Sunday, October 28, 2012

Do you have power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child

Do you have power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child ?
My son is going to be 18 .I have a few questions .He has multiple diagnoses . On some levels he is age appropriate but on life skills he is bordering 14/15.Now i don't want on his 18th birthday to declare him incompetent because he isn't. I don't want guardianship of an adult child . But he will NEED assist with legal documents college apps Doctors appointments medication management. so i am going to need documentation that i can sign his signature for him and make legal decisions for him and permission to speak to me now that he is an adult .So what steps did you take ? Did to get power of attorney and health care proxy ? did you need a Lawyer or advocate ? or is there another solution ? Thank you . Okay to clarify He doesnt comprehend things he is sighning .Legaly after 18 providers and such CANT speek with me as he would be an adult .Yes he can take his own medications as he does but the decision making when he is asked by he providers are not clear to him.
Special Education - 2 Answers

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1 :
You need a disability lawyer. As long as he has some mental incapacity, he is NOT legally able to sign a contract. Better to have a Guardian ad Litem or you to handle his affairs.
2 :
I have a sister with Down syndrome, and while she is fairly high functioning (reads very well, travels independently by public transit), she is clearly not able to give legal consent. I got an attorney and went to court to become her legal conservator. My sister did agree to this process, which made it much easier than if she had contested it. Conservatorships can be made very specific to the needs of the person, so that the conservator doesn't need to be involved in all decisions. In my sister's case, I am involved in decisions about her financial affairs, health, and living situation. I am not sure if having Power of Attorney is what you want in your case. I do have PoA for my mother, but unlike the conservatorship, I am permitted to make certain decisions for Mom's benefit, but the agencies she deals with are not obligated to contact me. So I don't necessarily find out about things she has decided to do until after she has done them, if at all. I would really suggest that you contact a knowledgeable attorney. I got a referral for a lawyer who was experienced in conservatorships for people with special needs by calling my local Arc office.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

childhood immunizations could be detrimental their children's health

childhood immunizations could be detrimental their children's health?
There are many parents in America today who think childhood immunizations could be detrimental their children's health.Based on this information do you think the government should take action against these parents? and if so why?
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
No because you should have the right to decide your own child's health care. It depends also on the state you live in. Here in Wisconsin, you can refuse immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons. I think it is up to the parent to educate themselves about these vaccines. The risks of the disease often times outweighs the risk of the vaccine. My son is 6 months old. He has gotten all immunizations to date. I decided not to get the flu vaccine because he is at home with me and we don't have alot of outside exposure. I also am delaying his MMR and varicella vaccines. He should get them at one year but I am delaying until he goes to preschool at age 3. I feel these vaccines have greater risks to the child than him contracting the diseases at a young age. I am not getting it ever, just delaying until school age (preschool). This is supposed to be a democratic country. I don't think the government should tell us how to raise our children. I also think people shouldn't put so much reliance on the government or health care community to make decisions for you or your children. They don't know everything. EDIT: There have also been outbreaks of mumps in the U.S. recently. Alot of people do not realize the people with the mumps were ADULTS. There are many adults who are not immune to these disease because their vaccinations have worn off. Although measles can be dangerous for young children, mumps and rubella are not. These diseases are all more serious for adults than for children. I was previously in the health care field and we had to have titers drawn to be sure of our immunity. More adults should do the same.
2 :
I'm afraid I disagree with the previous answer. If a parent refuses a vaccination, and so knowingly puts their own child at risk, thats fine. Unfortunately immunisation works on a principle called "Herd Immunity", where a high level of immunisation within a population, prevents the population from cathing that particular disease. If under 90% of the population recieve a vaccine, then the ENTIRE population is at risk of infection. In the UK the was a big scare over the triple MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, and uptake dropped below 90%. Since that time the number of cases of each disease have risen dramasticly. People who were vaccinated started contracting these diseases as the people who weren't vaccinated provided a place for the infection to propagate and mutate. So, by not getting their children vaccinated, not only do these parents risk their childs lives, they risk the lives of everybody, and that is just not acceptable. ps If I havent done a good job explaining herd immunity, then let me know, and I'll try again
3 :
I believe that vaccinations are neccessary and have done a tremendous about of good for public health. Let's just look at the results of polio epidemics before polio vaccination was available. Also, look at success of erradication of small pox. we all give our pets rabies shots without a second thought, because of the dangers due to rabies. I do, however, have a problem with state mandated requirements for 2 vax, influenza and chicken pox. The danger posed by contracting chicken pox is small compared with the risk of receiving another vax. the effectiveness of flu vaccine against strains that could circulate (due to how quickly the virus mutates) is not worth the risk of this vaccine. This is my personal decision and if someone else chooses to get either vax, I respect his decision to do so. I just dont think the govt. should include these in mandated vax. Also, what sort of "action" should the govt take? right now, in my state New Jersey, my children cannot attend public school if they dont get chicken pox vaccine. that has forced me to allow them to receive that vaccination. the state is right now trying to mandate flu shots for children to attend daycare/preschool. I think that is not right and interferes with an individual's rights to make medical decision on their own.
4 :
No, the government should not take action against parents who are using their rights to decide that vaccinations are not safe. There are waivers in every state, so why would the government take action. Immunizations contain mercury, formaldehyde, lead, etc. It should be my choice whether or not I want that in my child, not the governments. If they decided to make that choice for us, then we wouldn't really be free anymore.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Do you have power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child

Do you have power of attorney or health care proxy of your Disabled (special needs ) 18+ Child ?
My son is going to be 18 .I have a few questions .He has multiple diagnoses . On some levels he is age appropriate but on life skills he is bordering 14/15.Now i don't want on his 18th birthday to declare him incompetent because he isn't. I don't want guardianship of an adult child . But he will NEED assist with legal documents college apps Doctors appointments medication management. so i am going to need documentation that i can sign his signature for him and make legal decisions for him and permission to speak to me now that he is an adult .So what steps did you take ? Did to get power of attorney and health care proxy ? did you need a Lawyer or advocate ? or is there another solution ? Thank you . Okay to clarify He doesnt comprehend things he is sighning .Legaly after 18 providers and such CANT speek with me as he would be an adult .Yes he can take his own medications as he does but the decision making when he is asked by he providers are not clear to him.
Parenting - 2 Answers

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1 :
The best suggestion would to obtain an attorney to cover all the legal bases,,contact your local Bar Association, they can direct you to attorneys that can help,,usually they give you at least 2 names to contact (often if you mention that they refered you the attorney will give you a 10% discount on their services),,,good luck,,,,
2 :
get a health care power of attoreny that way you can make medical decisions and sign things and they can talk to you without violating HIPPA laws. He will still be his own legal guardian and can make his own fincial and personal decisions

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Does New York need father's information if his child is applying for health insurance

Does New York need father's information if his child is applying for health insurance?
Im wondering if New York state needs the information from the father of a child (3years) that is applying for state insurance. He doesnt live with the child and he doesnt have any contact with her (just her mother from time to time) The child's mother does not want child support from him. But keeps asking him for his social security number, address and telephone number for DSS. She only says its for a case for the child that is open. And they will take it away if they dont get her father's info. She hasnt said whether it was for insurance or what. But the father doesnt like giving any information out unless its face to face. My question is : Does New York need the father's information for a child to get state insurance? All I want is an answer to the question. I know some people will have an opinion about the situation. But I am only looking for an answer. Thank you Here's the answer to many questions or responses I will get: He cant see the child because they dont live in the same state. Financially cant afford that. If he was able to see the child and be in her life he would. He has another child ( 1.5 years old) that he lives with and supports. And is still with the child's mother. The mother of his other child that he does not see, understands his situation. And doesnt want any child support. He will be on his own company insurance soon. The child he lives with is under state insurance with her mother. Can New York state go after him for child support even if the mother doesnt want it? Do they need his information for the child to get state insurance?
Insurance - 2 Answers
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1 :
Yes - if you want the taxpayers in NY to pay for this child's health care, the officials have the right to know whether or not the child's parents have the ability to provide health care for the child, either out of their own pocket, or by recognizing her as a dependent on the parent's health insurance policy. If he doesn't want to provide the number, his other options are to pay for medical care out of pocket, or get it for her through his employer. I am sure they will take the information in a face to face meeting if that is his preference.
2 :
At first,you may collect as much information as you can by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you get good luck there ,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here is the resource i suggest.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Response to petition for changing child care and mental health

Response to petition for changing child care and mental health?
My ex-wife has filed a motion to appoint a parenting coordinator because she feels my daughter needs counseling to deal with the stress of divorce after 5 years have passed and I think my daughter is doing amazingly well. In addition, she thinks that my daughter should spend time with her while I'm at work and she also doesn't agree with the after school program I have my daughter go to for 2 hours before I can pick her up. The original agreement states that we have joint custody and if any parent has to work then they are responsible for finding alternate child care. My question is, since I do not agree with her statements in her petition do I need to or get the opportunity to file a response? Should I file a response or wait to see what the judge decides? Should I get a lawyer and have them take care of it? I don't want to take anything additional from my ex or lose anything from the original agreement myself. I just want her to leave me alone and keep the same agreement. Thanks.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers

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1 :
You should definitely file a response, preferably through a lawyer.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care

Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care?
If America is the greatest nation on earth, why are Americans getting the short end of the stick? Why are health care and education things that are reserved only for the priveleged in this country? Why can't we follow the lead of Europe and Canada, where EVERYONE has coverage for around $40 per month for a family of FOUR? Why does medicine cost so much? Why are the pharmaceutical companies lining their pockets with our hard-earned money? Why don't Americans stand up and do something about it? Why do child molestors, murderers, and rapists in prison get health care, while law-abiding citizens do not?
Other - Health - 3 Answers
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Because it was the intent of our founders to be at the top of the heap from a technological standpoint, while maintaining a sense of individual freedom amongst the people. Freedom isn't easy to achieve, and sometimes there are obstacles. Look at the universal healthcare systems in Canada and the UK. People have to wait months to get operations. Thousands of Canadians jump the border to get healthcare every year in places like Detroit, Buffalo, and even Toledo Ohio. It's because they're willing to pay money to get care on a timely basis. Capitalism works. This nation was based on it, rather than the nanny state mentality of European nations.
2 :
our healthcare system is based on a "free market" concept- competition keeps prices in check, improves quality and providers are free to make a "profit" Most Canadians come HERE for can take up to 6 months to actually SEE a Dr in Canada... I don't want to subsidize care for people who don't want to pay for their own...
3 :
Because our government is corupt.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

If birth control pills are cheaper than 18 years of health insurance why don't insurance companies cover it

If birth control pills are cheaper than 18 years of health insurance why don't insurance companies cover it?
Okay, this is from an economical standpoint only, we don't need to get into religious arguments here please. Most people I know have health insurance through their employers but only one plan covers birth control pills as a $4/month prescription. The rest are quite expensive, between $30-$50/month. Certainly the cost of pills is cheaper than the birth and health care of a child for 18 years, so why don't more plans cover this birth control?
Insurance - 6 Answers

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1 :
That's a DAMN good question.
2 :
good question, I have wondered that for years. Better question, why will they pay for Viagra and not birth control? Nice huh?
3 :
No idea, just another flawed system i guess
4 :
Most insurance plans are broken into 3 categories. 1-Single 2-Employee and Spouse 3-Family. Of these three plans, naturally the Family premium is going to be higher than a cats ass. Through the use of actuaries, they know the addition to the family risk class will not betray thier constant profits made by paying less than they are collecting. So, as a businessman and a licensed professional in the feild, I will take that risk because it has always paid off. Insurance companies are the wealthiest in the world. Dont feel too sorry for them just yet.
5 :
All health insurance companies DO offer coverage for birth control. But some employers choose not to buy that coverage. On the flip side, I don't know of ANY prescription coverages that will cover something that's $4 a month. They usually start at $10 copay for generics, and only go up from there. It's kinda like leather upholstery on your car. If you don't buy it, you don't GET it. But it's an OPTION when you buy your car.
6 :
Flawed thinking. That birth and healthcare for the child is not absorbed by the insurance company. Insurers will charge an additional premium to cover that additional person.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Is there a serious risk to the child whose born to a 40+ man

Is there a serious risk to the child whose born to a 40+ man?
i'm 44 right now and am marrying a 37 year old woman next jan. considering our age,is there gonna be a serious risk to the health of our child. Is it possible to have a healthy kid at this age?
Parenting - 5 Answers
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1 :
here is not risk for the male- he makes new sperm all the time it gets riskier for the woman the older she gets- the eggs she has is the eggs she developed as she was growing up- she wont make any "new" eggs- in other words? they get stale
2 :
Not at all. But, there is an elevated chance of Downs Syndrome in babies born to women 35 and older. So, your doctor will keep an eye on you and things will probably be fine.
3 :
There is no high risk age for men. There is a higher risk for women 35+, that doesn't mean it's 'risky', it's just statistics. My mum had me at 38, and my brother at 45. We are perfectly healthy.
4 :
No problem on your end. Men can sire healthy children until the day they die. BOOYAH!!!! You wife on the other hand may be a problem. Talk to a doctor and seriously consider adoption. Ther are some healthy kids out there who need families so there is no need to create unhealthy ones.
5 :
they say the risky stage for women is 35 and for men it is 55 and my mother was 38 the only bad thing was that shes old as! lol goodluck mate

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