Christians - what is more important - your child's health, or your mind at ease? ? Have you read the latest study on virginity pledges? Apparently, most teens dont bother keeping virginity pledges - and they have found that a teen who DOES take a virginity pledge is 10% more likely to engage in unprotected sex, causing them to have higher incidences of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases than teens that dont try to fool themselves and their parents into thinking that they will not engage in sex before marriage... So, in the end, what is more important? The health of your child, or your mind being at ease that they are promising not to engage in sex - despite actually lying about it and being at higher risk of pregnancy and disease? Bonus question: What is with these "promise rings"? Why do teen girls feel the need to advertise the unused condition of their vaginae to the entire world? I guess the question went right over your head, didnt it Buddy. Teach them how to be moral - just dont deceive yourself or them. Virginity pledges dont work... Liz: "The study also found that teens who took a virginity pledge were 10 percent less likely to use a condom and less likely to use any other form of birth control than their non-pledging counterparts." In other words, they are 10% more likely to have UNPROTECTED SEX. You might want to learn how to comprehend what you read. Religion & Spirituality - 18 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : This is a no-brainer. Just ask Single Wide Sara Palin. 2 : "holy" crap! 3 : Sex before marriage is sinful and dangerous. You teach your kids to sleep with everything that stands still long enough and I'll teach my kids to be moral, ok? I'm a Christian. I was a virgin all the way through high school and college. I've never slept with anyone but my wife. 4 : i'm a teenager and i've found after learning about stds in school theres no chance i'll be having un protected sex especially at my age anyway. of course childs health is more important. i'd rather my child be safe (when i have one) than my mind. At the end of the day, you've just got to talk to kids about this instead of waiting them to talk to you. i had to ask my mum about periods and i felt upset that she hadn't felt the need to tell me about it and it took someone at school to mention the word period. I know you would have rather had an adult answer this question but your question raised a very important matter, thank you! 5 : BQ: it helps them get laid 6 : Your article doesn't say they are MORE likely. It says they are just as likely. I think a girl should take a virginity pledge because she wants to and she believes in it. If she wants to wear a ring because it makes the pledge feel more special, why not let her? At the same time no one should push her to make such a pledge. 7 : well,, i dk much,, im athiest,, but i would say my kids have there own fucking rights so why uh pressure them into NOT doing something and have them end up doing it. So huh, But..I rly dk 8 : Read the entire article. A researcher using different statistical techniques got a different answer. You can pretty much manipulate stats to get any answer you want. As Mark Twain said there are three types of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics. 9 : For every virgin girl, there's a virgin boy. It's not just girls who take those pledges. No parent is lame enough to actually believe that their child will live up to a virginity promise. Parents were children once themselves. They know the pressures and temptations that abound in the world. The importance of a virginity contract is that the child who signs it understands what they're facing and thinks twice before throwing away their most prized possession. 10 : It appears to me that teenagers are becoming more and more clever at deceiving parents and teachers. Personally, I would be more concerned about my child's health. I don't believe in using promise rings. I would expect my children to be obedient to God above all else. One important teaching I would bring to my children is that sex must wait until marriage. It doesn't matter who it is - sex before marriage is a sin. 11 : Stay on the high moral ground. Pledges don't mean anything. It must come from the heart, with a determination to respect yourself at all costs. 12 : you can teach your kids to be a improper person and sleep with any thing that moves. while I will teach my kids to respect people and not to engage in sex to early. You are too young to have children and to be burdened with that at such a early age. 13 : The most important is for us to have peace of mind about our children's good health. Hopefully our kids will never have to go on line to ask a question of strangers. They are comfortable coming to us. We can help them maintain their good health and mature attidues and actions. We hear what we want to hear on the news. If younger kids give promise rings, they don't even know what they are doing. If older kids exchange them they are prone to keep their promise. Maturity is a huge factor here. Peer pressure is too great for anyone who isn't mature. I would counter your question at the end by asking why is it that so many people, at least on this list, feel a need to advertise that they are doing it with everyone who will stay still long enough? Let's face it, it doesn't take intelligence or will power to do it. Dogs do it! It's not a talent. It takes will power and fierce determination to remain a virgin until marriage. I did it. My husband did it. I know at least ten kids who are doing it. There are 13-year olds, who have no business wearing purity rings or even thinking about it. For them it's a novelty. I'm not talking about novelty here. I'm talking about 10 kids who are going to wait because they like themselves just the way they are, and they have a lot to do before marriage and kids. They are helping in other countries, they are in college working on community projects. They visit the sick and make dozens of sandwiches every month to take the homeless and the soup kitchens. They are engaging in activities that dogs can't do and using the energy of their youth to make a difference. 14 : Why can't parents teach both things? The importance of abstinence and the importance of health protection? I am going to educate my daughter and son...about the health risks and how to prevent them as well as the emotional risks...and how to prevent them. 15 : Ok- I did have a smart a...ed answer till I read your question all the way. So. From a woman who actually knows people with the promise rings etc. here's my answer. The promise ring is token between the parent and herself "promising" to guard her purity till marriage when that ring is replaced by her husband's. We're homeschoolers. I know many people who believe exactly like this. My best friend's daughter has one and is extremely serious ( and in a committed relationship with a man who agrees with this.) Now, for my opinion. I want my kids to stay virgins as far as our religion teaches. Because, if you don't live your religion, well what's the point in having one, right? BUT I am much more liberal in my thinking than some of the people I know. I believe too much sheltering often leads to either your kid being stupid, and thus in danger, or total rebellion on the part of the kids. I teach my kids what the Bible says about sex. And then I add, (which is true) I'm not going to be holding their hand when they decide whether or not to get naked. So, if they choose premarital sex - be safe. I know I'll catch it from the ultra conservatives, but my kids talk to me openly and that's so important. They shouldn't die from aids for a sin. That's stupidity. BTW One child chose to be active one didn't. 16 : I am not cristian but i am a indian hindu & in our community such things very rarely happen (though evil has started his campaign in here now a days) & as per our elders ,to lose viginity to any other person than your wife is a sin. as per bhagvatgeeta maayaa are evil desires . & when it takes you over (that is when you start persuing desires & lose your morales & goodness ) you buy fun on the cost of your minds peace., most of people here dont heed these desires & gain peace. If you suppress the hormones that make you keen for sex everytime they flow especially in teens, you will no longer think anything evil about women however they try to attract you.this will bring you happiness in teens & in your marriage life I told you this all because this will help you to know hat HEALTH OF YOUR CHILD & EASE OF MIND CAN BE ATTAINED AT THE SAME TIME you just need to have a lot of patience & need to know the value of your morales in your teens (i am myself 17 & i have attained this state to some extent that means this is possible ) 17 : Teens using birth control means they had to plan to have sex, and we can't have that. Only whores plan for sex. Good girls get carried away with the moment, they're not really being sinful, it was just a mistake, right? They can feel ashamed and guilty later, its all good, as long as we can make them feel bad about doing what is in their nature. *Tongue firmly planted in cheek* 18 : My child health by far. My daughters boyfriend took a chastity class at his church and did the purity ring ceremony. Both him and his Dad told us, as the parents of his girlfriend, our daughter, that he took this vow and blah, blah, blah. Now, I have a two year old grandson --go figure. Read more discussions :
Monday, April 28, 2008
Christians - what is more important - your child's health, or your mind at ease
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I need to interview a teacher of students with physical and health impairments
I need to interview a teacher of students with physical and health impairments? What is your responsibilities and experiences working with students with health impairments? What the significance of motor development; specifically the difference between typical and atypical motor development of a child with physical health impairments? What is the impact of physical and health impairments on the education of children. with physical and health impairments? Special Education - 1 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : My experience with students with special need covers a period of 56 years as an active participant in their education. Specifically, as a teacher, a special needs program coordinator and program director. The responsibilities I executed ranged from instructing students in academic content areas of the curriculum; designing lessons around the special needs of students; to assisting regular education teachers in adapting instruction to the needs of students; writing training modules to educate educator in how to meet the needs of special needs students in their schools, to serving as the program director for all areas of impairments. I think the significance of motor development of a child with physical health impairments is critical to achieving a well rounded education. Here's and example: We all learn best in specific ways that involve our five senses of hearing, seeing, talking, walking, touching and smelling. When one or more of these senses is not operating properly or not at all, we must accommodate for the deficit in some other ways. In other words we must strengthen one of the other senses to compensate.Children with physical and health impairments have problems that impair their ability to be mobile, to move from place to place in their efforts to learn. Much time is given to physical and occupational therapy to build skills that enable the students to get themselves to amd from places of learning. Strengthening the muscles and limbs allows a child to take care of their own personal needs with little or no help.They can eat, write, dress, walk, and talk. So, motor development for physical and health impaired students is the bridge that gets them to learning with all five senses. These areas may not have developed as in normally developing children, therefore we must take an atypical(more extreme) approach to develop the skills. In children who develop normally (typically) our task is to strengthen the motor skills that are there, through such activities as .P.E and sports. Many health issues weakens the body's structure/frame and prevent mobility in children. Many are subjected to home-bound instruction a few hours a week, missing a regular school day of interacting and socializing with peers. Hospitalization causes students to miss out on many educational events, like field trips, sports and other extra curricula activities. All of these things promote learning. If they re deficit the child's education is significantly hampered. Read more discussions :
Sunday, April 20, 2008
If the father of your child did drugs, will that take effect on your childs health and growth
If the father of your child did drugs, will that take effect on your childs health and growth? Ok well the father of my child was/is a pretty big druggie. He did pot, weed, ecstasy, and a lot of other things I probably don't know about. Well in result of all of that he's really skinny he's like 5'10 and he weighs 129 or something idk he's just skinny. I am 5'6 and I weigh 125 and people tell me I am too skinny for my height , but I do not think so. Anyways based on all of this is there a possibility the child will have health problems or trouble growing in height or will he/she be like a child that is born under weight and has problems gaining weight? It just hit me like 2 days ago that something like that could happen and I am really scared. Other - General Health Care - 6 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : unless you did drugs when you had the child in you, then no the kid will not be effect. 2 : you should be scared. there is a high chance your child will be retarded 3 : the drugs in his system may leak into his sperm and gets combined with it and therefore, after the process of which im sure you know. the baby will inherit flaws and pros from both parents. If youre really lucky, the child took most of the things after you and didnt inherit the chemicals of the drugs 4 : Yes, your child could end up with health problems. This is not to worry because many people use drugs (even mothers) and the babies are fine. So yes there is a possibility, but worrying isnt gonna help the baby. Just be ready emotionally and mentally for whatever may come. Hope I helped! 5 : You said he is a big druggie. Yes, that definitely can impact the child's health, especially if either of the parents drink or do drugs during the pregnancy. It is worst if the mother does it. If the parent/s used to do drugs or drink a lot, but stopped due to pregnancy, it reduces the risk, but may not completely eradicate it. The chance of reducing the risk of health problems for the child is still there, and that is by putting a stop to any unhealthy habits. Remember, we are talking about taking risks here, so it could be that you may have a healthy child regardless of anything else, but you would not want to take chances with his/her life :) 6 : You need to find a doctor and talk to her about this. This is no time to be asking a bunch of dummies on the internet. Take good care of yourself now and chances are that everything will be fine. Why on earth would you have sex with such an idiot??? 7 : lets ask this question why were you with him then ?? think ur baby will be okay tho Read more discussions :
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Do you have to pay child support and health insurance in missouri
Do you have to pay child support and health insurance in missouri? I know this is a law in some states. Is it a law in Missouri? If so how is it determined? Does the state adjust your child support amount by how much you pay in your employer provided health insurance? That is not very helpful. But thanks anyway. Still waiting on a better answer. I don't understand what is so hard about this question. I just can't get an answer that relates to the question. Or an answer that isn't insulting. And for you with the attitude just leave this issue alone. You don't know enough about the issue to judge or have rude remarks. Walking away would be the best thing for you. Its like they have always said. If you don't have anyting nice to say then then don't say anything at all. You should try and learn from that. By the way for you to assume this issue relates directly to me is ignorant. You have no right to judge based on what a persons is asking. That is no doubt below the normal standards of human decency and dignity. I hope you find a way to be more reflective of your impressions. Law & Ethics - 2 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : Yes. Use the Missouri child support calculator below, Did you mean, can you provide health insurance in lieu of child support? The answer to that question is NO. You are required to provide both health insurance and cash support. Your children need to eat too, right? 2 : - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues. Read more discussions :
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Christian parents, do you trust your child's health on your future son/daughter-in-law to be honest of where
Christian parents, do you trust your child's health on your future son/daughter-in-law to be honest of where.. Christian parents, do you trust your child's health on your future son/daughter-in-law to be honest of where they have been? In the South, parents are in an uproar over the gardasil vaccine. It prevents some forms of the HPV virus that is linked to cervical cancer in females and oral cancer in males. The parents in question are offended by the idea of giving the vaccine to their little ray of sunshine because they way they raised their child, they wouldn't fall into temptation. OK, even if that is so, then why risk cancer in your daughter's body on the gamble that the man she is going to bed with on her wedding night is totally honest about where he has been? kay-ci, um yes the choice is to let your daughter get the shot to prevent cancer. It's a no brainer to me but to these Southern Christian parents, they think depriving this to their kids is appropriate. Here you go Ruth Religion & Spirituality - 7 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : Do you have a choice? If your future son/daughter in-law is lying about their sexual history, there could be any number of nasties in store for your child. Why worry about the least of them 2 : Please provide evidence of your claim about the South being in an uproar over this vaccine. I live in the South and see the commercials on tv. What I haven't seen is an uproar. Don't stereotype. The fact is, regardless of what you or I would choose for our children, the choice belongs to the parents. ADDED: Of course that bill will face many objections. Any time the State presumes to make parental decisions the state faces objections. Hello, this is America! ADDED (for Allyn): Many conscientious parents are doing the same as you with childhood vaccinations. My best friend is and partly because my son has a seizure disorder which had onset at age 2. He suffered speech and motor regression, after a normal infancy. We will never know what part the vaccinations played. She is an OT, btw. 3 : Funny thing about facts. Even though President Bush signed an Executive Order so we spend roughly $200,000,000 per year on abstinence-only education, the government's own figures show that the $1.6 billion dollars is a colossal waste of money. Children taking those abstinence pledge are more likely to end up with an STD than children who don't. Those who don't take the pledge are more likely to practice safe sex and avoid STDs or pregnancy. But people don't want to hear facts; they would rather persist with their archaic religious dogma. 4 : Bottom line, better safe/protected than sorry. Hosea 4:6, God said, that we perish for lack of knowledge. And that if we reject knowledge, he will reject you-let you reap what you have sown. We don't have the luxury of being foolish with our lives. Let's face it, we all try very hard to raise our children properly, but things still happen. I think that we should protect our children in every way we possibly can. If God gave someone the wisdom to make a vaccine to prevent the flu, cancer, etc. Give Him praise and get vaccinated! 5 : I live in the South, and most of the other parents I know are fine with the vaccine. Here's the general reasoning: "We made mistakes when we were kids, and we know that our "little ray of sunshine" is likely to make mistakes also, although we do our very best to give her a good basis to make her decisions on. And, of course, you are quite correct. Even if our own little sweetheart could do no wrong, who knows what evil that other brat, who definitely is not good enough for my child, has been up to? HIS parents obviously didn't raise him right..." What part of the South are you talking about? I am in Southern "Deep In The Heart Of Dixie"... 6 : it protects young women against a harmful virus. People need to get with the times. My cousin signed a pact with her mom stating that she wouldn't have sex til she moved out. Guess what, she started all that at 11. She signed it when she was 16. Auntie got to her a bit late. You can't protect your little girl at all times. parents this obsessed with their daughters virginity ought to invest in a chastity belt. They do still make them, and they're not too expensive. 7 : You know I'm struggling with this issue right now, (yes i live in the south) I don't have a daughter but i have a one year old son) and he is due for his shots(Hep B etc..) many of the shots are for std's which i find ridicules considering he's not having sex(yet). The reason I"M waiting a bit on his vaccines are safety issues ( formaldehyde, Mercury, Thirmisol...) When his little body is stronger(he has allergies) I will consider getting those shots.. BUT i want to educate Myself on the the advantages and disadvantages before i am ready for him to be injected with these toxins...I'm sure the advantages will out way the risks in some cases. But to answer your question straight on...If those parents are choosing to NOT vaccinate because they feel that they're children "wont go there" then IMO, that's doing their children a disservice, My father ruled with an iron fist and.. let's just say I'm lucky!!! Read more discussions :
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
does the health care overhaul really include legislation to give illegal alien children health coverage
does the health care overhaul really include legislation to give illegal alien children health coverage? and i do not want any obama bashing, nor obama praising. I want facts. cite me a credible source. Law & Ethics - 1 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : No this is a side by side view of all three proposals Read more discussions :
Friday, April 4, 2008
if im ordered to provide health insurance for my child, will the weekly amount my employer charges be credit
if im ordered to provide health insurance for my child, will the weekly amount my employer charges be credit? say im paying 100 a week for child support, but the mother wants me to provide insurance as well, it will cost me 30 dollars a week to add my child, will the court count that as a credit and deduct 30 from the 100? Law & Ethics - 3 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : They will not count that as support. If the courts did not tell you, you were responsible for the insurance on your child. I would go back to court to get this all straightened out. I am not saying do not take care of your child. Obviously you need to do that. But take care of yourself as well. 2 : It depends on what is stipulated in your child support order. If the order says you are to pay $100 a week in support AND provide insurance for the child - then the two are seperate entities. If the support order does not stipulate to the insurance issues, and this is something the mother is asking for aside from child support then I suggest you take it back to court and get an agreement in writing as to what is paid to whom. If you just start shorting checks by $30 then you could end up in arrears on child support. 3 : No, the health insurance is separate from the support. Read more discussions :
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What can a person do for health insurance when pregnant
What can a person do for health insurance when pregnant? I was recently fired, and now I am pregnant. Since I now have a much lower income what are my options for cheaper or free health insurance? I know theirs medicaid I was wonder if theirs any other options. Can any one help me out? I am freaking out about my unborn child's health. Pregnancy - 3 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : get on medicaid. go to ur local health department. And u can also, sign up for wic 2 : Contact your local pregnancy center. They will be able to help you with your options as some programs may be state wide and specific to your area. Call 1-800-395-HELP and explain that you're looking to find out your insurance options because of your job. They will listen to you and be able to advise you on what you can do. The number is staffed 24/7 and their name is OptionLine and they are a U.S. wide pregnancy center number. All the best. :) 3 : You can buy Cobra insurance for up to 18 months through your company HR dept. You could go to a low income community clinic or public health service where they will only charge you a nominal fee based on your income. If you are very low income and pregnant you might get Medicaid for pregnancy in your state. Check with your county social services.
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