There are many parents in America today who think childhood immunizations could be detrimental their children's health.Based on this information do you think the government should take action against these parents? and if so why?
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
No because you should have the right to decide your own child's health care. It depends also on the state you live in. Here in Wisconsin, you can refuse immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons. I think it is up to the parent to educate themselves about these vaccines. The risks of the disease often times outweighs the risk of the vaccine. My son is 6 months old. He has gotten all immunizations to date. I decided not to get the flu vaccine because he is at home with me and we don't have alot of outside exposure. I also am delaying his MMR and varicella vaccines. He should get them at one year but I am delaying until he goes to preschool at age 3. I feel these vaccines have greater risks to the child than him contracting the diseases at a young age. I am not getting it ever, just delaying until school age (preschool). This is supposed to be a democratic country. I don't think the government should tell us how to raise our children. I also think people shouldn't put so much reliance on the government or health care community to make decisions for you or your children. They don't know everything. EDIT: There have also been outbreaks of mumps in the U.S. recently. Alot of people do not realize the people with the mumps were ADULTS. There are many adults who are not immune to these disease because their vaccinations have worn off. Although measles can be dangerous for young children, mumps and rubella are not. These diseases are all more serious for adults than for children. I was previously in the health care field and we had to have titers drawn to be sure of our immunity. More adults should do the same.
2 :
I'm afraid I disagree with the previous answer. If a parent refuses a vaccination, and so knowingly puts their own child at risk, thats fine. Unfortunately immunisation works on a principle called "Herd Immunity", where a high level of immunisation within a population, prevents the population from cathing that particular disease. If under 90% of the population recieve a vaccine, then the ENTIRE population is at risk of infection. In the UK the was a big scare over the triple MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, and uptake dropped below 90%. Since that time the number of cases of each disease have risen dramasticly. People who were vaccinated started contracting these diseases as the people who weren't vaccinated provided a place for the infection to propagate and mutate. So, by not getting their children vaccinated, not only do these parents risk their childs lives, they risk the lives of everybody, and that is just not acceptable. ps If I havent done a good job explaining herd immunity, then let me know, and I'll try again
3 :
I believe that vaccinations are neccessary and have done a tremendous about of good for public health. Let's just look at the results of polio epidemics before polio vaccination was available. Also, look at success of erradication of small pox. we all give our pets rabies shots without a second thought, because of the dangers due to rabies. I do, however, have a problem with state mandated requirements for 2 vax, influenza and chicken pox. The danger posed by contracting chicken pox is small compared with the risk of receiving another vax. the effectiveness of flu vaccine against strains that could circulate (due to how quickly the virus mutates) is not worth the risk of this vaccine. This is my personal decision and if someone else chooses to get either vax, I respect his decision to do so. I just dont think the govt. should include these in mandated vax. Also, what sort of "action" should the govt take? right now, in my state New Jersey, my children cannot attend public school if they dont get chicken pox vaccine. that has forced me to allow them to receive that vaccination. the state is right now trying to mandate flu shots for children to attend daycare/preschool. I think that is not right and interferes with an individual's rights to make medical decision on their own.
4 :
No, the government should not take action against parents who are using their rights to decide that vaccinations are not safe. There are waivers in every state, so why would the government take action. Immunizations contain mercury, formaldehyde, lead, etc. It should be my choice whether or not I want that in my child, not the governments. If they decided to make that choice for us, then we wouldn't really be free anymore.
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