Curious to know is there a health risk in a child that is bedwetting and inhailing residual urine smell ? I was with a friend at someone's home (who I've never met before) and the overwhelming scent of urine was coming out of the children's room, Is this harmful? Serious replies only please, I'm looking to inform the mother.
Other - Health - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think it just stinks. But if it sits, and then mold starts growing, now you are talking bad stuff.
2 :
It isnt. And sheltering a child from every single health risk possible is going to cause ALOT more harm than anything. Because it stunts the immune system. Think back to when you were a kid, all the things you did then. You're fine and healthy now. You werent afraid of touching everything in a public place, you didnt have instant hand sanitisers, etc etc.
3 :
I cannot imagine any harm from inhaling the smell. Urine is essentially blood filtrate, and if you inhale it all it will do is end up back in your blood stream in miniscule amounts. It can cause skin irritation though if left in contact for long periods, and more of a worry is why does a childs room smell of urine??
4 :
I have never heard of a health care risk of inhaling urine odor. I would however be concerned as to what kind of room the child is living in. It might be a risk on its own.
5 :
I think the underlying problem of poor sanitation / housekeeping is of greater concern than the smell of urine. You might suggest she get her child a new mattress and fit it with a waterproof mattress cover to keep urine out of the mattress when the child wets the bed.
6 :
Urine left in room temperature becomes ammonia. In a high enough concentration, inhaled ammonia can be bad for you, and an irritant to the skin. Not to mention that it is unsanitary, embarrasing, and gives these little kids the idea that it is ok to smell like pee. I can only imagine that all thier clothes and toys must smell like urine also. Concentrated urine will also discolor and rot fabric, and if the mattress never dries, it can become moldy, which can very quickly lead to serious health problems. To get rid of the urine odor on the bed linens and other machine washable fabrics, put white vinegar into your washing machine's fabric softener dispenser. The vinegar neutralizes the urine, eliminating the smell. Run the rinse cycle twice. 1st time with just vinegar to remove the urine smell, 2nd time with just fabric softener to remove the vinegar smell.
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