My 6 yo son, with Autism, was given a Flu shot at school today. The problem is....he had one 5 days ago from his Dr., the teacher had "no clue he got a shot today" (at school), my son now has a swollen and sore arm, the school nurse offered no explanation....Please advise me before I do the wrong thing? I am kinda vindictive when it comes to my reactions after my child has been put in danger, is this an appropriate time to be that way? The only form I signed was for him to get treatment from the "Asthma Express" nurses that visit the school. They informed me they were not able to give him the Flu shot because of his allergy to eggs. He has had Flu shots before, but they insisted the PCP had to give it to him. So, they gave him his asthma meds and the Dr. gave him the Flu shot 16 days later (5 days ago). Today, they show up and give it to him anyway....and 90 other children. No specific vaccine form was signed by me. WHY DID THE TEACHER NOT KNOW MY SON LEFT AND GOT A SHOT???
Parenting - 25 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sue um 4 all they got
2 :
You are absolutely in the right here.
3 :
I would be more than upset about this. You need to have your child checked to make sure his health is okay and then review the school polices on giving shots. If they needed consent and didn't get it, I'd contact a lawyer.
4 :
getting 2 flu shots does that???? i think your kid did something and is using flu shot as an excuse
5 :
If i were you i would first call your family doctor to make sure your child will be fine. Second, I would probably go to the school board meeting and complain.
6 :
oh my gosh, that is terrible! I would his doctor right away, and E-mail the school princible.
7 :
The knowledge of the Nurse or teacher wouldnt matter, they are simply not responsible for knowing. It is the principal or association that is releasing the shots to the school that is responsible for letting you know and ASKING FOR PERMISSION to administer the vaccine. They cannot even give the child cold medicine without your permission, they are for DAMN sure not allowed to give your child any form of Vaccine without your permission. I would definately be raising some hell, not with the teacher or nurse, i would start with questioning the teacher and board of education. That is not okay at all and i wouldnt let it slide. ADD: the teacher may have not known because the children may have been gathered in small groups during recess or lunch. These are the teacher's prep periods. This is when the children at the school that i worked at got louce checks, eye exams, and ear exams.
8 :
Since when do schools just give shots without parental consent. Get a lawyer. I do not have my children vaccinated due to fears of autism and other serious complications. If I found out that they gave a shot to my children, I would be on a warpath to shut the school down.
9 :
I can't believe they gave him a shot without your permission!! I went to take my son to get him a flu shot at the doctors office and they ask me if he was allergic to eggs, which I said Yes, and then they told me he couldn't have the shot! They said people that are allergic to eggs could have an allergic reaction to the flu shot. I know that is a different case from you, but still, I can't imagine a school having the authority to give a child shot without a parent's permission. I wouldn't stand by and take this crap. Good luck.
10 :
go to a doctor and if they put him in danger than sue the school and get your kid a bunch of toys or somthing to make him/her happy
11 :
My first response is to ask did you sign or verbally give permission to the school to administer any type of shot? If not, you need to contact an attorney and start law suit proceedings. Our schools are to protect our children not endanger them. Good luck!
12 :
I would ask why they give any child any medicines without prior approval of the parent. You should take him to his pediatrician and get medical advise, then if you're the litigious type, find a good ambulance chaser.
13 :
Your question is kind of confusing. Unless there is written permission from a parent or guardian, no school nurse is going to give a "flu" shot to a student. A student can't even have a package of Tylenol with him/her and has to turn it in the office. Check with your principal and find out what really happened.
14 :
I would be very upset by this. They shouldn't be doing anything medical with your child with out written consent, EVER
15 :
I would be so angry! Of course you have the right to be vindictive, angry and outspoken! Call the doctor (to make sure hes okay) and the school board. Tell everyone, write a letter to the newspaper. Don't let it happen to another child!
16 :
Did you not have to sign some sort of form before they administered your child the flu shot? If not, that is very bizzare, I thought it was the law to get parents to sign a form before the school or a nurse can give minor children shots without the parent being there. If you did sign a form then it is your fault for not advising the school that your son had just received his shot. If you did not sign a form I would be pissed and ask to speak with the principle. If he/she doesn't take action then maybe seek legal counsel if u think it is worth the time, money and energy to deal with a lawyer regarding this. Hopefully your son is OK.
17 :
OH HELL NO. Are you serious??? Get up tomorrow morning and call your doctor to see what effects the double dose of the shot will do to your son (or look it up on the internet tonight) then march down to that school and talk to the principal. How the hell are they even giving the shot at school?? Talk to the nurse too. Did you turn in a record of his shots to the nurse???? Did you tell them he had his shot last week? This is too bizarre for words.
18 :
I would check with your doctor to make sure there won't be any long term damage first, then I'd march into the principal's office and demand some answers. They have to have parental consent to give any child a shot. It is the responsibility of the teacher, nurse, AND principal to make sure that consent form is signed! Furthermore, as your son is autistic, and depending on the severity of his autism, he probably couldn't very well inform them that he'd already had a flu shot, plus he's six! It's not his job to keep them updated, but theirs to update their information with you. I would definitely be angry, you have every right to be. Go in tomorrow and get some answers and if there is damage done, you may consider contacting a lawyer. At the very least, you might consider switching schools. Good luck!
19 :
The school is at fault. First off, a letter should have been sent home well in advance to allow parents the chance to give consent or to state they don't want it. If you did not get such a notice and your child was given "medication" without your knowledge then by all means you should be worried. There are children out there that are allergic to some of the components in vaccinations and flu shots (all my children are), this is a complete disrespect to the parent to allow such a thing to happen and take a chance with a child's health. Take your child to his doctor for a check up. If nothing else it is recorded he was taken to see his normal doctor. If there is a bill, take that with you to the next school board meeting and demand they pay for the visit it took to make sure your son wasn't harmed by the double shot. Then file a complaint with the board involving the school nurse and anyone else involved with the episode. I am so sorry this happened to you and your son.
20 :
First, call his dr. now and make sure all is ok. Contact the principal and go directly to the school board tomorrow morning. DO NOT WAIT! Get a lawyer! They will settle very fast.
21 :
My first action would be to call my child's pediatrician. How can the school do anything without your consent?? Especially something like a vaccination. Around here, no school employee can even give your child cough drops without a written consent from the parent. I would be absolutely livid. I say definitely don't let this get swept under the carpet. Even if everything is ok with YOUR child, you need to do all you can to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to someone else's child.
22 :
what the school did was wrong. They shouldnt have been giving out the flu shot in the first place, that is not a required shot to have so it is not their business to administer it without parental consent. I would bring it up to the school board. With that being said though, I used to be in the army and had multiple shots, multiple times. I would have just gotten say the hep A shot one month, and then the next month they would "not have record of it" even though I had it on paper (with their signature on it!), it wasnt in their system so I would have to get it again. The point of me telling you that is that I am still alive and okay. Your son should be fine, the swelling and soreness is probably just from the injection itself. I wouldnt worry too much, but this is not to say that I wouldnt make a complaint. Just wouldnt go as far as trying to sue the school.
23 :
okay , take a deep breath. I have a son with autism too and forms have bene signed by me and his father THAT NO ONE is to give him shots but his peidatrician, PERIOD. I know how you feel but let me play devils advocate for a minute. did they send you a form about what dates the schools were giving shots ? I read everything the school gives me to make sure I don't miss anything, since my son is young and it worries me ((( HUGS ))) just have his peid check him out hun
24 :
She did! As for the swelling and soreness, that's actually a normal reaction to flu shots. I got one while I was in the hospital when my son was born and I had that reaction. Warm compresses help. You should go directly to the school board and file an official complaint against all of them. You should also notify your doctor and see what he or she can do to help the situation. That teacher can so lose her job for that. The school has to have a specific consent form on file that clearly states you give approval for your child to receive a flu shot. I had to sign a consent to receive flu vaccine form and I had mine in a hospital!
25 :
This makes me so irrate!! If I was in this situation I would make it be known that I am very upset. This is wrong. I would contact an atty too, I dont know how you feel but vaccines are dangerous and you as a parent are the one who needs to make the decison. They messed up and please make it be known! Contact the school board and the health dept in your area and also call the vaccine hotline too!!
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