Monday, July 28, 2008

What you think about electronic games and children health

What you think about electronic games and children health?

Special Education - 4 Answers

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1 :
you should read this article, it will help=)
2 :
no correlation. period. If a kid plays xbox for 6 hours, yet gets plenty of exercises, good nutrition and mental health (reading, schoolwork), then the amount of video games they play will have absolutely no affect on them. If a kid sat in his house all day eating Oreo's and reading books, they would be a fat unhealthy kid. Videogames themselves have ZERO, thats right, ZERO affect on their health.
3 :
WEll a lot of parents have the electronic games, television box babysit their kids and therefore a lot of kids are overweight and dont get the excercise they should be getting. Uhm parents should watch their kids and limit the amount of time their child plays video games and the type of games they play because there are a lot of violent games out there that make little kids act violently. Uhm theres a lot of infformation you can find on the web. I wrote an essay a lil while ago about video games and kids. 
4 :
In moderation and the parents choose carefully what games they allow their children to play there nothing wrong with it. The worry is when they don't play outside anymore. and they don't know any other way to entertain themselves. Some games do require some thinking

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

should i collect child support if the father pays for health insurance and is not an absent father

should i collect child support if the father pays for health insurance and is not an absent father?

Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
well unless u actually need it no, or unless the father is really wealthy
2 :
I would say that if you have a legitimate reason, yes. Meaning that you don't have enough income to give your child everything he or she needs, or if you have some other reason that you actually NEED the money. Other than that, no, because there's no reason to take his money just to take it. If you aren't using it for the child, you shouldn't be taking it in the first place.
3 :
YES! YES! YES! Child support is just that, support for the child. Healthcare should be provided by the father as well (especially if he paid it until now). Child support exist to bridge the gap between lifestyles at the fathers house and your house. The child should be able to have the same "lifestyle" at each house. DO NOT let him get away with not providing for his child. This is your childs future (monetary wise) that you are considering throwing away. It takes money to raise a child, and your child will have the best possible opportunities in life if he is properly provided for monetarily. Good Luck ~S
4 :
Yes, because your child is entitled to support from both his father and his mother. And if you don't need it now, you can bank it for later. What happens if your ex loses his job tomorrow and can't pay insurance anymore? And what if your child becomes seriously ill and needs things the insurance won't cover? And what if your child (G*d forbid) has some sort of educational difficulty and needs special tutoring and supplies? You can't be sure of the future, all you have is today. Your child is entitled to support so don't deprive him of it.
5 :
This is up to you and what you feel is best, but whatever the agreement, it needs to be registered with the court to be valid and legal, as we as other issues. You need only find a Certified Mediator, hack out the agreement, in detail, file it with the court, and set a hearing date. On that day the judge will swear both of you in, ask if you both agree to the terms set down in the document, than everyone signs it. Generally, there is a 30-60 day waiting period for the document to be recorded with the county and state registries. The mediator will be a lawyer or paralegal, with specialized training. Each of you MUST pay half the fees. The fees could run from $200 to $1000, depending on the going rates in your area, and time spent on the document. Court fees could run $50 to $150, but if you are tight on money, you could request a waiver. These are the things you NEED to cover in the document. CUSTODY Soul Custody Joint Legal Custody Joint Physical Custody Bird Nest Custody (see below) VISITATION How close do you live to him? How old is the child? How often? What specific weeks, or months? What specific holidays on in a list of years, do each parent get the children? What if the custodial parent wants to move out of state? MEDICAL Who covers medical insurance? Who decides on treatment? CHILD SUPPORT How much? Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly? How Long? Eighteen, High School, or End of College Do you split the cost of college? What state(s) may they attend in? What is the minimum amount of college credit hours the child must take? Who gets the tax deduction(s)? What if the child gets pregnant? Does child support stop? DEATH If the residential parent dies, who gets the child? Never assume anything. *************************** BIRD NEST CUSTODY It̢۪s a form of access or custody where the children stay in the former family residence and it is the parents who rotate in and out separately and on a negotiated schedule. The children simply live at "home" and the separated or divorced parents take turns living with them there, but never at the same time. The core element of this arrangement is that each parent maintains a separate residence where they live when it is not their turn at the "bird's nest". When one parent arrives for his/her designated time, the other vacates right away, so as to minimize or eliminate the presence of both at the same time. At times, bird's nest access can be coupled with specified access with the other parent say, for example, for dinner one night a week.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Can health insurance deny cover on preemie

Can health insurance deny cover on preemie?
I have preemie twins they are 4 now and very healthy children. A Health insurance company denied them b/c it stated on their records that they could have CP due to being premature. Neither one of them have CP but they were still denied b/c of this can they deny a child insurance due to a medical condition they don't even have??? 
Insurance - 3 Answers

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1 :
A health insurer can deny anyone coverage for any reason it wants to. Insurance is a risk business. The insurer is limiting its risks by denying coverage for two kids over whom they have concerns.
2 :
If you're looking at individual health insurance policies, they can deny you for ANY REASON. They don't even have to tell you why. You can talk to the agent that got you the quote, ask them to talk to the underwriter, and see if they would review the file and accept a statement from their pediatrician that they are CP free.
3 :
Yes, if you are applying for individual health insurance, the insurer can deny you based on your predicted risk. In this case, they are determining that there's too much risk involved for them to want to insure your children who were born prematurely. (How premature were they? I'm guessing they must have been significantly premature, if the insurer is outright denying them at all.) The insurer doesn't have to sell you a policy though. You may want to check with other insurers - each one uses their own underwriting methods, and its possible you could find one to accept your kids. (Though you'll probably still have to pay a higher premium than the "average" applicant.)

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have a child with cleft lip and palate. Anyone with the similar health problem

I have a child with cleft lip and palate. Anyone with the similar health problem?
How did the childs surgeries go and how is their speech. Did they have or do they have missing teeth? 
Parenting - 3 Answers
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1 :
My oldest girl(now 16) was born with a cleft palate & a recessed jaw. It was first misdiagnosed as Robin Syndrome(sp), which would've indicated possible brain damage. However, this was ruled out after some tests were run. It was determined she was sucking her thumb while in the womb & this caused both problems. I was active military at the time & the Air Force surgeons did a fantastic job of repairing the cleft. She had to go in for periodic checkups to ensure the palate was growing normally & that she had no jaw problems. The surgery cured her of the thumb sucking as well because her arms were wrapped with tongue depressors & ACE bandages for several weeks. ;-) We did have to send her to a speech therapist at about age 6. The only other problem was chronic earaches & a little hearing loss in one ear. However, she has had no serious health problems. She did have to have some teeth pulled in order to wear braces, but that was it. She is a normal acting smart aleck teenager. ;-) Here is a link to check out. I hope all works out for you. Dan
2 :
my daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate among other things. she has had many surgeries and more to come. all her surgeries have been good. she does has speech probs and is missing her 2 front teeth and all her other teeth are capped to keep them in good shape. all in all after the surgeries are done and over u can never tell he-she had it
3 :
My son was born with a cleft palate. He is 2 years old now and doing great. He had tubes put in his ears at 4 months and that helped so much with the ear infections, which cleft kids are prone to. His palate closure happened when he was 11 months old and it was of course hard, but he came through great. As of right now our team is hopeful it will be his only surgery, but they can't say for sure until they see how his mouth changes as he grows. Feeding is of course a big issue and for 2 weeks after surgery he could only have liquids. We contacted Early Intervention and my son has had in-home speech for the past year. He is starting to catch up and say more. His teeth so far are fine, but they are coming in slow. My brother also had a cleft lip and palate and he is one of the most well adjusted people I know. He is 26 now and finally finished with surgeries. He had one a year from birth to age 20. He always says it was no big deal to him and if he can help us with anything he will, but that it does not effect his life in a negative way at all. When my son was born I found to get a lot of my questions answered. It was a huge help in those early months. Good Luck!

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Will men who owe back child support outside of marriage be able to acquire health insurance

Will men who owe back child support outside of marriage be able to acquire health insurance?
for the family they have within marriage? Or will health care be withheld in the event they go to prison? 
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers

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1 :
If an illegal alien will be given health care... why wouldn't a dead beat dad?
2 :
Make use of google to collect some related links or you could try to use answer engines like yahoo answer or to get some related answers.nonetheless,If you like some direct resource,here is a good resource from my own experience. 

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can I have my exwife on my Health and life insurance policy

Can I have my exwife on my Health and life insurance policy?
My wife and I are getting a no default divorce here in PA. We have a one year old child. I currently have her and my child on my health and life insurance policies. For the sake of my daughter, would I be able to keep my wife and daughter on the policies at least until my daughter is 18? I do not mind paying for my wife, as she can barely afford one of her own. 
Insurance - 4 Answers
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1 :
your daughter is a dependent so you will be able to. And in most states you might not have a choice. here in texas the one who pays child support has to also provide insurance. and the fact you want to provide insurance for your ex wife is so amazing! not many men are like you. as your insurance agent, he'll help you out with all the info. =o)
2 :
Your health insurance provider may not allow you to include an ex-wife on your policy unless it is a legal requirement that you do so (if it is written into your divorce decree.) Check with a divorce attorney who is familiar with laws in your state to see exactly what needs to be done.
3 :
If you have it written in your QDRO order, (Qualified domestic relations order) then in most cases you can continue to have her covered. Check with your benefits department in HR to be sure. If not, your wife could get continued coverage under a program called COBRA, but it tends to be expensive.
4 :
No, on the health insurance. It's against the tax laws. On the date the divorce is final, you MUST delete your non-spouse from your group health insurance policy. The DAUGHTER can stay on it. On the life insurance, you can name anyone you want - your ex-wife, the mailman, me. It doesn't matter.
5 :
If your health insurance is through your employer, you need to notify them of the date your divorce became final. Failure to do so is insurance fraud and can have penalties. Many employers are doing dependent eligibility audits to catch people who haven't removed ex-spouses and/or are claiming ineligible dependents on their group health benefits. You could create a huge mess by trying to keep your ex-wife on the policy. If/when your benefits administrator finds out that you got divorced, they can retroactively cancel her back to the date the divorce was final. Any payments made to medical providers on her behalf can be recouped, and your ex-wife will be liable for the full billed charges of all the outstanding medical claims. (Not to mention that the penalties to you could include losing your job for defrauding your employer!) You wouldn't be doing her any favors if that happened, because it would be too late for her to obtain other coverage at that point. She'd be stuck. If you wish to help her obtain coverage now, then you/she can contact an agent to see about purchasing a policy for her. And make sure to notify your employer's benefits office of the date the divorce becomes final.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

when is a child no longer under their parents health insurance

when is a child no longer under their parents health insurance?
link to a reliable site, please x_x 
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers

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1 :
Most insurance companies will cover a child as long as they are in school full time. So if you are 18 and a full time college student, then most insurance carriers will continue to cover you under your parents insurance until your graduate from college. If you are 18, have finished school, and do not plan on enrolling in any further education full time, then your coverage will usually expire. Check with the actual company the insurance policy is with, but the above is the usual rule of thumb. Also most policies will not cover teenage pregnancies even though the person is not 18.
2 :
24 years old, holding if the child is still in school F/T. My brother was under my mom's insurance, while in college F/T, all the way 'til he turned 25. A good friend stayed on her mom's insurance, also in college F/T, 'til her 25th b-day.
3 :
I was under my Grand parents insurance until I was 21 but their rules were...... a child (in the household) will be covered until they are 18 or outside of the household until 21 IF they are attending school.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Are there any mental and/or health disorders that cause teens/adults to remain child-like in their thinking

Are there any mental and/or health disorders that cause teens/adults to remain child-like in their thinking?
Thanks for help. :) I don't mean child like as in stupid or immature brat (sorry for lack of better works). I just mean it as innocent, naive, trusting, etc. 
Mental Health - 6 Answers
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1 :
yes actually there is.i dont know the name of it but my sisters bf has something that causes his mind to act about 17 and he will never mentally mature past that point.he is 28 now and is way behind mentally
2 :
to remain very naive and child like you would have to have a very very sheltered over protected life... bit like the Amish
3 :
Autism is a developmental disorder that may cause a person to exhibit some of those behaviors (innocent, naive, etc).
4 :
Peter pan sydrome.
5 :
Yes, there are about 100 different scenarios that are part of social phobias, agoraphobia might be the result of one's inability to socialize on an average level as the general populous, another is a person's conditioning by a parent that this person is just not good enough to be seen in public or that they aren't good enough to be in public,.....there's about a million reasons for a person to remain childlike....when a child is brought up feeling inadequate for many reasons, they can become unable to justify being adequate and therefore act accordingly........sometimes a type of mental retardation can cause this or create this,.....scizophrenia is one such type of illness that could be responsible, deafness could also do it,....dumbness could do it, blindness,....deformaty,..certain types of learning disabilities in speach like.....stuttering, a bad lisp.....a parent being too over-protective......lots of things................ Sometimes a child who is forighn to this country may seem retarded because of an impoverished upbringing may not be able to communicate in english and is therefore limited in thier ability to act as if they have an "on par" communications level.....I copuld go on for ten or more pages but the direct and quick answer is yes.
6 :
Dissociative identity disorder does but then we change states as well but I find that having been abused ad dissociated as a child that I was never accepted by schoolmates and never learned how to cope with people so it kept me naiive - further dissociation just keeps this going so I'm 62 (going on 12)

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