Friday, October 28, 2011

When u believe and prayed years after years for needs health, fruitfulness,fiances )the farther God seem to be

When u believe and prayed years after years for needs health, fruitfulness,fiances )the farther God seem to be?
When you believee in God and prayed instead of answers youreceivee strange disappoints what can you do? when a believers life is without fruits such as health, no children after a marriage 7 years and business disappointments that you no longer see life as something worth living.what do you do?
Religion & Spirituality - 11 Answers

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1 :
not get disappointed keep faith in god
2 :
God answers prayers when they are most needed not for self pleasures..
3 :
This is a good explanation of why:
4 :
You seek God with all of your heart because you have nothing left to lose. You give 100% to Christ and let the Lord direct your path. Trust him and do his will. Make sure your heart is right with God #1.
5 :
You have to look at what you do have and be grateful for that. TRy tolearn to live a simple life and NOT keep wanting what is not there. Happiness does not come from external stuff. As far as children go... I am sorry it has not happened yet. I hope that you will be given this gift soon. Check it out with a doctor.
6 :
. I can personally tell you that when my prayers for deliverance from a condition of extreme pain, that I had for two years, weren't answerd as I asked, it made me tougher. I was always a "softie" who let people walk on me. I don't allow anyone to walk on me anymore. God knows what we need, and what will truly work for our good, more than we do. James 1:2,3 .
7 :
First, I pray that I can be of some use to you in this difficult struggle. I don't know which religion you are? This is a personal opinion here, because that's usually all we have, OK? I don't think this is a great time to have children. The world has so many people in it. And, if you find out from other friends, and associates, and family, and see how well it all turned out, having children, you might feel differently. I think the world is so uncertain, even unstable that I'd be leery of such an undertaking. You can have a very good marriage and be helpful to others. Not everyone likes being a mother, say business types of people, or very creative types who say stay up late at night being creative. Not knowing your religion, if it's Christian, I hesitate to say anything about the bible. I would say meeting and talking to others in our own group and getting their ideas might be helpful, if this is possible. I feel very badly that there is so much pain here.
8 :
I know this might sound like I'm not sympathizing, but I promise you that I do feel for you and want to help. However, Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). If you are a Christian, suffering is a part of your calling. But Romans 8:17 reminds us "that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." And, if you read further down in that chapter, you are assured that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (verse 28). God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Just keep trusting Him, brother, and seek after Him in all that you do. Everything He does is for your best if you are His child, even though it seems horrible to you now. I'll be praying for you.
9 :
I feel sorry for you but have faith sometimes God knows what is best for us. my story is even worst at 45 years of age i stood with only US2 dollars in my bank account lost my dad my brother my wife left with my kids lost my job my house my car my friends and was also imprisoned at the lowest time in my life and this happen within 2 yrs. but thank God for standing by my side. If you have faith so shall your powers be. from the hidden words O SON OF BEING If poverty overtake thee be not sad; for in time the Lord of wealth shall visit thee. Fear ye not abasement, for glory shall one day rest on thee. O SON OF MAN! Thou art My dominion and My dominion perisheth not; wherefore fearest thou thy perishing? Thou art My light and My light shall never be extinguished; why dost thou dread extinction? Thou art My glory and My glory fadeth not; thou art My robe and My robe shall never be outworn. Abide then in thy love for Me, that thou mayest find Me in the realm of glory. O SON OF SPIRIT Ask not of Me that which We desire not for thee, then be content with what We have ordained for thy sake, for this is that profiteth thee, If therewith thou dost content thyself. O SON OF PASSION Cleanse thyself from the defilement of riches and in perfect peace advance inot the realm of poverty; that from the well-spring of detachment thou mayest quaff the wine of imortal life. God will answer the prayers of his servants if they are indeed urgent. For an easier understanding I will give you in examples when God answers and doesn’t answer prayers. There are 5 reasons just for your understanding . 1. He answers your prayers out of His Bounty (Bounty means that it is not of your deserving but yet God answers your prayer ) 2.The Second is when your prayers deserved to be answered.(This is because of the good deeds you have done in constancy being obedient and in compliance to His Laws.) 3.He doesn’t answer your prayers is that it is not time yet for God in His infinite Wisdom knows you.( You have not proved yourself worthy of his Bestowals there is still time for you to change and do things worthy in His Cause otherwise you will suffer more.) 4.The other time God doesn’t answer is not that you are not good. He knows you have followed His laws and have been obedient. But He is the All Knowing ,The All Wise He knows that if He answered your pray it will cause you more harm than good. 5.then there are times Unasked He fulfills your wishes that is because you have reached such a stage that you have attuned yourself to the Will of God’s and do what benefits mankind more than yourself. If you what to find out more read the book on Light of Guidance by Helen Bessett Horaby page 602 from point 2040 to point 2050. Also Closer than the Life Vein by Henry A. Weil you can get these books from the Bahai Center near you
10 :
A man gets caught in a flood. He climbs to the roof and huddles there praying to god for deliverance. A log floats by as he is praying and he keeps on. Then a boat comes along and the waves them off saying I am praying to god for deliverance. Finlay a rescue helicopter comes along and drops down a ladder which he yells up to the pilot he has prayed to God who will soon deliver him. The house collapses and the man looks to heaven as he is drowning. "God why did you not deliver me?" "I sent you a log, a boat, and a helicopter" This joke illustrates a serious truth. We often over look the mundane help so present. Is it we are looking for nothing less than a miraculous event to be our salvation? If you read the sermon on the mount Matt 5-7 you will see that a Christian's life is not a blessed little bubble of contentment. But happiness comes with doing the things we are taught. Through integrity and endurance through the trials that challenge our resolve to be faithful. Finlay quite a few of the psalms that where written by Asaph voiced the same as you. Read a few and see the conclusion he reached.
11 :
You Stand and you keep moving !!!First of all God sent his beloved son to help us walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death not to camp out. So in essence you have to decide why you don't see life worth living anymore and want to leave before your work is done. Trust me sooner or later we all are going to face death we each have our work to do we are here for a specfic reason and if you are not here to hold up your end you might be helping the other side win. If you check yourself out early. Don't give up the prize without a fight and trust me you will die battling for it eveyday the other guy knows how preciuos it is just by his attacks he trying to take it away from you just remain faithful true to yourself and God. Yes, the fight is challenging. Just stick it out it could change your world a least your part of it. The stronger your faith the stronger you will be attacked from the other side be happy and clap your hands laugh and sing, When our eyes get clouded with "want" it is hard not to ask God why not me? And brood and sulk these are invitations for a visit from the other team. If he blinds us it is hard for us to see what the right thing to do is. The grass may not be greener on the other side, When we see others enjoying their fruit but we don't know what store they bought their fruit from and if God did give it to them, don't you believe you will get yours? I do!!! If you do well won't you be accepted?, Don't let your confidence fall, for the other team will be right at your door ready to eat you alive. Release it all and say to the world "you have nothing I want" You sound like you are about to abandon ship and go to the other side for some of that fruit. Please don't do it! God has his own timing and it could be any second now, and I feel like it is very soon that is why you are being pressured so much from the other side. Your blessings are coming through, don't give up now Fight! You have come this far. Fight you know God will come through for you Fight. Don't miss blessings because you are looking for it to come in the way you want it to come, being blinded by the way you think it should look. Just like when Jesus came to town looking poor, too poor to be a King but he turned out to be so Fight. If you see your life not worth living anymore then you are placing a material value on what God gave us as a gift, it is priceless and not for dale at any price. He redeemed us with no money but with his love for us. God is love and I know he loves you and I know he knows you are weary and tired and weak and that is why jesus says give your burdens to me and he will give you joy abundantly but you have got to hold on for him, for all of us, we will help you to stand. This is my prayer Lord tonight and Thank you.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

is it legal to cover a minor under two different health insurances

is it legal to cover a minor under two different health insurances?
Can a mother and a father cover a child under both of their employers' health insurance plans? Someone told me that this was illegal?
Insurance - 5 Answers
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1 :
Why would it be illegal? Lets suppose that a married couple was divorced and the child spent 6 months with one parent then six months with the other, and they lived in different states. (shared custody) Would you want to fly a child to another state to receive medical treatment?
2 :
The coverages are coordinated between the two companies. One policy is primary the other policy is secondary. You don't collect double so it is not illegal...
3 :
It is not illegal, but there will probably be some dispute as to which is the primary insurer. You should get that cleared up (may be specified in state law in your state). What would be illegal would be if, for instance, the mother's insurance paid 100% of a bill, and then you submitted it to the father's company for payment, as well.
4 :
Not true. Not only is it legal, it's pretty common.
5 : - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Health care reform supporters, how will I be able to keep and afford my BlueCross BlueShield insurance

Health care reform supporters, how will I be able to keep and afford my BlueCross BlueShield insurance?
I am employed by a major city, working for an extreme left-wing Democrat mayor who will most definitely opt for Obama-care for the city workers. How can I afford to keep my current health care plan for my family? Will my newborn child suffer because of limited health care? "Dustin", the mayor IS a far, left-wing liberal. It's a fact. Secondly, learn how to spell, moron. It's "their", not "there".
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers

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1 :
Listen this thing will not hold up in court, do not worry if it passes and it is a big if...Vote Independent. My logic for this is that the political parties are already corrupted and controlled by these lobbyist institutions and with Independents in office it is harder for corporations to control the legislation and the politicians will not be able to hide as well as they do There are no lefties or righties, just Democrat and Republicans, of course those numbers are shrinking. Independents and other parties are slowly gaining, I figure in 10 years there will only be Independents and minority parities
2 :
Trust me, anything is better than BC BS. I used to work for them. The more claims I denied, the higher bonus I received. That is a horrible horrible company. I don't know why you would even think about "trying" to afford your insurance with them, especially if you have other options. I suppose if you wanted to help fund the CEO's next mini mansion you could continue paying there high premiums! Also, if our Universal health care system is as successful as every other developed nations Universal health care system, your newborn child will actually have a better chance at living longer than the children being born under our current system. Currently the US is rated #37 on the World Health Org's list. Every country above us has Universal Health Care. I really don't know why US citizens are so happy to settle for number #37. Its so sad that people are not striving to be the best anymore, and just settling to be one of the worst.
3 :
Why is it that every time a republican mentions a Democrat there always a "far left liberal"? Any who the most common argument I hear from anti health care reform people is "why should I have to pay for people who can't afford there own health care"? So I ask why should I care if you can afford your own healthcare? Sounds like a personal prob to me.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do you think putting my child on daycare is right at the time when the swine flu gets worse

Do you think putting my child on daycare is right at the time when the swine flu gets worse?
Is putting my child (that is 2yrs. old, No health problems) in a day care the right thing now that the flu season especially with the swine flu getting worse is coming soon. What do you think? Can this affect my son?
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
Your child will be exposed to a thousand and one illnesses throughout his life. You can't protect him from everything. Do I think that the approaching flu season and what with swine flu, this can affect your son? I'd be an idiot liar if I said "Oh, of course not!" Come on, be real. Of course it can affect your son! Did you really have to ask? WILL it affect your son? I'd have no way to know with 100% certainty. Any time people gather in close quarters for extended periods of time, there's always an increased likelihood for disease transmission. It goes with the territory. This is an unavoidable fact of life. If it were my son who was 2 years old again, I'd put him in day care and I did just that BEFORE he was 2. But this is a decision that no one can make for you.
2 :
That's for you to answer. All I can do is give food for thought. There are numerous potential problems that could occur, including contaction of the swine flu. Did you check the daycare out to see if you think it's a good place? Have you looked into more than one daycare? Have you considered other options, like sharing responsibility for caring for your son with your husband in the household?

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What kind of attorney takes a case for a church childcare over medicating a child

What kind of attorney takes a case for a church childcare over medicating a child?
What kind of attorney takes a case for a church childcare over medicating a child then getting caught lying to the health department- nearly getting shut down? I have consulted a few but they said they don't specialize in that field and they wouldn't know where to send me. UGH!!! Someone help!
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers

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1 :
A personal injury attorney might take it. But you have to show there was some kind of significant injury to the child. Otherwise, I don't think any kind of attorney will take it. It depends on how long it went on and how it affected the child. This is NOT a civil rights issue unless it was a form of discrimination.
2 :
There are personal injury attorneys who specifically focus on childcare negligence, including improper medication. That could even fall under a civil rights violation, which would not require physical damages, as the violation of civil rights is damage in and of itself. Forcing medication on a child that doesn't need it and without the parent's consent seems like a huge violation. Search your state's bar directory for attorneys that practice in civil rights (children) or personal injury. You can also search by state & specialty at Martindale Hubbell.
3 :
I think it depends upon what you are trying to do. Are you trying to sue for damages? Was your child injured or did he/she suffer pain or distress? If your child was injured, you need a personal injury attorney. If the fact that the day care forced medication on your child just really makes you furious, but at the end didn't cause more harm than that, I don't know that you have a cause of action. This may be why attorneys are being sort of vague in their refusals to represent you. They have to be careful about saying "you don't have a case," because if it turns out later that the person did have a case, and the person misses a statute of limitations based on that advice, that attorney could be on the hook. I would visit another few personal injury attorneys and ask them some more blunt questions about whether you even have a case. Sorry, I would be furious too, I just don't know what else to tell you.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

who is against the Obama's health care reform know that USA ranks the highest child mortality rate among

who is against the Obama's health care reform know that USA ranks the highest child mortality rate among...?
...the developed countries and that life expectancy is one of the lowest of rich countries? (in countries where health care is free like in japan is 82.6, in france 80.7 instead in USA only 78.2 years old!!!!) can you explain which are the wrong lifestyle choices of a newborn baby? in the countries where health care is free disease prevention, child vaccination, check up are free for entire population!
Government - 8 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Who says that is due to the health care system? Perhaps it's due to the lifestyle choices people make in the US and the freedom they have to make those choices. You conveniently ignore how the US is at the top of the rankings for cancer survival rates. That's something that does in fact reflect medical care quality.
3 :
Nice try but factually incorrect and currently about 60% of America (both Dem and Rep) are opposed to the Obama Care plan as it's written.
4 :
that has nothing to do with healthcare. Nice try.
5 :
Well tell the crack moms to get prenatal care, and tell the obese to cut calories. No amount of health care will fix self abusers.
6 :
No one should be, but I know that is a dream our health care is the best in the world,but when you can"t afford to go to the doctor, the United States just as well be a third world country. There are people that will say that something is better than nothing, What do you think of that.
7 :
Makes you wonder why EVERY Democratic party member in the House of Representatives. Voted against SCHIP - State Children'sns Health Insurance program back when the republicans started the program in 1998 I guess democrats don't really care about children having health insurance, huh ?
8 :
The proposed bill will do nothing to improve the health of the American people. It is about getting more money into the health insurance, drug , and health care businesses.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In Illinois when calculating child support are taxes and health ins subtracted before calculating

In Illinois when calculating child support are taxes and health ins subtracted before calculating?

Marriage & Divorce - 2 Answers

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1 :
No Its calculated by your gross income.
2 :
no, your child support is based on your gross income for the year, which is usually a 1/3 of ya income. if you have it where they take it out of your check, then it goes like this: gross pay, then ya taxes are taken out, then ya child support comes out and most likely u will be forced to have health ins. and that comes out also. what is left after all that becomes your net pay that you take home

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

if i lose sperms daily(masterbating)?? is it hazardous??will i loose my health or child producing capability

if i lose sperms daily(masterbating)?? is it hazardous??will i loose my health or child producing capability
i m 20
Men's Health - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
hehe no :P I believe you produce more.. Im PRETTY sure you do.. My BF sure does have alot of it ..... Have fun with Masterbating!! untill you get sexually active with a girl (becaeful with this) then put all your attention on her :)
2 :
Yes it can be extremely hazardous. I've been told by very intelligent people that it can cause blindness, hairy palms, and even death without redemption from God.
3 :
No no no! It's not at all bad for you. You preduce more sperm everyday and nothing bad can come of it. Don't beleive the romors. Sounds like u should watch the tv show 'talk sex with sue johanson'
4 :
No but if you are always in a hurry when you do this you may become a premature ejaculater and that is never a good thing.
5 :
No, keep it up (pardon the pun) as often as you want. Practice makes perfect.

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