In other words what are some factor that increase health problems for children in low income family's?
Homework Help - 2 Answers

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1 :
it all comes down the the parents young mothers: not all are bad but majority can bairly look after them self let alone a small child If in usa: poverty effects insurance and so children could not be medically insured parents life choises: passive smoking and drinking parents mental health can effect the mental health of the children poor diets: if there parents dont have the money they cant feed them well causing obesity as well as other major diseases
2 :
This is taken directly from an Associated Content article. "New research performed at Cornell University has finally identified a reason as to why experiencing poverty as a child leads to poor health and a decreased life expectancy as an adult regardless of socio-economic status. The researchers attribute it to weakened and overextended stress responders that lead to other health problems, especially in the adult years." There was more in the article about it too, must read. To help fight poverty go to
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