Other - Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
nope so ENJOY and congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 :
no, you will have either an A baby, a B baby, or an AB baby. The only health issues that arise with blood types are when the mother and baby have different blood types, or different rhesus factors (the positives and negatives) but given modern medicine, they're not a big issue and its standard for hospitals to check your foetus' blood type fairly early. If you are both negative (meaning neither of you have rhesus antibodies on your blood cells), your baby will be negative too. So you definitely can't have a clash with them on that front. Congrats and good luck!
4 :
The only problem this would cause would be for children born after this child if this child & the next were Rh+ blood types b/c child #1 would cause mom to make antibiodies against Rh+ (mom Rh-) so the next child 's blood (if born Rh+ ) would be attacked by mom's immune system. RN
5 :
There will be no problem as far as blood types go, but, a child could have either type A or type B blood also.
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