged guinea pigs sleeping in the same room with a child

What are the health concerns, if any of having caged guinea pigs sleeping in the same room with a child?

Other - Health - 2 Answers

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1 :
Honestly the only place I have seen this is on TV, but have you spoken to a local vet, they may same something. Yet it does not sound a concern as long as the guinea pig does not bite the child with attempts of feeding etc. good luck
2 :
Hello, There are no real healths concerns that I know of. The things you need to take in to consideration are primarily, does your child sufferer from allergies. After you have answered the next thing you need to think about is, they do not sleep as we do. They will be up at all hours. They do not squeak a lot at night, but they do drink of the water bottle and they do continuously chew. If your child is a light sleeper, it may not be the best choice. I have a house full of them as we have a guinea pig rescue, My daughters chief complaint was drinking from the water bottle at night. The primary rescue is on the first floor of our home, but there are always the ones that seem to be piggy napped to her room, if they are back down stairs the nest day I know they are mid-night drinker. The best advice I can give you is to try it and see how it works out. You may also want to ask a pediatrician these questions.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How much is health insurance when married

How much is health insurance when married?
Me and my girlfriend plan on getting married and having a child soon after. How much would health insurance be? We would be living in an apartment by ourselves if that makes a difference. She will be out of college and I will be starting.
Pregnancy - 5 Answers
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1 :
It depends on what insurance you go through. But, I have to tell you, if you're planning on having a child, make SURE that you have maternity coverage first! It's next to impossible to get maternity coverage when you're already pregnant- the companies consider that a "pre existing condition." It sucks, but that's how it is. I've heard so many women talk about how they thought they had coverage, but it was an add-on package (and, yes, it's much more expensive- with the last health insurance we had, it was an extra $120 a month for maternity coverage). We thought we had it, but ended up without... Fortunately we were able to get coverage through the military.
2 :
Insurance is more expensive when its for 2 people versus for just one people.. It depends on the plan you get and what insurance company you decide to go with. our insurance is 468.00 a month for health 27.00 for dental and 8.00 for thats $ 503.00 every month for insurance for both of us and we have oxford/united health care.. Your apartment has nothing to do wwith health insurance. And this is insurance I get through my job. they take out 503 from my payckeck every month..
3 :
are you paying for it yourself or through your employer? anywhere from 0-$2,000 a month!
4 :
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
5 :
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

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