Monday, January 24, 2011

ware in the philippines can a child get free health care

ware in the philippines can a child get free health care?
I'M here in the states doing all i can my wife and kids are in the philippines our 11 year old son is autistic and in need of some health care he is very sick he has been eating plastic and now he is swollen and can barely breath the doctors there wont check him out 1 because we dont have much money or is it 2 because he is autistic either way he needs some help So is there any place that can give him the help he needs my wife is in the metro manila area
Other - Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
is their not a AE you can take him to if no one will help go to the newspapers and tell them may be they can help you good luck to you and your family

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