Friday, January 28, 2011

i am 24 yeal old but i am looking like a child, How can i improve my health to a strong and healthy person

i am 24 yeal old but i am looking like a child, How can i improve my health to a strong and healthy person?

Men's Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
Workout and go to the gym and eat right. Accept who you are, you are not what you look like. Be mature and handle any ribbing in stride.
2 :
Eat good healthy foods including mutton, chicken and many more non-vegetarian foods and fruits
3 :
Increase the amount of protein (chicken, fish etc) in your diet and do some weight training.
4 :
Get a physical exam by a competent doctor. You don't give any information at all, such as what sex you are, where you live, what exactly you mean by "looking like a child", etc. Perhaps you are infested with parasites, or have AIDS or some other chronic disease. Perhaps you are malnourished. Perhaps your growth was stunted by illness or malnutrition. Once your bones are fused, and I'm sure they are fused at 24 yrs. of age, you can't get any taller. You can enlarge your muscles by good nutrition and by anaerobic exercises, such as weight lifting exercises. When you say you look like a child, I wonder if you mean sexually. Perhaps you have a gonadal problem, meaning poorly functioning testicles (male) or ovaries (female). Would have to take this up with a doctor. If you are a girl, you know that your ovaries are functioning normally, if you have regular menses (periods). If you are a boy, you know your testicles are functioning fairly normally if you have normal male facial hair, your voice is on the lower side, and you have normal sexual drive. Perhaps you simply feel that you "don't measure up" when comparing your body with that of other men or women. There is a wide spectrum of what is considered normal. If that is the case, then stop worrying, and be grateful for the body that God gave you. We aren't all alike, but alas, we have different talents.

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    Monday, January 24, 2011

    ware in the philippines can a child get free health care

    ware in the philippines can a child get free health care?
    I'M here in the states doing all i can my wife and kids are in the philippines our 11 year old son is autistic and in need of some health care he is very sick he has been eating plastic and now he is swollen and can barely breath the doctors there wont check him out 1 because we dont have much money or is it 2 because he is autistic either way he needs some help So is there any place that can give him the help he needs my wife is in the metro manila area
    Other - Health - 1 Answers
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    1 :
    is their not a AE you can take him to if no one will help go to the newspapers and tell them may be they can help you good luck to you and your family

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    Is there health insurance coverage for unemployed people with adverse medical conditions

    Is there health insurance coverage for unemployed people with adverse medical conditions?
    Suppose you have a child or spouse who has a horrible health condition and are currently employed. You lose your job, and thereby lose coverage, not only for yourself but for your family member. Is your child/spouse left to die, or are there programs that can help pay for this, considering that the cost of such a medical expense is too great for a person with to job without health insurance to cover? For this case, just consider the U.S.
    Insurance - 5 Answers
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    1 :
    2 : - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
    3 :
    Not in the US. That's why health care reform is such a big topic now.
    4 :
    When you lose your job, you can get COBRA coverage afterwards. Most states have a high risk health insurance pool - but many of them have wait periods. And for children, the truly poor, and disabled people, we have government health care - Medicaid and medicare. 25% of Americans are actually on government health care right now.
    5 :
    Many States have High Risk Insurance pools. Put the state you are in in front of " high risk health insurance pool" and Do a yaho search, and follow the link. American Seniors

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    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    I am really concerned about my child's health... if anyone could share their opinion

    I am really concerned about my child's health... if anyone could share their opinion.?
    okay well just last week my child started having this really bad abdominal pain. like cramps. he also had diarrhea. No fever at all. well the diarrhea stopped yesterday. i took him to the doctor and she said that he probably had a stomach infection and that it would go away on its own. well yesterday morning he woke up and he didn't seem like himself. he told me he had a headache and that his belly was hurting and like 15 minutes later he was throwing up. and then like half an hour later he felt good. and has been alright with no fever and no diarrhea . he did complain little bit about belly pain.. he is eating all right and playing how he normally would. my child is 4 years old
    Toddler & Preschooler - 3 Answers

    Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
    1 :
    If he has been having this for a week I think you need to take him back and see what is up with him. Doctors often just claim a child has a stomach infection when there is diarrhea. My son had the 6th disease, the early stages are diarrhea and thats what they said he had. The next day he broke out with a horrible rash for weeks. Of course there wasnt anything they could do about it, but they tend to just jump to conclusions.
    2 :
    u should really go 2 the hospital ! its really bad
    3 :
    It sounds like as stomach virus..not sure if that would be the same as infection

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      Sunday, January 16, 2011

      Do you think it's child abuse for pregnant women to use

      Do you think it's child abuse for pregnant women to use?
      Should pregnant women who smoke cigarettes, use drugs and drink alcohol be charged with child abuse? It seems like these young women are too selfish to take care of their own bodies for the sake of their children's future. If these mothers don't care enough about their child's health, should we as a society do something?
      Other - Society & Culture - 9 Answers
      Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
      1 :
      Well, you could consider a lot of things people do that are bad for their kids to be child abuse, such as raising them to be impolite, feeding them unhealthy food or even just having kids when you can't afford them. But then we can't control everything people do, nor should we.
      2 :
      It's less harmful than smacking them all the time once they leave the womb. That's legal. There's no diff.
      3 :
      I don't think it is I know it is. Drug and/or alcohol use does life long damage on a child. Mental retardation, learning disabilites etc
      4 :
      child endangerment for sure. i would say abuse as well. but i guess then where do we stop...its a slippery slope because then you have to have a defined list of all the bad things a pregnant mother can do that endangers their kid like speeding in the car, eating toxic foods, taking prescriptions...all of those put the childs life in danger
      5 :
      Yes. I think they should also be charged for child endangerment
      6 :
      having a child when you can't afford it doesn't constitute as child abuse. however, substance abuse while pregnant is. the mother is not only harming her own body, she is setting her baby up for multiple health and mental problems. that is, if she doesn't miscarry because she's using.
      7 :
      Smoking: I believe quitting entirely causes an increase in stress levels which are just as bad for the 'child'. However, I do think they should cut back as much as possible. Drugs: Completely irresponsible no excuses. Drinking: They say red wine in moderation is good for a healthy pregnancy, other drinks such as Guiness are very high in iron. No problem with drinking when pregnant, big problem with binge drinking while pregnant. You are also supposed to avoid anything with caffeine (that's most of your fizzy drinks out the window) and anything spicy. If a woman stuck to all of it then it would drive them insane. Give up the cigarettes but if it's stressing you out too much then you are probably better just cutting back as much as possible. Drugs are a big no no. Just be careful what you drink and keep it in moderation. Either way it is not child abuse because it is not a 'child' until it is born. However those who smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish while pregnant do disgust me.
      8 :
      My mother smoked while she was carrying me and I'm fine as are all three of my sisters. Of course this was back in the bad ol' ignorant '50s when no one knew any better. Since no one knew any better, babies were born just fine. Now, if a baby is born with problems and it can be shown they are due to the mother's actions while pregnant you may have a point. But since the child is not yet born, we know nothing about any problems, or lack of problems, so you're putting the cart before the horse.
      9 :
      I think it is. Those people shouldn't be allowed to have kids if they can't have the basic emotion of caring for a child. I think a lot of them don't give their kids a second thought. The ones that really piss me off are the ones that smoke around their kids, whether it be in a car or a restuarant. You want to kill yourself with cancer...go right ahead but don't take your child with you. No child should start out life with all these kinds of problems because adults only care about their needs. There are some circumstances where the law should step in. Smoking, drugs and alchol is one. All I can say to those people. THINK OF YOUR CHILD YOU SELFISH SOB! I bet you they would be at their kids funeral crying and asking why. Well stupid, your nasty habit and the fact that you were selfish killed your child. Bringing a child into this world is a major responsiblity. And you should put the childs needs above yours. But all too often I see people cranking out kids like a pez despenser. It makes me sad. I never ever want to see a child harmed. I consider the things I stated as child abuse and they should be punished.

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      Wednesday, January 12, 2011

      How can someone be so greedy s to want legalized abortion AND universal health care

      How can someone be so greedy s to want legalized abortion AND universal health care?
      The way I look at it, why should so many poor children be without health care considering so many people getting abortions? Maybe we could do a trade-off. You let us stop the genocide (or infanticide) by banning abortion and we will let you give universal health care to children under 16 yrs old? Deal?
      Politics - 12 Answers

      Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
      1 :
      No. I am fine with abortion even as a Christian. The babies getting aborted are the next generation of liberals. Abort away I say. Either that or people could stop screwing without protection. Hey, what a novel freaking idea...
      2 :
      No deal...letting liberals prematurely abort their off spring is a good thing for America...the less of them in the gene pool the better.
      3 :
      4 :
      If you are against abortion do not have one. Simple enough?
      5 :
      What a crock of right-wing ignorance. Taking the "greedy" label off the insurance racketeers who support your capitalist snake oil and passing it along to the people who want to end the racket might look like a clever sleight of hand to you, but it's an obvious desperation move by someone who has no logical justification for any of his perverted beliefs.
      6 :
      Throw in Universal health care for the rest of the population and I'd make that deal in a New York minute! LOL! But then... I'm pro-life! :)
      7 :
      Your logic is beyond help. Abortion is one issue and health care is totally different. About abortions it is a private issue that should be decided by women and men should have no say. More middle and upper class women have abortions then poor women. Infanticide is the killing of a child, a living breathing child. Health care paid for by the government is called socialized medicine. You get what you pay for. If the government pays all the bills you get what you deserve.
      8 :
      Presently we pay Billions into healthcare. 2.3 million people are employed just to say no to claims people who pay for health care make. Imagine $640 billion dollars each year just to pay people to say "NO". Now abortion it a totally differnt issue. Know the facts not just what the pro's and con's say about abortion. Espically the Partial Birth Abortion thing where it only happens once in 4.1 million births to women who have had not medical care and the child is severly deformed. The child would most likely need to be hospitalized it's entire life. So there is what they don't tell you about that.
      9 :
      I guess you mean Republicans. Republicans are not "greedy" they are individualists. Individualists do what's right for themselves. Democrats are collectivists. Collectivism is closely linked to communism and nazism. About abortion, I hate to see defenseless infants stabbed with a needle until they die. About universal healthcare: 1. There is no government agency (except taxation) that functions well 2. "Free" healthcare is actually not free, it is paid for by taxes. 3. Profits and market forces keep costs of healthcare down and keep the service at a good quality. With government, that is nonexistant. 4. It will end up like Canada when it takes months to get in for a doctor. 5. Healthy people would have to pay for obese people or people who smoke. 6. There would be less doctors 7. The statistic that there are over 40 million uninsured includes illegal immigrants and people who don't think it would pay off to have health insurance.
      10 :
      I don't think abortion should be used as birth control or people should be made to suffer a long and painful death but the decision should be left up to the patient and doctor. Unfortunately republicans care little about the health and welfare of citizens after they are here. They just want to tell you if you can be born or die. In the end it's all about money. Having a working family member die because they didn't have health care and couldn't get the treatment they needed may have opened my eyes. The children and elderly are not disposable just because they aren't wealthy.
      11 :
      Have you no sense of right and wrong!?!?!?
      12 :
      Abortion contributes nothing to society except murder, death, and destruction.

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        Saturday, January 8, 2011

        Could poor diet as a child lead to health problems later

        Could poor diet as a child lead to health problems later?
        When I was little we were really poor and my diet was mostly kraft dinners (I still eat these everyday though), ramen and peanut butter. We didn't even get bread for the peanut butter because of the price - we used cheap crackers or sometimes canned biscuits if we could them super cheap. The fruits and veggies we had were only the very cheap ones like bananas, carrots and canned stuff. Sometimes in the summer we had a few garden veggies and in the winter usually we had a deer. Now I have noticed that I have really bad teeth and I think it may be from early malnutrition. I've had three root canals and a filling in every tooth except for the four front ones. I'm kind of worried that I may have more health problems later. Should I be too worried?
        Diet & Fitness - 8 Answers
        Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
        1 :
        I think you will be long as your provide you body with what it needs now. As go for your teeth yes that is most likely from poor eating, but could your family afford to take you to the dentist as a kid? That too could be why your having teeth problems.
        2 :
        Yes what you eat when your younger could effect you when your older :/ Your bad teeth could be due to not brushing properly or not enough mind?
        3 :
        Definitely. It's not too late to change and make a difference though. Usually a bad diet as a child can lead to memory problems, obesity, bone problems and diabetes. Take the plunge now and start incorporating healthy food into your diet. Your teeth are also as important, you want to have a good set, instead of falsies!
        4 :
        Yes it does. But what is even more important is how you eat now.
        5 :
        Maybe you should start eating a new diet, like drinking lots of milk daily, have your 8 glasses of water, eat good fruits, veggies, grains, meats and dairy.
        6 :
        start eating healthier now and get calcium for your teeth as well start drinking milk and eating cheese
        7 :
        i didnt read your paragraph, sorry, but yes poor diet can lead to health problems later in life.
        8 :
        You had a somewhat healthy diet. The deer was the most nutritious of everything especially if you ate the whole heer ( and I bet you didn't). Carbohydrates is the leading cause of bad teeth. So it was good that you didn't get bread for the peanut butter but it is too bad that the peanut butter was full of sugar. One way that is healthy and can save a lot of money on dental bills is a low carb diet. Plus extend this into intermittent fasting. Meat and vegetables are the main source of nutrients and just enough carbohydrates to balance the glucose levels. Don't hesitate to purchase the cheaper fattier cuts of meat and cook them in your vegetables. Even though eggs seem expensive they are really economically priced. There are many low carb vegetables that are also among the most nutritious such as mustard greens, collard greens, spinach,brocolli and can easily be grown in the graden and canned. If you have access to wild game such as deer take advantage of it. Read this: Intermittent fasting; Now intermittent fasting isn't something you just jump into. Your body has to adjust to the new eating cycle. But it isn't difficult if you commit yourself and hopefully this one article will help you to do this. But, if you need more information ar if you want to hear my experience, I would be happy to share more with you.

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        Tuesday, January 4, 2011

        does step father need to provide health insurance for step child

        does step father need to provide health insurance for step child?
        His company is doing a health insurance audit. Now they want documentation from the court stating that he is responsible to provide insurance. How and where would I get such documentation? I was never married to my daughters father. We decided what was best amongst ourselves put it on paper and notorized it. My daughters father would pay for private education and I would pay for the rest. Now that I am married to her step father the insurance company wants clarification that the step father has to provide insurance.
        Family - 3 Answers

        Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
        1 :
        That would be listed on his Mother's Divorce Decree from the child's father. If they were never married, then it would be listed on documents in the Child Support Case. I don't think he needs to provide health insurance for the step child, he might be able to though. Before I had insurance through my employer my husband, (my child's step father) carried insurance for all of us. I had to give his employer/insurance company a copy of my divorce decree showing the insurance arrangements. Ours states that both parties need to carry insurance if it's reasonably affordable. So since it wasn't available to me then that meant he had to carry it because he was my husband and was the one who was providing insurance for our family. I just gave them a copy and there were not any issues.
        2 : - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
        3 :
        he can carry insurance on the minor child as long as you the mother is responsible to do so which in case you were never married so yes the man you are married to is legally your husband and step father so it is his right to do so i mean if the military will cover insurance for step children than no out side company should have any say so as long as your husband pays a co pay and monthly charges through the company this should not be asked of him to show proof i would take birth certificate and marriage license and say heres your proof and ask what else is needed

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          Saturday, January 1, 2011

          Isn't it in the best interests to give children proper health insurance

          Isn't it in the best interests to give children proper health insurance?
          I wonder if this is why our naked emperor vetoed health insurance for our children. Do you think this elitist action from the emperor will have disastrous consequences for the Republicans (in addition to the bogus "war" in Iraq, Osama Binladen/Al-Zahwiri still breathing, etc.) I'm referring to this story:
          Politics - 9 Answers
          Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
          1 :
          its not a child health plan. i love how the liberal media titles it that to make bush look worse.
          2 :
          He vetoed it because it included too many people who can afford insurance. Most Republicans backed the bill, and we will likely have a new revised bill. Stop reading just the headline.
          3 :
          4 :
          I hope this veto will be the straw that breaks the camels back. The day can't come soon enough when bush and the republicans like him are wiped from this planet. My blood is boiling once again and my head shaking in pity and shame from what has become of my Country.
          5 :
          Is it in our best interest to spend money on children without health insurance? Another important question to ask is WHY DON'T these children have insurance? Didn't JFK famously say "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?". Smart Americans will see through this legislation as a cheap attempt for Democrats to paint Bush as someone that doesn't care about children. As if $50 billion weren't enough, they request an extra $35 and allow the plan to cover children up to age 25 (anything past 18 is not a child in the eyes of the state).
          6 :
          He should have vetoed it from everything I've heard and read. The bill would have covered not only children, but adults too, and some of the adults covered wouldn't have even had children. I don't agree with Bush on everything, and it's very rare anymore, but I agree with him on this. A revised bill that would ONLY cover children who otherwise would not have healthcare would be acceptable to me, even though I'm for less government intervention in our lives.
          7 :
          Is a 30 year old person making $79,999 per year a child? under this program they would be covered, since when is it the federal governments responsibility to provide health care to anyone? That is a state issue, my guess is that this program would have directly benefited you. The only program the federal government is bound by the Constitution to provide is for the common defense.
          8 :
          Here's a thought: maybe people should be able to afford the children they choose to have instead of forcing the government to pay for their irresponsible choices. Why should the American taxpayer be saddled with the debt of caring for the needs of children whose parents are not willing to pay for themselves? If I choose to have more children than I can afford,it's my choice and my responsibility;if I choose to have no children and avoid the debt of raising and caring for them,should I not be able to use those saved funds as I see fit? The U.S. is not a socialist country,if this offends or disappoints you,you are free to leave.
          9 :
          Any American who voted for Bush in 2004 needs to pray for forgiveness as they elected an evil demon as president.

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