Monday, December 28, 2009

How can anyone who kills their children not have mental health problems

How can anyone who kills their children not have mental health problems?
and therefore plead manslaughter through diminished responsibility??? It goes against every human instinct to kill your child, so shouldn't everyone who does this be excused?
Gender Studies - 8 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why even care? People are screwed up and shit happens. Many animals kill their children, it is punished in our "evolved" society but I wouldn't call it going against human instinct. In an evolutionary perspective, killing off your offspring is not good - but there might be behavioral and/or mental mutations mixed with everyday hardship and/or drugs that led to the murder. It requires a special kind of nutjob to purposely kill anyone for no reason, whether their own child or not. People are punished for commiting crime because that is what society wants - an orderly and safe environment. Some societies punish more severely than others - one indian tribe I saw even cannabilize their own dead and human waste. In response to the below bible thumping replies: It has nothing to with the devil, video games, global warming, Santa Claus, or Chuck Norris. Whether you like it or not, people are capable of the worst. Logic, education, and good breeding is the key to a better society; God is popular among prison inmates, and fools.
2 :
It could be a drug-induced psychosis, or perhaps the result of an advanced neurological infection. Then again, it could be from head trauma of some kind (an accident, being beaten, etc). What is your evidence about 'every human instinct'? Is this backed up by scientific evidence, or simply your own beliefs about human behavior? Someone could be considered 'guilty but insane'. This is not an 'excuse', but a 'cause'. The laws are struggling to keep up with this issue. Clearly someone could still be guilty of murder and have 'responsibility' (they did it), but have diminished 'capacity' because of their mental state. Hope this is helpful.
3 :
Facing the fact this world is corrupted beyond belief, there is nothing that surprises me lately. It is unnatural and sickening. As we may or may not disagree I feel strong faith in God and know one day evilness will have no place any longer. (Hug)
4 :
Yeah, but what about the people who kill their kids and is not on drugs and has no mental problems. Thats what freaks me out. I believe it's satan who is doing all of this. There are many instances that happen like this and nobody can explain why. Because we are all in shock and dumbfounded. Police have said they could not find a motive or any mental illness and was not premeditated. That is evil. It's hard to believe in something you can't understand fully, or if it's just not natural or normal than its not real, right? Well, People should not be excused for this, it's their lack of faith for Jesus that allows satan to take over them. I have strong faith in God and I believe that some or even all of these people were invaded by satan. This will all continue, until Jesus returns
5 :
Not excused. I agree that mental health problems must be there to let people do this, but I don't think insanity equals innocence. I think there's usually an explanation but not an excuse. And I don't think it's the Devil or any other mystical entity.
6 :
With the millions of abortions, I would not think it against womens instinct to kill their child.
7 :
Of course, anyone that kills their child is evil. This isn't about abortion tho is it? Abortion isn't killing a child.
8 :
It depends. For me to believe they have diminished responsibility - they needed to have been diagnosed PRIOR to the act. Not conveniently after. Some people are just evil and not ill. They act in revenge.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why do you think children even NEED Health Care

Why do you think children even NEED Health Care?
All that man made medicine in their bodies. Doctors havent cured ANYTHING since polio. The only real thing we have now are legal pill pushers. ALSO, its a proven fact that poor, or low income families children tend to live longer than ones that have the best of health care. So is this presumptuous promise of free helath care REALLY worth it?
Politics - 19 Answers
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1 :
umm, where do u get ur facts hun, and for ur info they need healthcare because they get sick.doh!
2 :
Where so you get your information, from comic books?
3 :
I'll have to tell my niece that. She thinks the doctors saved her from childhood Leukemia.
4 :
Prove that "fact" about poor families being healthier, because it goes against everything I've ever read, ever. You sound like a fundamentalist dupe who thinks "science" is a dirty word.
5 :
Firstly, people have a longer life expectancy than ever before. Secondly, where is you proof that lower income families have children that live longer? Third, if you ever have a child, which I hope you don't, do your own experiment, and provide them no health care
6 :
Do you even have children? Do you have any idea what medicine can do? Do you know how many uninsured children die of easily curable illnesses each year? Children need health care so that they won't die from ear infections anymore!
7 :
I am opposed to universal healthcare because I do not want the government controlling it. But this is kind of a "sick" question if you're serious.
8 :
That has to be one of the most rediculous things I have ever read on Yahoo answers, even worse then the stuff about Obama being a muslim. Just curious, why do you walk around with a helmet on your head, oh brilliant one? It's a fact...well rather then take your word for it, being that you are clearly the authority on the subject, could you show me your evidence? I guess this explains why people with advanced degrees are usually liberals...they write books and actually have to come up with sources.
9 :
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Doctors are good, spread the word.
10 :
I'm surprised you can read, let alone write words in a sentence.....where do you get your facts? From the guy at the recycle center? No, not the nice one...the foul, gasey one that swears every other word and yells at you for mixing up plaastic with're not related to him are you?
11 :
One time, I'll give a completely dumb Q a decent answer. First of all, POLIO was never 'cured'. A 'preventative' vaccine was scientifically discovered and those who got their 'shots' back in the '50s, who hadn't already contracted the disease, were virtually 100% protected. There have been many 'cures' for a plethora of maladies discovered over the last knows how many years. The statement about " health care REALLY worth it ??" is utterly an uneducated and hopeless view of reality.
12 :
LOLLOL I love the line We cant have our government control our health system. The rebuplicans are doing a hell of job making the people think that the government is dumb. I think my cops and fireman do a hell of a job and I believe the SAME docs would too.
13 :
Your completely ridiculous assertion that children from low income families live longer aside (the exact opposite has been proven, time and time again), health care for children has proven to be a phenomenal investment every place it's been implemented, although you have to think "long-term" instead of looking for immediate results. Children with health care are sick less often. Children who are sick less often lose less time from school and concentrate better when they're in class. Students who concentrate well and aren't absent do better in school. Students who do better in school are more likely to graduate and go on to college. Graduates who become college educated get better jobs. People with better jobs earn more money. People who earn more money pay more taxes. Higher overall tax revenues enable the government to provide more health care for more children. Think of health care for children as a wise investment in the future of our country.
14 :
Personally I agree that children should have healthcare. I also think that the parents need to provide it for them. If a parent cant take care of their kids the state needs to give them to someone who can.
15 :
I suggest you check your facts before stating typical pop culture myths. The facts are in the United States (as well as the rest of the world) low income children DIE more often, they do no reach adulthood. Those that are the survivors do not live longer either. In statistical terms the level of income and education affects average life-span by up to 27 years, depending on what part of the charts you read. By the way Herbal medicine is still medicine...just as deadly in the wrong hands, and always has side-effects as well. Go and do some proper reasearch.
16 :
"its a proven fact that poor, or low income families children tend to live longer than ones that have the best of health care"? SOURCE PLEASE! Antibiotics work pretty well. Surgery works pretty well. Broken bones can be set. Chronic disease can be managed.
17 :
Let them have health care just in case they get seriously sick. But I agree what doctors aren't of much use. Whenever something goes wrong with someone or someone gets sick, everyone in America's like, Go to your doctor, Go to your therapist, Take drugs, Don't ask me what to do, go to your doctor and take drugs. Only drugs can save your life, so take drugs, become addicted to them and ruin your life. Go to your doctor and get chemo to kill your cancer cells, and kill the rest of your body, too. I can't help you because that's what I do, too - I take drugs. So stop waisting my time, go to your doctor and take drugs! Every time there's a question on here about someone being sick, or someone hearing voices, or someone being mentally ill, there's bound to be someone that answers, "Go to your doctor", and nothing else. Even if it's something that obviously isn't serious, like back pain or something, people's only answer is, "Go to your doctor". I'm sick of it! I always try to give an answer that doesn't involve going to the doctor, cause I know some meditation stuff, and some home remedy stuff, too.
18 :
It's about time someone took on the Big Health lobby. All this "cancer bad, breathing good!" nonsense has gotten out of control. Healthy people die every day, which proves that being healthy causes death.
19 :
I don't agree with UHC, but the notion that kids don't need health care is ludicrous. There are plenty of illnesses and accidents to go around in childhood--and though there is a reasonable argument about mercury as a preservative vaccinations most certainly have altered the course of most children's lives for the better. It's hard to find an American doctor nowadays who can even recognize the measles which every doctor USED TO SEE plenty of cases of. Measles can lead to pneumonia and encephalitis, which are also serious issues, so the near eradication of that disease is a good thing. I agree that there is too much pill pushing for kids--a lot of these things are fads and overdiagnosed. In other cases, it's untested (long term) medicine for things easily prevented (think Gardasil for one). However, if your kid falls off the swings and hits his head you NEED insurance to not end up bankrupt and kids do that sort of thing, so YES, children do need health care. We just don't need government health care. (See sensible plan here: Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World)

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sports tutors for very young children a health risk

Sports tutors for very young children a health risk?
There are a growing number of young athletes having serious problems in their teens and twenties. There have been many unexpected deaths during competitions. Will this new business, tutoring very young children cause the problem to worsen? Is it really worth a cheap plastic trophy or added profits for some otherwise failed trainer to put kids at that much risk? Wouldn't they grow up to be more normal if you turned off their TV and computer and had them play with other kids?
Parenting - 2 Answers

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1 :
I don't know if you are aware of it, but there was one such death today in New York. I think it will be a very serious health risk, butting abnormal stress and strain on the bodies of little children.
2 : 28 years old marathon runner, died I think sports trainers for kids is a waste of time. If you're in high school and aiming toward a scholarship, that I can understand, but otherwise, what's the point? My neighbor down the street has a trainer for her 11yr son for soccer so he can make the state team in the spring. He trains with this coach 3 days a week for 3hrs each session and 1 session on Saturday for 90ms. That's 10.5 hours a week that can be dedicated to school, spending time with family and friends and doing other activities. The kid is happy playing for the town and likes (not loves) soccer. He's being pushed for no reason. Will that lead to health risks in the future? I don't know for sure. I think the extra stress and pushing yourself over the limits will do something to a kid over time, but I'm not a docotr. I am though a teacher and have a degree in child development I know that this will definitely have an impact on his school work and his decision making skills. What will be more important to him in the future? At his age he should be playing outside, riding bikes with friends, enjoying school etc, not being pushed to play state soccer at 11, 12yrs old. Best Wishes =]

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Affordable health insurance for children of students

Affordable health insurance for children of students?
My brother wants to go to college, but if he leaves his job his kids wont have health insurance. Are there any good health insurance providers for children of students? My brother lives in Spokane, WA if that matters.
Other - General Health Care - 1 Answers
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1 :
Most colleges offer health insurance plans that you can purchase as long as you're a student. It will also allow him to have dependents so if he wanted to buy health insurance through the school he could put his children on it as well. The coverage is usually good and it is a lot cheaper then buying individual insurance. It might be something he wants to check into.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is there a certain age of consent for children who want to be apart of there health care decision

Is there a certain age of consent for children who want to be apart of there health care decision?
In the US is there a law that allows children to decide for themselves when it comes to health issues concerning them? Such as being apart of informed consents? I was wondering becaus, can there be a problem if parents refuse to tell their teenager (15) that they have cancer, even if the physician encourages that the teenager know about it. Is there a fine line between what you should inform your child and what the parent should decide?
Other - Health - 2 Answers

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1 :
18 is the magic number, until then you are considered a child - incapable of rational thought.
2 :
Where did you get that idea? Read about the new law

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How do I become a child advocate

How do I become a child advocate?
What classes should I take? I'm assuming they have to be in social work, psychology, child development, maybe even health/social relations. But, how do I know exactly what I need to take? What degree am I going for? I'm in Chicago, so what universities are good for a career in child advocacy? I don't know what else to ask, but any information in how to become a child advovate would be greatly helpful. Thanks.
Special Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
It sounds like you need courses in both special education and social work. I would contact ASAH, an organization that helps people with special needs youngsters, and ask them what they suggest. Good's a job that requires patience, and a lot of love...but the results can be life changing.
2 :
First you can actually learn a lot online. Start with the spec ed laws at go to the fed health and human service website see children. Good luck and good for you!!
3 :
Check-out the training that Child Advocacy organizations give in their volunteers. For a list of internet resources regarding Child Advocacy, check out the LINKS posted in my Yahoo Group's links page . See the link below:

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Friday, December 4, 2009

How can I get health insurance on a child that is not biologically mine

How can I get health insurance on a child that is not biologically mine?
I am getting married in April. My future husband and I have 5 kids. I have 3 that are biologically mine and he has one that is biologically his. The mother of his child has a daughter that she is unable to raise and is now living with us. She does not have a father listed on her birth certificate. She is 6 years old. The mother has gotten a paper notarized stating we can take her to the doctor. Bur she will not let my fiance adopt the child or get his name added to the birth certificate. How can we get health insurance on her? To clarify he is NOT the childs biological father.
Insurance - 3 Answers

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1 :
Dad is going to have to go to court to get legal rights to that child - including getting his name on the birth certificate. That means, he's ALSO going to have to start paying child support for the child. ONCE dad is legally recognized as the father, THEN when you get married, you can add your stepdaughter to your insurance through your employer. Or, dad can add the child to his insurance through HIS employer. Until there is legal recognition that the child is, indeed, his, neither you nor he have any legal rights or access to the child - and you cannot buy any type of insurance for them, or on their behalf. **Unless you are LEGALLY responsible for the child, via adoption, there is NO WAY to just put health insurance on them, just because mom is allowing her to live with you. You also cannot buy life insurance on her. You have NO legal rights regarding someone ELSE'S child - and no legal responsibility, either.**
2 :
Bluntly, you do not. Either you adopt the child or one of the biological parents, not you, gets the insurance. You can pay for it if you want, but it needs to be in the biological mother's name or the biological father's name.
3 :
You have to get separate insurance on that child alone.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

does the women's health dramatically change after child's birth? I mean i am dating an single mother

does the women's health dramatically change after child's birth? I mean i am dating an single mother,?
she is 21 and looks healthy to me. But if she hadnt given birth, were she was different? Her breasts i feel are not that firm but i am not sure its because of the baby??. What else could change in the body?
Women's Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes, a woman's health can change dramatically after the birth of a child such as due to the hormone levels coming down since she is no longer pregnant. Her periods can also be altered after the birth. The breasts can change some as well, especially if she nursed the baby. I would recommend that she check with her doctor as well if she is noticing other things that don't feel right to her

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

on the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child

on the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?

Pregnancy - 11 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It depends on what kind of health risks
2 :
I assume you mean a medically necessary abortion. In that situation, of course the life of the mother is "more important". Although that's not exactly the words I would choose.
3 :
are we talking abortion for like a MEDICAL reason or just because the mother 'doesn't want to'. if its the second one, then no.. abortion is wrong. if there is a medical reason and the baby can absolutely not be saved and the mother can't medically hold on until the baby will be fine, then i think terminating the pregnancy is fine. a lot of people may not agree, but why lose two lives when you can only lose one.
4 :
would depend on the scenario
5 :
I'm very much against abortion, but if anything were to put the mothers life at risk. I could understand that. when it comes to health of the mother or the unborn child, both are important. but if it were there lives at risk, and she was far enough along that the baby was 5 or 6 months along I would think they would do a c-section and at least try to save them both. me never being in that situation and never knowing anyone I don't know what the Dr would do. It all depends on the situation, since all situations are different. but by all means... neither life is more important over the other. both are equally important. (for me personally... I don't know that I could say that mine is more important.... I would ask the Dr to save us both.... or just him. Even if I was going to die...) And to "the game" what are you gangster? do you feel macho now that you've said that you dumbass
6 :
It is necessary when the mother's health is at risk I wouldn't say it's more important then the unborn baby if the mother can't survive the baby can't survive that's why it's necessary
7 :
I don't think we as humans are at liberty to decide who gets to live. My friend found out she had very advanced breast cancer when she was 3 months pregnant and you cannot be treated for cancer while you're pregnant and the doctor said she would die within 2 months without treatment and that the baby would die too.. so they wanted to abort the baby and start her chemo, but she said no. She didn't feel like it was her place to decide. She left the decision up to God and He saved them both. She delivered a healthy baby girl and then began her treatment and within 3 months, the cancer was completely gone. 6 months later, she got pregnant again. It's been 6 years and the cancer has never returned.
8 :
personally if it was between me and my babys health...i would choose her health over mines
9 :
it depends on the situation. i personally would rather have my baby be healthier than me.
10 :
My baby's health is more important.
11 :
I don't know. It's up to what the mother feels. Usually in that case if the pregnancy isn't terminated, BOTH will die. So I think it should be terminated. Especially if the mother has actual children who are already born. Harriet

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

my husband has to provide health insurance in his child support order!! do you think is fair

my husband has to provide health insurance in his child support order!! do you think is fair?
hi! my husband was ordered like 3 years ago to pay child support for his 1st son, and to pay health insurance, ever since, he is being going to court to get custody over his kid. finally like in a month it will be the final verdict. well... this is my issue. my husband pays $206 monthly for his kid (the one ordered by the court), and he pays $19 on our kid insurance monthly, do you think is fair?? I am not asking for him to pay the same amount for our kid, I think it is way to much $ for his 1st kid..that is not counting the child support money..... but is there a way for him to get a different health insurance package for his 1st kid? that pays way less ...because, it is a premium insurance, and my kid has a low income H insurance, isn't it suppose to be equal?? we can't afford to pay the insurance for our kid the same like his 1st kid......His 1st kid got braces, and the mom, wants my husband to pay half, because that's what the law says, but my husband's opinion was never in it, he didn't know his kid was getting braces and how much the cost was going to be.....and his kid, was not even intimidated on smiling, and I think that could waited. it is ridiculous! the ex, just wants to keep on messing with my husband's life, and its messing with mine too...I have a nice smile.....but.hello...I do need to fix my bottom teeth, their crooked and that kid has braces...all my front (top) teeth are ok..and the ex's family want my husband to pay for the ex's family attorney fees because of the custody battle... I am feed up with it already, had enough.....but do you think is fair??? I knew what I was getting into when I married him... the mom was not even raising her kid was the great grandma maternal side, my husband would have the kid more than 50% of the he didn't have to pay anything, when he wanted to have the kid legally full custody with him, is when the mom appears. saying she has been there always for the kid....the kid and I had a really pretty relationship, and all this happened, the kid doesn't even talk to me no more, the kid doesn't want to be touch by my kid and says that don't want to be around my kid or me...I don't think is fair!!, messing with a kid like this, and brainwashing the kid's mind and I don't think is fair that my kid has the same rights as the sibling.....I am not jealous, but I think that my kid deserves the same, no more no less...... the mom admitted on a declaration, after she was caught, thanks to me, (that she was lying)..but still demands more than what she already has....that's why the court issue went that far..the great grand mother is fighting for custody now. I know my husband has to pay child support for his 1st kid...I understand it, but when they are asking for more, and more..and is ridiculous!! and yeah! my husband is looking for a better job, but for what?? to pay more to the mom!?!?!....the child support don't care what moms do with the money...I went to the office and told em.. they don't care..and I told them, even though the mom spends the money, on clubs, bars and alcohol!!!...having proof!! I have a friend that gets child support, and she gives it a good use on the kid...but when the moms don't of course gets me upset... yes! my husband is going for full custody...I know that is going to be difficult for me to deal with if he gets it all, but I believe the kid has a chance to change, because the mom and the family in the maternal side changed the kid's mind completely, my life was doing good with the kid on it, until the maternal family started hating so and my husband have been together for almost 6 years.and we were really happy, until this drama started...we would take my step kid everywhere.the kid wouldn't leave my side...and now the kid changed a lot!!!! the kid is used to do whatever its way!!! I know we won't have a lot of money with my step kid with us, but we won't have to go through all this drama of going to court and asking for money all the time...and dealing with the bitter unhappy of his ex and her family..I hate it!!
Marriage & Divorce - 5 Answers
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1 :
Sorry but that's what you get when you marry a man with an already made family ..He should have to pay that is his child that child did not ask to be brought into this world but he's here now take care of him ..And I'm 100% sure if the shoe where on the other foot you would complain the the father is paying to much ..So get over it or get use to it ..
2 :
Sounds like you're jealous of the '1st kid'. It's all about what the '1st kid' gets. Like it or not, as long as you are married to this kids' father, the kid is always going to be a part of your lives. Stop hating on the poor child, it does no one, especially you, any good.
3 :
I hate to say it but it is what it is. You cant control it so either your husband needs a better job or you do. I don't mean to sound harsh but there is really nothing you can do. Your husband can petition the courts and inquire about getting a lower costing health insurance. You knew he had another life before you and he has to continue and maintain the lifestyle that the child had before the parents split up. Therefore if "dad" was paying that much in health insurance than he will probably have to continue to do so for the remainder of the child's minor life. Accept it and things will be better EDIT: Why arent you going for full custody?? Why the grand parent? Is your husband not capable of caring for him? Once you get full legal and physical custody, most of your financial problems regarding the child, will go away. Im not sure it will be cheaper but then you wont be able to complain that you and your husband are giving the money away to a mother that isnt using the money correctly, according to you. I know its hard being a step parent but you have to choose your battles and change the things you can and the things you cant, try not to worry about it. Good luck EDIT again lol: I feel for ya, I really do. Im a step parent as well and we will ALWAYS be the evil one. You have to learn to deal with things the best you can. Try not to get caught up in the drama cuz it will surely suck you in if you let it. For the time being, try your hardest to get the child with you, be as patient as you can with the child cuz they dont know what they do. A childs mind is so easily manipulated and its so hard to turn them around but it is possible with lots of time and love. Just stay strong with your husband and do your part to get the child with you. I hope all things work out. Life isnt fair but Im not gonna sit around and dwell on it. Im gonna take them lemons and make some great lemonade! lol Best wishes to you and your family. By the way, how old and what gender is the child?? You can always email me too if we need to go further,
4 :
Parental responsibilities are what they are..that's life when you are a parent..blended family issues are very common can work through this
5 :
no i dont think its fair my husband and i are kind of in the same situation the first child is always favored by the law for some reason even if it is taking away from the other children he has, i dont understand it, and his ex is bitter and unhappy too haha.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

in Louisiana, how do you get home health care for a dependent child

in Louisiana, how do you get home health care for a dependent child?

Women's Health - 2 Answers

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1 :
I'm not from louisiana, but you should be able to go to your local welfare office, and they should be able to help you.
2 :
though your state call them is the child disabled if so you can get the help you need

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Do we have to pay for their health care

Do we have to pay for their health care?
On the news tonight they showed one of the latest bushonomics fiascos. Fencing along the U.S./Mexican border is clearly marked "Made in China". Now, if illegal aliens from the south and Schwarzenegger's militia groups from the north get lead poisoning from the Chinese fencing, who has to pay for their health care? Should they go to the emergency rooms like Bush says poor children with health problems should?
Immigration - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cmon, you already know the answer to this question. Tax paying AMerican citizens like you and me.
2 :
I really don't think anyone is going to be licking the fence, so there is really no chance of anyone getting lead poisoning from the fence.
3 :
Bush/Cheney should be sent to er for mental illness and kept there for a yr and quickly before dollar meets the peso
4 :
well if you are unclean(er) and you are a renglonade from trolLA then it comes outta your pocket.
5 :
I didn't realize they were eating the fence to obtain their quota of trace metals.
6 :
Nop, the illegal aliens that pay taxes can't claim them and trust me it is more than enough to pay this children health care and even yours.
7 :
No. Do you think they are the only uninsured people? You are naive.
8 :
I think that only their children can go to the emergency rooms. The adults will have to sue the Chinese. Since Schwarzenegger has been down there slapping the militia groups on the back, maybe he can get a bill passed requiring all those people to purchase health care insurance. I hope you aren't throwing us a curve ball.
9 :
Immigrants--legal and otherwise--pay taxes. The lie that they don't is simply the propaganda of racists and bigots.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is it fair for my ex wife to claim our kid on her income taxes if I'm the one paying child support

Is it fair for my ex wife to claim our kid on her income taxes if I'm the one paying child support?
She wants to claim our kid on her taxes even tho I'm the one paying our kids health care and child support we have 50/50 custody.
Other - Taxes - 9 Answers

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1 :
Im no expert, but in our experience if you have 50/50 joint custody then she can claim him one year and you the next. If you have 50/50 shared with her as the primary then she can claim every year and you never get to. Not fair huh?
2 :
It's not about fair or unfair. It's about who meets the requirements, which, for separated parents, the main issues are: Residence — for more than half the year, the child must live with the person claiming them. So, even though you have 50/50 custody, one of you has to have the child for more *nights* than the other- that's the parent who meets this requirement. Support — the person did not provide more than half of his or her own support during the year. So, as long as the child isn't providing more than half of their own support, one of you can claim him. It doesn't matter, for this test, who supports more than the other. Good luck! :0)
3 :
The IRS disregards "50/50" custody and goes by where the child sleeps at night and the exact arrangement during the school year. The fact that *you* are paying all the child support certainly suggests the child is living with her. BTW, if you can itemize (or use an FSA at work or HSA), you can still deduct your child's medical expenses even if mom is claiming him/her. This is the only spot in the code where both parents are deemed to have custody.
4 :
What does 50-50 mean? Does the child actually live with each of you the same length of time each year, and stay the same number of nights with each of you? If so, then the parent with the higher AGI (presumably you) gets the exemption. But if the child lives more of the year with your ex, then your ex gets the exemption even though you pay support and pay for health care.
5 :
Review the divorce decree see who can claim the child. Can she claim on the even and you the odd or some combinations thereof
6 :
Paying child support does NOT give you the exemptions. The law states that the parent that the children spend the most time with during the year is the custodial parent for tax purposes and the custodial parent gets the exemptions by law. If there is a very carefully worded court decree in place that went into effect prior to Jan 1, 2009 that gave you the exemptions the IRS would honor it. In all other cases, the custodial parent would have to give you a completed Form 8332 and you would have to attach that to your return to claim the children.
7 :
You had a horrible divorce lawyer. A good one would have argued that if you were paying for health care and child support that you would have been entitled to the deductions. However, without it in a divorce decree, tax law takes over. If they live with her more during the year than they live with you, she is entitled to take the deduction. What is fair is a moot point. Law takes precedence over fairness.
8 :
That's a question for a tax lawyer or advisor. I'd go ahead and claim them, and if she does also, then she's in hot water with the IRS. But make sure you're legal before you do it.
9 :
In the early 90s, Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement ordered the states to adjust their guidelines to take into account in the child support guidelines. If they hadn't, you would be paying even more now. What's not yet taken into account is the child care deduction. In your case, with 50/50, the deduction should be switched yearly, but you will need a court order. Another way to address this would be with a Trust Fund, that both of you would pay in to, plus the saving from the tax deduction. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

For women who were over 37 when they had a child (or children), were you worried about the baby's health

For women who were over 37 when they had a child (or children), were you worried about the baby's health?
We had our first when I was 35. We want to start trying soon (which would make me 37 when we have our second). However, my husband and I have suffered financially in this economy and I want to wait. My husband is concerned with waiting too long as the chance of Downs and other conditions increase as the mother's age increases. So, were you overly concerned by having a baby over the age of 37? Any health complications for you or the baby? Thank you!
Pregnancy - 1 Answers
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1 :
My mom was 39 when she had me and 37 when she had my sister. But she was healthy and not on any type of medication. We were both healthy with no problems at all. The chance of having a baby with Downs does increase the older the mom is but if I were you I would go ahead and do what you feel is right. Personally if I were in your situation I would have a second baby. Good Luck

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to support a child's emotional development at nursery

How to support a child's emotional development at nursery?
Hiya How could you help support a child's emotional health in nursery as a nursery nurse? What ways would you do this and why is it effective? Thanks x
Preschool - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The children need to feel respected and valued. Show them that you are sincerely interested in them and what they're interested in. Give them lots of support, encouragement and reassurance. Teach them to use their words, so they feel empowered to attempt to defend themselves if disagreements with the other children arise, and be able to assert themselves when needed.
2 :
children need to be comfortable in their environment, taking the time to settle a child, stay with them listen to their needs ask them questions make them feel valued, respected and like the nursery is their place to feel comfortable in a second home. find out what they like, don't like and ask their parents what the child's temperament is and work to that, if they are shy Talk softly and engage in quiet play. loud stimulating activities for an outgoing child, understanding their physical, social and intellectual needs will help you to understand there emotional ones. each need is as important as the next. also tell the children about been a bully, been kind all the moral and values and allow them to express there anger or emotions to you or other adults and how to tell adults if something happened to them to make them feel secure in their place of learning.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

im preg at the age of 40 and this is my 7th child, i hoping for a health baby what week can they tell the sex

im preg at the age of 40 and this is my 7th child, i hoping for a health baby what week can they tell the sex?
i have 5 boys and one girl my daughter is hoping for a baby sister :)
Newborn & Baby - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
congrats and between 18-22 weeks good luck
2 :
they wait untill you are about 20 weeks or so...most of the times. Good luck
3 :
technically the sex can be determined as early as 14 weeks, but the ultrasound is routinely done around twenty weeks. My sis found out the sex of her baby at 14 weeks. WE were excited the doctor did an ultasound.
4 :
Not to be rude, but didn't you have ultrasounds in the past? You'd think after 6 babies, you wouldknow what to expect. Like everyone else has said, 20-22 wks is the norm
5 :
When i had a detailed scan th sonographer said they could tell about 16-17 weeks. but that was 3D. good luck x
6 :
lol..don't mean to be rude but you say this is your 7th can you not know when they can tell you the sex? I figured by now you would know. anyway, usually by week 16
7 :
7 babys jesus fuk
8 :
7 kids OH MY GOD I PULL MY HAIR OUT. 20 wks
9 :
I found out with 4D ultrasound at 16 weeks.
10 :
u can find out by the 17th week but i would wait until the 19th week. 17th you may be able to tell, but you may not be, and there is a higher chance of you not being able to tell until you reach 19 weeks.
11 :
14-20 months! Congrats!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why are Republicans against covering the health insurance of children

Why are Republicans against covering the health insurance of children?
The new health reform bill includes tax breaks and coverage for millions more children living below the poverty line. Why oppose this?
Politics - 22 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they will have a tired answer for you
2 :
because most of their children are grown and they dont give a shit about anyone else
3 :
its part of the talking points Bush left them
4 :
because RRGHGH MY TAX DOLLARS one of the tenets of conservatism is that money > human life
5 :
1. They are not hiding behind children. 2. We do not need this health care law.
6 :
i agree i think the government should provide everything to everyone for free.
7 :
It's not the government's place to provide health insurance. The constitution says government is only allowed to promote the general welfare and well-being of us, not provide it for us. There's a big difference. I should not be forced by the government to buy anything, ever. Period. Uninsured people isn't the problem. Lack of jobs and work ethic is the problem. After that, those who are truly poor and unable to provide for themselves can be provided for by charity.
8 :
Once the child is out of the womb, that's all they care about. You are on your own now kiddo.
9 :
Your question is stupid. No one is against covering health insurance of children. It is being opposed because that is only one small portion of the Bill. It's like me taking a vote on who wants to make it law that segregation of Blacks and Whites be re-instated. Congress gets to double their wages. Schools will be knocked flat and that money will go to making brothels and government ran crack houses. And everyone who sees you gets to smack you in the face. Oh...and we will give health insurance to millions of children with this same bill. I don't think you'd vote for this one either.
10 :
Because they only believe in family values when it is free.
11 :
My state already offers health coverage for children living below the povery line and from what I understand it is an expectional program. But why should I get double dipped tax wise (once to pay my state tax to fund it's children's health plan and again to fund the federal government's) for essentially the same thing??
12 :
Because their $10,000,000,000 might get reduced to $9,999,900,000.
13 :
Higher taxes, more people with medicare which is already a broken system and the decline of health care quality because nobody wants to enter a field where you have to go to school for an exceptionally long time, only to find out that you'll need a second job to support your joy of saving lives because you get to basically be a government employee who's salary doesn't allow you to break even, and my state already has a program for completely free health care for children under 18 who are from low-income families.
14 :
Hey, you could have a provision in there that says we are going to protect the nation's drinking water supply and I would hope they still would have voted no. When a bill is 98% crap and 2% common sense, you don't tag your yes vote to 98% crap. Use your brain and quit generalizing.
15 : that's all there is to this 2000+ page bill that took political bribery and intimidation to push through even within the President's own party....? gee, I didn't realize it was as simple as that.....I wonder why nobody tried to explain it like that before...when you put it that way OF COURSE it sounds insane and heartless to oppose it.... you think maybe that's why propagandists resort to over-simplification like you display?
16 :
some people think that Parents should care for their own dare they?
17 :
Have you seen my dead sisters TEETH? I want to wear my dead sisters teeth damn-it!
18 :
Everyone in this country who needs health care gets it. You can walk into an ER, any county facility and get care, whether you are a citizen, whether you will ever pay for the care or not. To say that everyone has to Purchase health insurance is ridiculous. Get out your calculator and see what it's going to cost - if we just send illegals home that could help cut costs of the care and fix a lot of problems. So tell me what you agree with about robbing Americans blind to pay for illegal worker's health care.
19 :
this is nothing new. during bushs term they voted against expanding the chip program which was specifically for covereing low income children. my conclusion is that the gop only like rich people or corporations. everyone else is expendable . whats was rumsfields excuse for sending troops without equipment. you send them with what you have. however since the date for war was arbitrary they could easily have supplied our guys with armore or vehicles. they just dont care .
20 :
Many conservative Republicans believe one of the best ways to improve the plight of the poor is to discourage them from breeding. If you discourage the poor from breeding in the first place, their quality of life should improve - so goes conservative philosophy. The problem here is that many conservative Republicans discriminate by whim against those they deem as "undesirable". Republicans are human too! Many of them breed willy-nilly and then discriminate if favor of biases such as religious preferences, race, ethnicity, etc. When it comes right down to it, the U.S. is still a very racially- and ethnically-biased country. It's also a nation that shows bias in favor of income and wealth. If these conservative Republicans had their way, there would still be "irresponsible" breeding. The only difference is the major breeders would likely be those born into wealth, born Anglo-Saxon white or born with whatever traits the conservative Republicans deem is to their own advantage. Right now, many of those that would benefit from health insurance reform are many of those peoples conservative Republicans would rather received no help - the "undesirables". Republicans are only human!
21 :
I'm not. In fact tyrants always use Children and other helpless victims to push their agenda. They make it sound so heart breaking. After all who wants to be against "the children". I would like to ask why people like you don't dig into your own pockets to help them as people like me do? Why do you have to use the government. I think we both know the answer.
22 :
They don't care about poor children. They blame the poor for being poor, and then try and get them to vote Republican, which only makes them poorer, since the GOP only supports the interests of corporations like Walmart--low wages, no benefits. In short, they're trying to create a permanent slave class in America.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Would you trust your child's health care with Obamacare

Would you trust your child's health care with Obamacare?
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
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1 :
No. The idea that bureaucrats in Washington would (even with the help of doctor) be setting protocols for acceptable tests and care is what turned me away from it more than anything else. I don't even mind paying a higher tax or a higher premium if necessary,but I want my doctor to have total freedom to do what he believes to be best when it comes to me, my kids, or my grand-kids, without being concerned about what is covered and what is not. Even now, when he recommends what is going to be an expensive test (like MRI or Cat-scan for example), he is always cautious about what my Medicare will or will not pay. As it is, I have a supplemental policy that costs me another 96 dollars a month to cover most of what Medicare does not cover. I feel truly sorry for those who have nothing but Medicare alone...and I doubt very much if another government health care plan would do any better for the rest of the country.
2 :
You: Not thinking clearly. The current system of health care is horrific. People cannot afford overpriced insurance, or they can afford it but can't GET it because of a pre-existing condition, or they have it and they LOSE it because they get sick and start costing the insurance company money instead of making them a profit. Over 25% of all health costs are insurance company profits. Why? Why would you WANT to pay an insurance company for the right to get health care? Are you insane? You don't seem insane, and yet here you are willing to bleed out your life's savings into the bank accounts of insurance companies. Would I trust my child's health care in some kind of national system? Abso-freaking-lutely. And with all the extra money I'd have, I could make certain that child got whatever care they needed regardless of the circumstances. But don't listen to all the experts. I mean, why start now? Knock yourself out. Pay and pay and pay and then find your health insurance taken away as soon as you have a health crisis. Would you trust your child's health care to an insurance company executive? Apparently you would. Good luck with that, and sorry about your child's future.
3 :
Obama is not a doctor and, therefore, will not be providing the care. I would trust my child's health care to a doctor, which is the same thing I am doing right now.
4 :
Would it realy be that different then trusting them with CHIP? I don't have a child. If I had one though and they had CHIP then I don't see what the big difference would be. That would be like being on Medicaid and saying you are against it. It would simply be extending the benefits you have to others from how the Govt tries to talk. What I don't get is what you think Obamacare will be. Since NO ONE KNOWS.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Why is McCain always taking photos hugging little kids when he voted against funds for children's health

Why is McCain always taking photos hugging little kids when he voted against funds for children's health?
A self-described "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution." He voted against expanding the children's health insurance program and against an assault rifle ban. He's against the federal government helping thousands of people who lost homes in the subprime mortgage debacle. But he's OK with the Federal Reserve lending $30 billion to salvage Bear Stearns. What kind of Patriot is he?
Elections - 16 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
a patriot who believes people should be self reliant?
3 :
why would you want to ban guns? and he wasn't the one taking the pictures.
4 :
He is a Manchurian candidate that graduated last in his class. He loves preemptive (read: random) wars, and wants to stay in Iraq a hundred years. He is a maniac. Great question. To quote another questioner, "How about a war on poverty?" How about a war on starvation?
5 :
A patriot wh does not believe in the killing of unborn, innocent children like the demos love to do! That is patriot enough for me.
6 :
That is the most pathetic attempt I have ever seen of trying to question the patriotism of a man who has spent 6 YEARS as a POW in a bamboo cage in the jungle of Vietnam, and came back to make a difference by being a politician. And to call his partiotism into question over his stance on THE SECOND AMENDMENT which was the same stance as the REAL Patriots - you know the guys that fought the Revolutionary War... You liberals are so beyond inappropriate it is unbelievable. I sure hope none of the candidates you support get elected.
7 :
He is no patriot. He is a turncoat. He betrays the people of America for the sake of his own agenda
8 :
candlewicke (sorry if I got that wrong) is dead on. I cannot believe people are discarding a real question to defend their gun rights. And I love that you brought up the 30 BILLION. FEMA has already forgotten about the Katrina debacle. I was down there with Habitat for Humanity and the government is yanking the rest of the FEMA trailers. Where is the money to help build them houses? Where is the money for education? For Health? We need to get our priorities straight!
9 :
They all do that. Same old democrat and same old republican....saying one thing and doing another. The US is in a rut
10 :
Maybe this video had something to do with it. I will agree with you about Bear Stearns, I don't think the government should have bailed them out, and I'm a Republican. The Blame for the sub prime mortgage problem should be placed on the shoulders of Borrowers that gave false information when borrowing the money and greedy brokers that lied to people so they could make their commission, and the politicians both Democrat and Republican for allowing these kinds of things to happen.
11 :
Because kids need "love" much more than the Democratic way of "excessive Ritalin"! P.S. Chuc'c Son, If you want another War on Poverty, obviously you were not around for LB Johnson's first one!
12 :
it's all for show
13 :
You have mischaracterized the legislation that you are talking about in your question. Do you actually know what the legislation was and what McCain's reasons were for voting against it? Most people opposed that legislation when it was explained to them and they agreed with the President's and Sen. McCain's positions. Only by misrepresenting the legislation can Democrats get people to sympathize with their position. Unfortunately, most people in the US don't follow Congress and they are easy prey for sentimental appeals such as the Democrats use. Common sense would make them reject these costly, ineffective proposals by an out-of-control Democratic Congress if they knew what these proposals really entailed.
14 :
Is this any worse than the global warming (why do you hate your children crap) that Hillary and Obama campaigns spew like venom? Or a celebrity heartthrob supporters who says don't vaccinate your kids, it's murder - then enrorses your candidate and poses for publicity pictures? You better stop worrying about McCain and worry about yourself. You have a problem with innocence and guilt and are much too easily swayed by what's in fashion.
15 :
Because he is very deceptive, and wants to appear to have a heart for people when he really doesn't...
16 :
Wants to be President! What else? McCain was a child of an Admiral and a grandson of another Admiral who could never measure up...another drunk kid of an achiever from a family of achievers. McCain is a lot like Bush, actual accomplishments but wants to be perceived as topping their daddies achievements. McCain cannot be considered as a "patriot" unless he stands up and protects the CONSTITUTION!!!! (which he hasn't...)

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

if my child is no longer in college does his health insurance automatically terminate

if my child is no longer in college does his health insurance automatically terminate?

Insurance - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You'll probably have to check with your provider. I'm currently doing an internship so I'm not technically in college even though I will be going back in a couple months. I had to buy a temporary policy to cover me for the 3 months that I'm out because my parents policy won't cover me if I'm out of school and working somewhere. I am, however, still on their auto insurance. I think it just depends on the provider.
2 :
My experience in this area: When my daughter quit going to college, and when it came time for my policy to renew, I received a letter informing me that she would no longer be covered. I assume from this that the insurance companies check for college enrollment on your renewal date.
3 :
Yes, If your child is not considered a full time student then the insurance company will drop them i have several friends who have had this problem.
4 :
Yes. And don't count on them to let you know your child is no longer covered. You could keep making monthly payments thinking you have it and when it comes time for them to pay up, you were in violation and the insurance is not in effect. If I were you, I would call your company and find out what your options are. Out of college, should be able to find a job with insurance.
5 :
You should check with the provider. In my case my children are covered as long as I can claim them as a dependent on my federal tax return. For me it has nothing to do with being a full time student.
6 :
in some cases, it depends on the age of the child.
7 :
it depends on the plan, but usually... yes I know our plan covered the kids until they were 25 as long as they carried 9 units or more
8 :
As soon as the insurance gets wind of the stoppage of schooling, you bet it will! Seriously, they'd probably term his coverage by the end of the semester.
9 :
Maybe. How old is he? Some plans cover him up to 23 or 25 regardless of status. Some terminate immediately, if he's not a student. Speak with your insurance company or employer to find out for sure.
10 :
Normally you cannot cover dependent children unless they are a FT student. And even then, each company has their own cut off age, usually 23 to 25. If your child is no longer a student, I strongly suggest you purchase an individual policy for them. If a claim is submitted, the company will more than likely send you a letter asking for proof that they are a FT student. If you cannot provide the proof, the claim will be denied. You do not want to learn this the hard way, with hospital bills that are not covered and you are left responsible for the full amount. An individual policy will more than likely save you some money, too. By the way, if they have a job lined up that provides health insurance, you can purchase a short term policy that will cover them while they are waiting for the other coverage to start.

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