Thursday, April 28, 2011

Should All Children Get Free Health Care

Should All Children Get Free Health Care?
Should their parent's income REALLY matter? Should a child suffer because their parents make too much money to get free healthcare but not enough to pay it themselves? Please explain why you feel the way you do. Also, do you have kids or any children in your family, or are you one?
Other - General Health Care - 4 Answers
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1 :
No, not all. I believe that there should be free health care for those who need it, so their parents don't have to decide between getting them vaccinated or eating. Those in a lower income household should not be forced to make such decisions. Now, this is not to say the parents in a higher income bracket should not get some help with the children's health care, but they should have to pay some sort of premium that should be based on their income. I think it unfair for those of us who have decided or have had it decided for us not to have children to have to pay for health care for those irresponsible parents who would rather spend their money on luxury items rather than take care of their children. I do not have children, but I have younger nieces and nephews, and I grew up in a single parent home with my little sister, so I know how people can struggle. I've seen it myself.
2 :
yes.everyone parents were always in the earn to o much to get aid but not enough to afford it themselves category..employers are cutting programs and many families have 2 parents each working full time ,yet no insurance or very limited coverage with extremely high co pays .neither of our jobs offers dental insurance,for example.we payed over 6,ooo dollars in dental for our family last year,braces etc. out of pocket.we send money for war and so forth,but our own people are paying for impossibly expensive private insurance or are not offered plans at a former nurse,and saw a lot of good but heavily burdened families.we have the capacity to help or cure them,but they havent got the money to pay for it!
3 :
We all should get free health care (it isn't free, but paid with taxes) Other countries can do it, there is really no reason we can't as well. Except that some health insurance corporations won't profit as much - that is the only thing stopping it. They post billions in profit - and we get the low life expectancy rates. Not very fair. It would be nice if we actually got something that benefits us for our taxes, it would help he economy and we could stop being so stressed out about our futures.
4 :
YES if there parent make less than 15 dollars an hour at forty hour weeks. I am a single parent and I have full insurance on them, I may struggle sometimes but they come first no matter what

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

If cons cared as much about children as they did fetuses, would health care for children be mandatory

If cons cared as much about children as they did fetuses, would health care for children be mandatory?
Sorry your cancer stricken child needs 24/7 care. Just put him to work and get a better job. Are these people for real?
Politics - 15 Answers
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1 :
Good question. Same goes for the death penalty.
2 :
It's true. Why aren't more people up in arms about the high level of infant mortality in the nation? If we have the best medical technology in the world, shouldn't we have the lowest level of infant mortality in the world? Why do people only care about the baby in the womb and not the one that is wanted and breathing?
3 :
Conservatives think that the only children worth protecting are the ones who were born to rich parents.
4 :
Shhh, they will hold the Mom responsible...
5 :
No, they're not for real, they're idiots.
6 :
Babies...they're called babies...and your characterization won't make that fact go nauseate me.
7 :
When cons start debating abortion, gay rights and whether or not gravity is real its because they are grasping at straws and know many Americans will vote on wedge issues.
8 :
Cons don’t really care about fetuses or children. They care about condemning other people for personal choices, especially in areas involving sex.
9 :
If cons cared about children, their "pro-life" label might be accurate, but they don't and it isn't. The difference between a con and an ex-con is that one is on his way into jail while the other is on his way out.
10 :
What part of "Private Health Care System" don't you understand? Private: as in non-government Health: the well being of a person Care: to provide services System: an organizational concept to oversee the completion of a task/goal. For YOU,health care seems to be rather important.For ME,a free and unfettered society is important.It's obtuse of you to think that your thoughts or ideas are the only ones that hold merit.
11 :
Cons do care about Children. SCHIP was developed by cons and included in Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America". We care about school lunch programs for the poor, we care about WIC, insuring kids get the proper diet. What we don't care about, is paying for a middle class kids health care, because his parents decided to spend the money on a new boat, or a trip to the Islands. I give to Saint Jude's Children's Hospital. If your kid has Cancer, call them, they will help you. By the way, isn't that the way it's suppose to work, instead of MAKING me pay, why don't you LET me pay, and help who I want to. If you democrats really care about kids and Cancer, give to St. Jude's. Edit: You Dem's crack me up.. Infant mortality includes abortions, stop abortions and that would drop like a lead balloon. As far as cons only care about their wallets. Wrong again, Democrats only care about what's in the CONS wallet, and they want it!
12 :
They don't care about either one actually - only their own wallets and "salvation".
13 :
What ? That 11 year old should just stop smokin dope (bum hippie that he is) and pick up a wrench and get to work. LoL...Cons are pathetic.
14 :
Wow and a fetus isn't a child? You are in need of some remedial biology.
15 :
This is a false premise, and is intellectually dishonest. Health care is currently available to every child who cannot afford it, period. All conservatives want to do is not to provide health care for those who can afford it. This is a logical and fair proposal, and those who would oppose only want the expansion of government to consolidate more power.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How do you prove your children are american indian for kids health ins

How do you prove your children are american indian for kids health ins?
Lost my job and kids need insurance desperately. On web site for kids florida insurance says they will wave premiums if child is part of indian tribe? I can not get thru on the phone number listed.What PROOF would I need?
Insurance - 3 Answers

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1 :
If your kids are American Indians, then you and/or your husband must be too. Just go to your tribal council office and they will issue you the required document of indigenous lineage. If your kids are not American Indians, then contact your state's Department of Health and request information on health coverage for minors.
2 :
Usually, if your kid is part indian, they were registered with a tribe at birth. You'd use that registration. If they're part indian, but not registered, you'd have to get genetic testing - or the birth parent who IS registered, and listed on their birth certificate, could then register them. So. Are they registered? Or is a parent registered? Or a grandparent? If none of them are registered, you'll have to do the genetic testing.
3 :
The children must be citizens of a “Federally Recognized Tribe” and have a tribal roll number. As with any Nation, genetic testing does not qualify them for citizenship. .

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

My child is 6 years old and does not like her routine to be wrong has to be the same all the time

My child is 6 years old and does not like her routine to be wrong has to be the same all the time.?
Even her hair has to be the same she likes everything to be done at a certain time she has very bad tantrums. She doesnt have any learning problems she is a very bright child. My health visitor said it could be a sign of autism but im dont know whats wrong.
Grade-Schooler - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sounds like it could Autism to me too. There are so many forms of Autism, and being a child with Autism doesn't make you stupid, you just have to learn how to overcome the things that bother you. Also could be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
2 :
A health visitor shouldn't really say this too you, when we had concerns over Thomas who was 3 she said it needed a professionals opinion and i know health visitors are but they are not qualified to say autism or not, if she has no other problems i don't know why she would state autism, although autism has many signs liking routine is only one of a sign, there are so many others like for Thomas No speech No eye contact No desire to play with anyone likes being alone dislikes cuddles I would look more towards OCD and not autism, but talk to your GP about this
3 :
I would look into Autism if I were you. There are many people who are Autistic but are still highly functioning, take for example the lead singer of 3 Doors Down, he is Autistic. She may have a form of Autism and the quicker you diagnose it and work with her the better you and she will be able to handle it!! =) Good luck!
4 :
Maybe she has always had the same routine since she was a baby, maybe something is about to change, like getting a new baby, and she wants everything to be the same. Autistic kids apparently can't tell other people's emotions, and look to the side of your face instead of looking straight at you.
5 :
It could be a sighn of Asperger's syndrome which is a mild form of autism but just this symptom alone doesnt mean anything. how does she interact with other children socially? does she have any obsessive interests? does she have any sensory issues? here is the criteria for asperger's syndrome DSM-IV DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ASPERGER'S DISORDER A.Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following: (1) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction (2) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (3) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people) (4) lack of social or emotional reciprocity B.Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: (1) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus (2) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals (3) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) (4) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects C.The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D.There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years). E.There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood. F.Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia.
6 :
What makes me laugh about these types of questions 'one' thing that's seems autistic people jump on that fact of it being autism, not always the case and no one here should say that your not doctors and you don't know the child
7 :
Autism most likely. Take your child to a psychologist for an evaluation and see the school psychologist too.
8 :
So, have her tested for Autism. It could be that she just likes to be very oganized.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is the point of being "pro-life" if you don't support manditory health care for all children

What is the point of being "pro-life" if you don't support manditory health care for all children?
regardless of the parent's ability to pay? Is it cheaper to provide physician's services on the taxpayer dime for regular check ups for children? Or have taxpayers pay when the child visits the emergency room because their parents couldn't afford a routine check up? Seems like a no-brainer to me, but.....
Politics - 22 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : look at this basically explains why abortion should remain legal.
2 :
It's the weird, convulted rhetoric of personal responsibilty.
3 :
Pro life isn't about kids, it's about controlling female sexual behaviour
4 :
Seeing as almost all poor children are indeed eligible for state health care programs then the question is moot. I think most people support children having access to health-care. Unfortunately the government sometimes has to step in and help children when parents won't.. Pro-life is all about children and nothing about controlling sexual behavior..
5 :
I am pro-life and pro-univeral care... your point????
6 :
control of the woman is the point of the pro-life movement. They see it as a way to keep women as objects.
7 :
not all people believe in western medicine. there is still freedom of religion in this country..I am not religious but i have a huge problem with big pharma. i take it upon myself to take care of my own body. why take mandatory vitamins daily loaded in a artificial sugar coating, when all the vitamins you need are in organic fresh fruits and vegetables? besides, anything with the word "mandatory" is not a sign of a free society. will there be mandatory vaccines as well? mandatory diet changes? mandatory birth control? mandatory 2 child rule? where does the word mandatory end in the name of health? I do not trust my government to take care of my body..they cannot even take care of the budget let alone the other federally ran programs that have already plumited..
8 :
"regardless of the parent's ability to pay?" I'm certain that 99% or more of those who oppose the brutal and bloodthirsty tyrants who murder small babies also support a baby's right to health care. That does NOT, however, obligate us to pay for health care for the children of multi-millionaires.
9 :
I don't believe in mandatory health care for anyone. It should always be a choice decided by the individual or his/her guardian. Not the state. But I will agree that it should be available for all children. Checkups are fine. Mandatory medicating is not. Just to clarify. And I don't believe that health care should be provided free of charge to people that can afford to pay.
10 :
self sufficiency. God helps those who help themselves. do you libs believe that everyone should depend on the state for everything? no wonder that as individuals you are so much weaker than conservatives. p.s. no hospital will turn anyone away regardless of their insurance situation. you go to the emergency room and you will get the best quality health care, and you know the tax payers will end up paying anyways. you people just need an excuse to spend another 10 trillion dollars.
11 :
All for mandatory health care for Children as long as it's the parent and not the Taxpayer who is forced to provided it. That is a no brainer. If you can feed em (or care for em) don't breed em.
12 :
i think everybody should have health care as long as it is the right type and the right medications.that means the medicine that has no side effects like the secret societies receive.not what we get.
13 :
There are Government run clinics in every state, what child are you speaking of? Even the illegals get health care.
14 :
If everything fit into nice little boxes like that, things would be great. How about this: The parents of said children put off the big screen flat panel TV and buy health insurance... You can buy 10 months of health insurance for less than the average cost of a large TV. I have seen it MANY times... If you think that the idea of universal health care is either good or cheap, ask anyone in canada or england who has had to have a specialty surgery (such as open heart, or neuro). There is a reason that there are more Neurosurgeons in LA county than their are in Canada. Why do people think that the government has the magical power to do ANYthing better, much less everything? Example from education: It takes an average of $35k to put a child through public school. It takes an average of $16k to put a child through peroquial school. Need I mention that Peroquial taught children are more than three times as likely to go to college and more than twice as likely to finish college. Now given this example, why do you think that the government running health care will be any better?
15 :
Because the government should not be responsible for everything, including providing healthcare to every child. Just like government should not be funding abortions overseas. Every child can get healthcare now. There are free clinics everywhere, and the ER's must accept everyone regardless of how much they are able to pay. Government healthcare will make the current healthcare system worse. Just watch any TV documentary on Universal Healthcare in Canada or the UK.
16 :
The bottom line is that the government has no right to forcefully take an individuals money to pay for something they deem necessary. Its a matter of principle. If they allowed us to keep all of our money (end income tax, end welfare, end outrageous foreign policy, end foreign aid) the people would have more money to spend and they would spend it on charities of their choice. Let the people decide who their money helps. The kids would be taken care of out of the good will of the people. Dont get mad at the people who are against universal healthcare get mad at the governmet that spends over a trillion dollars a year overseas and neglect the children it could be going to!
17 :
Im pro life, I support mandatory health care for CHILDREN regardless of their parents ability to pay. Im fine with my tax dollars helping to keep kids healthy.
18 :
Have you not heard of the S-Chip program. it is medical care for every child in America. Your point is moot considering that we do have medical care for ALL of our children. Look it up!
19 :
The thing is on this is what type of government appointed doctors would they get? ? ? You see, that is why I would be against government provided health care! Why add on to the woes of the middle class with more taxes?! If you are mature to bring kids into the world, then you should be able to provide for that kid, and not the tax payer! The middle class makes up for the bulk of the tax payer in this country of ours. Mandatory Health Care would be another excuse for the fleecing of the middle class. EDIT: Being pro life is NOT keeping a woman down! NO! It is about protecting the sanctity of an unborn human being!
20 :
Pro-Life : Parent responsibility to have the child ... Health Care for Children : Parent responsibility to care for the child ... Note that it is not a sin for the parents to sacrifice for the welfare of their children ! Do you think that the cost of a cell phone monthly bill ( say 50 bucks a month ; $600.00 a year ) could be sacrificed and applied to a health plan for their child as "Parent responsibility" ? Same for a cable bill , Air Jordan shoes , big screen TVs , DRUGS , & ( "cigarettes" @ $4.00 per pack , 1 a pack a day , 352 packs a year = 352 packs x $4.00 per pack = $ 1,408.00 a year , that should buy a nice child health care plan without the government taking any of my money to pay for some irresponsible Parent that puts "things" before planning for emergencies for their children ? How frigging much Parent responsibility do you want to forfeit for habits and unnecessary non life sustaining items to go toward "No parent responsibility" !!!!!!!!!!
21 :
Heaven needs Children -- not fetuses!!!!!!
22 :
the point of being pro-life is not letting women murder baby because they couldn't keep their legs closed, take care of your responsibility if you can lay on your back and have sex, then you must be able to have a baby, and you don't even have to keep it, but give it up for adoption to people who would love the baby ABORTION IS MURDER

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Why don't we just tally up the total cost of health care and split it up between every man woman and child

Why don't we just tally up the total cost of health care and split it up between every man woman and child?
No need for actuaries, deniers of claims or outrageous CEO salaries
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is no money. If there was, we wouldn't be having the debate.
2 :
It still wouldn't be enough.
3 :
Because - when all is said and done, this so-called health care reform will cost more than anyone can calculate; and not just in dollar$.
4 :
Because Communism sux
5 :
That's what we are going to do, only we are going to pay insurance companies to dole the money back out to us.
6 :
First, because every man, woman and child cannot or does not pay taxes. Second, it shouldn't be a MANDATE to do so. We are not communists. People should be a little alarmed at the least that we skipped the socialism altogether and went to communism. How's that change now working for ya?
7 :
Doesn't work that simple. Tally it up? who sets the price? Are you going to use it responsibly since you don't have to pay for your own care? What gets covered? Who is making the decisions? Is it the doctor or a board that sets forth protocol?
8 :
Because 50% of America can't stand helping their fellow man with their hard-earned dollars nor see that in some form or fashion that those hard-earned dollars were derived from their fellow man.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

What were the health and illness of children's in the past like

What were the health and illness of children's in the past like?
There are many new diseases we haven't heard of in the past occurring now. -How both health and illness of children were in the past? - what types of diseases were in the past? are they still present (ratings)?
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers

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1 :
there were lots as people did not have the money to provide good food and vitamins heating houses damp lots of chest and lung problems,TB was a big killer and Rickets,evan children died of the flu,people did not know anything and there children suffered or the did not have the money for a doctor hope this has helped you

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Friday, April 1, 2011

IL Divorce - Who is responsible for paying the child healthcare deductible

IL Divorce - Who is responsible for paying the child healthcare deductible?
My wife's ex choose to screw over his child by choosing an extremely high 5000 dollar deductible to pay next to nothing, but at the same time fulfilling his requirement to provide health insurance for the child. The divorce decree does not state anything other than "The father is responsible for healthcare insurance until 18." Is the policy holder responsible for any copays or deductibles or is the person who brings her in responsible? This is for the state of Illinois. Also, if the policy holder (father) is responsible is it acceptable to put the father as the "bill to" person?
Marriage & Divorce - 5 Answers
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1 :
Where I'm from it's split 50/50
2 :
the policy holder is the one responsible for co-payment. there are even options that he can take that would allow him to pay a certain amount of the deductible monthly. and yes it is acceptable to bill the father. after all he is the father and should not have a problem with that.
3 :
The deductible and any applicable bills/copays are usually split between both parents. What does the divorce decree say?
4 :
Legally, the bills would be 50/50. Most courts will not get into nitpicking about such "small" bills. So the couple is left to fight it out. No you can't assign the bill to anyone other than the person bringing the child in for care.
5 :
It is split 50/50 unless you got it in the divorce decree. You can talk to him and get it changed or take him back to court. Should only cost you 1-2k if you get a lawyer. Thats better than $2500 a year in co pay. He needs to realize he is responsible for half also. But if he chooses not to pay, you only option is to take him to court.

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