The new health reform bill includes tax breaks and coverage for millions more children living below the poverty line. Why oppose this?
Politics - 22 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they will have a tired answer for you
2 :
because most of their children are grown and they dont give a shit about anyone else
3 :
its part of the talking points Bush left them
4 :
because RRGHGH MY TAX DOLLARS one of the tenets of conservatism is that money > human life
5 :
1. They are not hiding behind children. 2. We do not need this health care law.
6 :
i agree i think the government should provide everything to everyone for free.
7 :
It's not the government's place to provide health insurance. The constitution says government is only allowed to promote the general welfare and well-being of us, not provide it for us. There's a big difference. I should not be forced by the government to buy anything, ever. Period. Uninsured people isn't the problem. Lack of jobs and work ethic is the problem. After that, those who are truly poor and unable to provide for themselves can be provided for by charity.
8 :
Once the child is out of the womb, that's all they care about. You are on your own now kiddo.
9 :
Your question is stupid. No one is against covering health insurance of children. It is being opposed because that is only one small portion of the Bill. It's like me taking a vote on who wants to make it law that segregation of Blacks and Whites be re-instated. Congress gets to double their wages. Schools will be knocked flat and that money will go to making brothels and government ran crack houses. And everyone who sees you gets to smack you in the face. Oh...and we will give health insurance to millions of children with this same bill. I don't think you'd vote for this one either.
10 :
Because they only believe in family values when it is free.
11 :
My state already offers health coverage for children living below the povery line and from what I understand it is an expectional program. But why should I get double dipped tax wise (once to pay my state tax to fund it's children's health plan and again to fund the federal government's) for essentially the same thing??
12 :
Because their $10,000,000,000 might get reduced to $9,999,900,000.
13 :
Higher taxes, more people with medicare which is already a broken system and the decline of health care quality because nobody wants to enter a field where you have to go to school for an exceptionally long time, only to find out that you'll need a second job to support your joy of saving lives because you get to basically be a government employee who's salary doesn't allow you to break even, and my state already has a program for completely free health care for children under 18 who are from low-income families.
14 :
Hey, you could have a provision in there that says we are going to protect the nation's drinking water supply and I would hope they still would have voted no. When a bill is 98% crap and 2% common sense, you don't tag your yes vote to 98% crap. Use your brain and quit generalizing.
15 : that's all there is to this 2000+ page bill that took political bribery and intimidation to push through even within the President's own party....? gee, I didn't realize it was as simple as that.....I wonder why nobody tried to explain it like that before...when you put it that way OF COURSE it sounds insane and heartless to oppose it.... you think maybe that's why propagandists resort to over-simplification like you display?
16 :
some people think that Parents should care for their own dare they?
17 :
Have you seen my dead sisters TEETH? I want to wear my dead sisters teeth damn-it!
18 :
Everyone in this country who needs health care gets it. You can walk into an ER, any county facility and get care, whether you are a citizen, whether you will ever pay for the care or not. To say that everyone has to Purchase health insurance is ridiculous. Get out your calculator and see what it's going to cost - if we just send illegals home that could help cut costs of the care and fix a lot of problems. So tell me what you agree with about robbing Americans blind to pay for illegal worker's health care.
19 :
this is nothing new. during bushs term they voted against expanding the chip program which was specifically for covereing low income children. my conclusion is that the gop only like rich people or corporations. everyone else is expendable . whats was rumsfields excuse for sending troops without equipment. you send them with what you have. however since the date for war was arbitrary they could easily have supplied our guys with armore or vehicles. they just dont care .
20 :
Many conservative Republicans believe one of the best ways to improve the plight of the poor is to discourage them from breeding. If you discourage the poor from breeding in the first place, their quality of life should improve - so goes conservative philosophy. The problem here is that many conservative Republicans discriminate by whim against those they deem as "undesirable". Republicans are human too! Many of them breed willy-nilly and then discriminate if favor of biases such as religious preferences, race, ethnicity, etc. When it comes right down to it, the U.S. is still a very racially- and ethnically-biased country. It's also a nation that shows bias in favor of income and wealth. If these conservative Republicans had their way, there would still be "irresponsible" breeding. The only difference is the major breeders would likely be those born into wealth, born Anglo-Saxon white or born with whatever traits the conservative Republicans deem is to their own advantage. Right now, many of those that would benefit from health insurance reform are many of those peoples conservative Republicans would rather received no help - the "undesirables". Republicans are only human!
21 :
I'm not. In fact tyrants always use Children and other helpless victims to push their agenda. They make it sound so heart breaking. After all who wants to be against "the children". I would like to ask why people like you don't dig into your own pockets to help them as people like me do? Why do you have to use the government. I think we both know the answer.
22 :
They don't care about poor children. They blame the poor for being poor, and then try and get them to vote Republican, which only makes them poorer, since the GOP only supports the interests of corporations like Walmart--low wages, no benefits. In short, they're trying to create a permanent slave class in America.
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