When I turn 22 later this year, I will get kicked off of my parent's health insurance. As a child and teenager, I had asthma & allergies, but I have not had symptoms or been on medication for 2+ years. Will this get me declined for health insurance? I understand that health care is not health insurance. However, as I will still be a student, I will not be able to afford health care without health insurance. I'm also not willing to accept handouts.
Insurance - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It should not as you've not had treatment for it for more than 18 months, BUT you never know what an insurer will try to do. You do have to disclose info and I'd keep a photocopy of the ap you send in in case issues arise later. Also check this state guide as that should help as 18-months is for group insurance, late enrollee period. http://healthinsurance.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=healthinsurance&cdn=health&tm=28&gps=355_596_1020_587&f=20&su=p726.2.152.ip_p284.8.150.ip_&tt=12&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.healthinsuranceinfo.net/ Good luck.
2 :
The condition could be considered 'pre-existing' by an insurance co. which would not cover it at all or for a certain time period. Or the premium could be raised because of your history with asthma.
3 :
It shouldn't get you declined with most companies. However, depending upon your state of residence it could possibly result in a rider. A rider means they won't cover the asthma or allergies or anything related or is a result of the asthma or allergies. The fact that you've gone 2 years without medication is a plus so it is possible that there won't be any conditions on the policy.
4 :
Health CARE is, getting in to see a doctor. No, if you're unmedicated for your asthma, you won't have a problem getting a private health insurance policy.
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