Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is someone still considered a good parent if they provide all of the necessary things for their child but

Is someone still considered a good parent if they provide all of the necessary things for their child but?
.... neglect their child emotionally? Like they provide food and shelter but do not care for the child's mental health or self-esteem?
Parenting - 12 Answers

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1 :
No way. You are a good parent if you can provide all of those things... mental health/self-esteem very much included in those things.
2 :
i personally think that emotionally neglecting a child is not an act of a good parent. emotions are important as well as basic necessities.
3 :
4 :
Neglect is neglect any way you look at it, if a child is neglected emotionally they will have problems later on in life and it absolutely makes that parent bad.
5 :
No a good parent cares about the child well being, the mental stability, the love and neutering that is required in a children life, the love that is required,the comfort that the child feels, and protection that is needed.And that you will be there at all times for them.Being a parent requires a lot.
6 :
To be a good parent you need to be there for your child all the way
7 :
No..its better to have less material stuff,but have ALL the emotional love + support..if all is provided even better,but as you get older,you forget the material things and remember love + support.
8 :
Not at all. A cherished kid who might have to go hungry sometimes is, in my opinion, better off than a well-fed kid whose parents don't care about him.
9 :
No, if you neglect any of your child's needs then you are not doing your job as a parent. Children need basic thing (food, clothes, ect..) but it is also important to provide love, care and attention. There is not only physical abuse but also emotional neglect and abuse. Since your Q&A's are private I can't be sure but you sound pretty young....12 or 13 I'd guess.. I do not mean to be rude at all but you might want to look at what you define as neglect. As being a teenager once myself I know emotions run high and I often felt mistreated (looking back now I may have been alittle, well alot, over dramatic) Talk to your parents about how you feel and how they may be hurting your sounds like they may be making some hurtful comments about your appearance or intelligence, maybe they don't realize they're being so hard on you or that what may be ok to say to someone else rubs you the wrong way (everyone is different so thats totally normal) I encourage you to talk to might be surprised how much they don't realize what they're doing and how willing they are to work on it!
10 :
no they are not a good parent if they do that. This is called EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND NEGLECT. It can cause SERIOUS issues for the child. If you can't provide emotionally for your child you should give them to a loving home where ALL their needs are met. Children need to know how to love and that they are loved.
11 :
That's not a good parent. It takes nurturing to raise a child properly.
12 :
No of course not!

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Health Risk of Children Inhaling urine

Health Risk of Children Inhaling urine ?
Curious to know is there a health risk in a child that is bedwetting and inhailing residual urine smell ? I was with a friend at someone's home (who I've never met before) and the overwhelming scent of urine was coming out of the children's room, Is this harmful? Serious replies only please, I'm looking to inform the mother.
Other - Health - 6 Answers
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1 :
I think it just stinks. But if it sits, and then mold starts growing, now you are talking bad stuff.
2 :
It isnt. And sheltering a child from every single health risk possible is going to cause ALOT more harm than anything. Because it stunts the immune system. Think back to when you were a kid, all the things you did then. You're fine and healthy now. You werent afraid of touching everything in a public place, you didnt have instant hand sanitisers, etc etc.
3 :
I cannot imagine any harm from inhaling the smell. Urine is essentially blood filtrate, and if you inhale it all it will do is end up back in your blood stream in miniscule amounts. It can cause skin irritation though if left in contact for long periods, and more of a worry is why does a childs room smell of urine??
4 :
I have never heard of a health care risk of inhaling urine odor. I would however be concerned as to what kind of room the child is living in. It might be a risk on its own.
5 :
I think the underlying problem of poor sanitation / housekeeping is of greater concern than the smell of urine. You might suggest she get her child a new mattress and fit it with a waterproof mattress cover to keep urine out of the mattress when the child wets the bed.
6 :
Urine left in room temperature becomes ammonia. In a high enough concentration, inhaled ammonia can be bad for you, and an irritant to the skin. Not to mention that it is unsanitary, embarrasing, and gives these little kids the idea that it is ok to smell like pee. I can only imagine that all thier clothes and toys must smell like urine also. Concentrated urine will also discolor and rot fabric, and if the mattress never dries, it can become moldy, which can very quickly lead to serious health problems. To get rid of the urine odor on the bed linens and other machine washable fabrics, put white vinegar into your washing machine's fabric softener dispenser. The vinegar neutralizes the urine, eliminating the smell. Run the rinse cycle twice. 1st time with just vinegar to remove the urine smell, 2nd time with just fabric softener to remove the vinegar smell.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Obama attempting to reach out to children because his health care has forsaken seniors

Is Obama attempting to reach out to children because his health care has forsaken seniors?
AARP lost MANY members by backing Obama care & there is that lil thing about getting ready for death and all...
Politics - 20 Answers

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1 :
Nothing worse than preparing for the end of life. Just ask any estate planning attorney.
2 :
the kids are the only ones gullible enough to believe this nonsense anymore - even the liberals have wised up and turned on him.
3 :
LOL! I guess he'll take it wherever he can get it! edit - Justine...great answer!
4 :
Believe it or not, Obama can actually do more than one thing at a time. Education is one of his big priorities. He knows how important his mother's commitment to his education has been to his life, and he hopes to inspire others to stay in school, study, and learn. As for end of life counseling, if the AARP members understood what's actually in the bills rather than what FOX has told them is in there they would have supported it wholeheartedly. I have yet to talk to anyone who wants to be kept alive on life support for weeks or years after they would have died naturally just because they didn't have clear instructions for their doctors and family members.
5 :
How many members did they lose and what percentage of their subscribers is it?
6 :
As one pundit said on tv last hour, he is forced to go preach to the kids who really WERE born yesterday and might believe him.
7 :
Truthfully the President is attempting to reach out to our youth because among industrialized nations our kids are the poorest performing and apparently the most undereducated. An American child going up against a Belgian, German, Indian, Japanese, or Chinese kid is like bringing a feather to a gunfight. You're kid will make them laugh as they mow him down.
8 :
Obama knows that targeting youth is part of his overall organizing strategy and he's taking another time slot to get it done.
9 :
Wow, you really are blond aren't you? You're out of date sweetheart, those death panel rumors were debunked weeks ago. The only people who still believe them also believe in gnomes and fairies.
10 :
Rather sad and pathetic to see a sitting President attempt to politicize education for his own personal gain . Its an indicator that Obama is breaking and grasping at straws its the moral equivalent of a grown man taking a teenager to the big dance.
11 :
Barry O has been unable to get adults to believe what he is selling so he is looking for an group he can influence so he is going after "future" voters. What he does not understand is parents see through he ruse and are either opting their children out or the schools are pulling the plug and making it optional. Poor Poor Barry, lots of hot air and nothing to inflate---but his own ego.
12 :
the seniors aren't done yet. everything you have today is because of what someone did in the past
13 :
Yes, he's trying to get the children's vote! You're a political genius! Kids can't vote, Brainiac. And very few adults get their political opinions from their kids. Try again.
14 :
could be however I think he is recruiting for his civilian defense corps
15 :
He is going to send them all coloring books like Kim Jong ll would do in NKorea. Start the indoctrination.
16 :
I wouldn't doubt thats part of it, but I think this is another bonehead, "fly Air Force One by Ground Zero for a photo op" idea by some WH flunky & Barry signed on. Come on, Barry! Rreach out to kids, near 9-11, like Bush was with kids? Parallels are striking. BHO needs some new publicity advisors.
17 :
Ahhh..the kid thing is a cheap ploy to make more of Bush with kids in school on 911. As usual, barry has to glitz it up & do ALL schools. It gets his face in front of impressionable kids who can't tell when they're being used & is a great propaganda tool. Tho' this one may backfire if enough parents ekeep their kiods home. I hope so. & on the health care front, it takes attention away.
18 :
Kids are the only ones that will sit enraptured & not make a big fuss.
19 :
He's got to start the brainwashing early if he expects them to willingly become Soylent Green when they're 35.
20 :
nikki has a good point,but she needs a motorcycle like yours,,,I agree with her on this one. That Air Force One over new york was pure crap....dn

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Teaching breastfeeding education in high school to a Health/Parenting and Child Development class

Teaching breastfeeding education in high school to a Health/Parenting and Child Development class?
I know that abstinence and contraception is taught first and foremost, but you're also taught about what your body goes through as you grow. What better way to increase breastfeeding rates in young women and minorities. A whole course wouldn't be necessary, just a guest speaker from the local department of Public Health on one day to educate young adults on the hazards of formula, and the impact is has on them personally, as well as society as a whole. Young men can also benefit from this information, as they can learn to be encouraging and supportive of their partner. How great it would be to debunk myths and change the views of young people who see breastfeeding as "gross." Breastfeeding in the rest of the world isn't considered an obscene act, the U.S. needs to get on the bus.
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 11 Answers
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1 :
Yes and no. Who would listen and pay attention? Not a group of 16 or 17 year olds. Hazards of formula?? Impact of formula?? Impact on society?? - careful, you are beginning to sound like a BF nazi. Granted breast is best but formula is far from poison.
2 :
Kids shouldn't have to sit through a class on breastfeeding FAQ unless they are expecting parents.Abstinence, contraception, sex health etc. is for everyone.Breastfeeding is for expecting parents.Breastfeeding is also NOT for everyone and not everyone is delusional to think that formula is "hazardous".True, breastmilk is best IF mother is healthy, but it is not the only way to go to have a healthy baby.
3 :
I was born premature so I couldn't have breastfed even if my mother had wanted to. Premature babies cannot breastfeed. For some women, they don't produce milk so they can't breastfeed their children. Also it is safer for a child of a drug addict or acoholic to be given formula rather than breastmilk because anything that is in the mother goes into the baby when it breastfeeds. You sound like one of those breast nazis. How can men benefit from breastfeeding? At least when the baby is fed from a bottle the father can participate in feeding his child. Breastfeeding should only be an OPTION for expecting teenage mothers but teeange parenting class should be a requirement so teens learn something real. Maybe make them watch a real live birth (not a C-section either). I'm talking a natural birth.
4 :
5 :
I proudly consider myself a Tit Nazi and even I think having a speaker on the "hazards of formula" is obnoxious. I'm all for education, but not indoctrination. We teach teenagers all kinds of things in high school that aren't immediately useful to them. I think it would be enormously useful to have a unit on parenting which would include basic child development, infant/child CPR and information (not scare tactics or indoctrination) on breastfeeding. It would be a heck of a lot more useful than making high schoolers carry an egg around for a week.
6 :
I gotta say I like the idea. After all they do teach home Ec in some places. The breastfeeding class could be done right after the one where they give those dolls to show kids what it's like to take care of a child. Even for those who choose not to breastfeed, it could help make them more tolerant of women who breastfeed in public for example.
7 :
I the past, and in countries where breastfeeding is supported and encouraged as a natural act, children got their education by seeing their mothers, aunties and other women in society breastfeed. Now they don't have that important input, unless they grow up in a home where breastfeeding is celebrated and practiced, which means they are missing out on something important. Teaching it in Health/Parenting and Child Development class is really a poor substitute for seeing it in action generally, but it's a start at least. To the poster who said they couldn't have breastfed even if their mother wanted to because they were premature, I'm sorry but that's just not true. My son was born at 26 weeks, and I pumped for five months until he was able to breastfeed fully himself. He couldn't bottle feed because of oral sensitivity, but he loved the breast.
8 :
I took child development in ninth grade and i was the only student that wasnt a parent. I just wanted to take the class so i could get a babysitting job and know what i was doing. It was a great class and it taught me alot. Mostly it focused on the fact that newborns bond through feeding and the best way to feed was breastfeeding bc they get the eye contact, the skin to skin contact, and they feel the warmth and comfort of their mom everytime they eat, ultimately creating a strong attachment. They covered breastfeeding quite thoroughly, they even went so far as to show a video of mothers learning how to breastfeed, and more established breastfeeding mothers so we got the idea that it wasnt going to be easy but it was possible. I breastfed both of my babies not only bc my mom breastfed us but bc of what i learned in that class. It wouldnt hurt to teach all students about breastfeeding, it should be basic health information. 900 infant deaths a yr could be prevented if moms breastfed for the first six months of life, thats a huge number.
9 :
no that just promotes teen pregnancy which is SUPPOSED TO BE A BAD THING not glorified
10 :
I think it would be best to provide it as an overview and include other child development things including what shaken baby syndrome is! Since young men are the most likely perps, it seems smart to address the issue in high school and give options on how to reduce the stress of a crying baby (such as ear plugs, cotton or tissue to drown out some of the sound which can TREMENDOUSLY reduce anxiety or anger reactions).
11 :
I believe that BFing is probably the best thing you can do for a baby but I do not think that formula feeding is bad or hazardous. I think a class like that would make a person feel like they HAVE to BF. Especially if they tell them the formula feeding is hazardous. I also don't think it's right because some women just can't BF weather it's because of them personally, or because of the baby. And lastly, I would not support my son or daughter being part of a class like that. I personally like that they have Child Development classes, but I also believe that parents today let school teach their child WAY to much. It's a parents responsibility to inform their children of these thing. How a person decided to feed their child is a personal choice, and I could honestly care less on which one a person picks as long as that child is getting feed.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Can I get health insurance only for my young children

Can I get health insurance only for my young children?
Their dad and I already have insurance elsewhere that works for us, but it's too expensive to add the children (we work for small companies), so we want to buy separate health insurance for them. Can one do that, or does there always have to be a parent on the insurance plan?
Parenting - 7 Answers

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1 :
Yes you can buy health Ins that way.
2 :
You should be able to get it just for them, im glad your trying to get it for them you never know when u might need it
3 :
Well of course you can it is offered in every state!!
4 :
Depends on where you live. In Illinios you could. We have a state wide child health insurance plan. I think it's called Healthy Kids or possibilely Kid Care.You would have to check with your local government to find out if this is avalible to you.
5 :
no you can get your child there own. just shop around. you can call the local health department they might have a list of different health insurances.
6 :
Here is an article i found on health insurance with information and tips etc. Hope it helps.
7 :
We did that with our daughter. My husband and I each had a policy through our work and it was outrageous to add her, so we got her her own policy through blue cross blue shield. Worked well for us, it was affordable as well, and a parent was NOT required to be on the policy.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

If a low-income child turns down a free school meal because it was health food: Were they really starving

If a low-income child turns down a free school meal because it was health food: Were they really starving?

Politics - 5 Answers
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2 :
Nope, means they actually are fed. granted they don't get to eat the good stuff that middle class families and enjoy but they don't go to bed hungry. If they did then they wouldn't be turning down free food.
3 :
yes, their stomach will not tolerate health food,
4 :
We have the fattest poor people on the planet. Why do we inflame this situation by subsidizing lunch programs?
5 :
They won't eat this food. I've seen it. All that food will end up in a landfill.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

health care, public school system and Child Care better in Canada or Australia

health care, public school system and Child Care better in Canada or Australia?

Other - Australia - 4 Answers

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1 :
Pretty sure they're socialized.
2 :
im an aussie living in canada,i find the things your talking about are pretty much the same in both countries
3 :
hmm well i'm not sure but i'm guessing canada's public school system would be better because alot less americans go to private school where as in australia (at least in melbourne) alot of kids go to private school for high school in australia the government puts alot more money into private schools so i'm guessing the public system isnt as good i did go to public school in primary school and that was really good private school teachers generally care more they put more effort in and you have saturday sport, uniform alot of extra curricular activities but the public education system is fine and health care's good i hope this helped
4 :
never been to canada, but our system isnt bad, people are always complaining and saying how terrible schools and hosptials are, but really, we're pretty lucky with what we've got and the standard of care and education we recieve, if the level in canada (as others are saying) is near that of australia (im not saying it wouldnt) you should be very grateful...

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

health care, public school system and Child Care better in Canada or Australia

health care, public school system and Child Care better in Canada or Australia?

Other - Canada - 3 Answers
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1 :
I live in Canada and my son lived in Australia for several years. From what I can tell they are very similar. You might have to do some in-depth research to be sure because unless someone has lived in both countries and qualified in each for all the above benefits, you will only get an opinion or guess. Good luck!!
2 :
Canada cause I am Canadian....
3 :
Notice at any competition/comparison between this two nations. from young to adult. especially in sports. with much lesser population australia always comes out on top. it just shows you of the quality their country gives to their citizens. (this is a legit answer. rating negatively is considered envy)

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