Women's Health - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think you have to wait 6 weeks. BTW, don't worry..you and your wife will be too tired and busy with the baby. Six weeks will go by fast. :) Hang in there.
2 :
Yes. Leave the poor woman alone for at least six weeks, she'll need to be checked by her doctor first.
3 :
it is better to avoid but there is no danger, a dr may be consulted
4 :
Only if it is painfull for her. Her body will tell her and you when the time is wright. Don't force her.
5 :
It won't hurt her, but it would feel like you are trying to screw a 55 gallon drum. I would go anal for the next month or two until she tightens up.
6 :
I know you maybe extra horny from seeing your wife with the new and enhanced "boobage" :) bro, but you have to wait 6 weeks before you can do anything. Also she will need to have a follow up exam to make sure that she's healing properly and also make sure that if you all are going to try for another baby, give it at least 1.5 years. Yes 1.5 years because a woman's body needs that time to heal and get back into it's normal routine. Experience bro, just wait and you all will be good.
7 :
let her heal, dang you cant keep it in your pants that long? its only 6 weeks
8 :
usually it is not advisible to keep sex after child delivery for atleast four weeks...better consult the doctor whom had attended ur wife during child delivery....
9 :
Many people have sex right after child birth weather oked by Dr. or not Just remember she can get pregnant super fast now so wear a condom (if you dont want another child right away) but you should wait the time to heal 6 weeks is nor.
10 :
The doc usually says wait six weeks but if ur slow and very gentle it should be OK
11 :
i dont think its dangerous ...but be careful she could get pregnant again quickly...my kids are only 9months and 27 days apart
12 :
Give her at least 6 weeks to heal and then assess the situation after that. Remember it took her 9 months to give carry your child and no telling how many hours before she gave birth so let her rest bro.
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