Saturday, April 28, 2012

Would you trust your child's heathcare if it were ran by the government

Would you trust your child's heathcare if it were ran by the government?
If your child's health care was ran by this liberal government would you trust it? With Obama, Biden, Clinton, Reid, and Pelosi in control? HELL NO!!!! My son is 2 1/2 and he doesn't need the government he has his mommy.
Parenting - 5 Answers

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1 :
Nope. I prefer good health care like the one I have now. I like being able to have my kids seen when they are sick and getting excellent care from doctors who are actually paid well. Furthermore, doctors who accept Medicaid and government health care are very underpaid therefore they don't give a better quality of care. I don't think it would benefit the country to have grossly underpaid doctors giving them care. You get crappy care. I'm sorry for others who cannot afford health care and I wish that health insurances would be held responsible, but that is not the government's job to give them health care. I think the insurance companies are the ones who need to change and make some kind of plan that is affordable for all people. But giving the option of nationalized, government health care is not the answer. *Des- I understand your position (we've been without health care before), but it's still not the government's job to give everyone free health care. Let's make sure insurance companies make it affordable instead. That would be a better use of the government's energy and efforts. Also, say they did make an option for government run health care. Ok fine. But make it only available to LEGAL US Citizens. You've seen what Medicaid has done to our country. Thousands upon thousands to immigrants come to our country because they see opportunity and a non-socialist nation. But they do it illegally. If you can tell me that only US citizens would receive such care, I may feel differently. If the health care is given out by the US government it should go to the US citizens and not to just anyone who wants it. The point of Medicaid is to give care to the *American* people. I'll bet money that had we *required by law* legal citizenship and a real, proven social security number in order for people in the US to get on Medicaid, we would not be in the hole we are in today as far as government assistance/health care goes.
2 :
that's great if his mommy is a pediatrician with surgical skills and access to free medications. i personally would prefer government-run healthcare to no healthcare, which is the situation literally millions of american children are in right now. but at any rate, nobody is proposing government-run healthcare. the most that's being proposed is a government-run fallback option, and even that seems rather unlikely. i'm glad you have such a high level of confidence in our current healthcare system, whose gatekeeper is for-profit insurance companies. having had some experience with the downsides of that, i lack your confidence. *lol, bosox, you read my mind. just posted that in a question.
3 :
Government run is better than nothing.
4 :
I don't know - would you trust the government to educate your child? You do if you send him to public school in a few years.
5 :
Goodness no, I will leave the country before i subject my daughter to government run healthcare. Private sector is def the way to go for my family

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thoughts on teaching breastfeeding education in high school to a Health/Parenting and Child Development class

Thoughts on teaching breastfeeding education in high school to a Health/Parenting and Child Development class?
I know that abstinence and contraception is taught first and foremost, but you're also taught about what your body goes through as you grow. What better way to increase breastfeeding rates in young women and minorities. A whole course wouldn't be necessary, just a guest speaker from the local department of Public Health on one day to educate young adults on the hazards of formula, and the impact is has on them personally, as well as society as a whole. Young men can also benefit from this information, as they can learn to be encouraging and supportive of their partner. How great it would be to debunk myths and change the views of young people who see breastfeeding as "gross." Breastfeeding in the rest of the world isn't considered an obscene act, the U.S. needs to get on the bus.
Teaching - 2 Answers
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1 :
I do not think that breastfeeding should be a subject of discussion at the high school level. Information and assistance is offered as part of the birth experience at hospitals.
2 :
The Internet is a wonderful invention. If you take your subject of your question and add to what you want to know about it, the search engine will do the rest. For example: My subject is Primary and Secondary Education. I want to know where to get certified as a teacher. The search engine result is as follows: Teaching + state certification requirements What you get is this:… This will work for any subject category. Give it a try and good luck I like that approach better than just saying "Google it" or "Look online".

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Friday, April 20, 2012

having both parents have a effect on their child's emotional health

having both parents have a effect on their child's emotional health?

General Health Care - 5 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
YYYEEESSS my parents r seperated and life sux
2 :
3 :
having both parents around in the same household is a big great thing because children need both role models and to be raised to have good morals
4 :
yes because i have niether paarents and im hatin life
5 :
yes for good or bad; good if they get along great, and set a good example of family life and love, bad if they fight all the time and generate anger , fear and insecurity in the child. its better for the parents to be separate if the affect they have on the child is negative , children learn from example, are aware of the parents true relationship with each other, and are happier if they parents are happier separate than if they stay together and are miserable.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Parenting advice for child with mental health issues

Parenting advice for child with mental health issues?
My husband and I are bringing a 17 year old girl home in a little less than 2 weeks. Long story short, she is a close family friend's daughter who has been very close to me since she was little. Her parents have some.. issues to say the least and have never been very good parents to her. She has spent some time in the foster care system and in hospitals (she has anorexia, depression, anxiety, Asperger's). Anyway, it has been arranged that she come stay with us. I've had 2 boys, both are grown and out of the house, and even though I've known her since she was very young I'm nervous about bringing her home. I want her to feel as comfortable as possible, so that this is an easy transition. We are prepared on the medical side of things (talked to her doctors already), I guess it dawned on me that I'm taking a parental role in her life in a way. At 17 my own kids were a bit more independent (going out with friends, doing things on their own, not needing me all the time), but for her she still needs that 'parent.' She is home schooled so she will be with me all day and she is pretty needy. Besides when she is doing school work I'm not sure what to do with her. She doesn't have friends (and doesn't really like people her own age..)and doesn't like to leave the house much. Any ideas? I don't want her to get so bored at home that she starts to get anxious. Also has anyone had to switch into that parent mode to a kid after being more like an 'aunt' to them. How was the transition? What helped it go more smoothly? I guess any advice from one parent to another or anyone who has had to deal with this sort of thing would be really great right now. I'm not going to force her into activities and being with kids her own age. She has had it both ways (been really busy with activities and really social and then really isolated), and I don't think she was any happier when she had activities. Some people just don't enjoy being around others..
Mental Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
I would advice you to make sure she has the proper care right away. The best way to help her is to get her out of the house and interacting with people her own age. Otherwise she's going to sit at home and that only worsens depression and keeps one's mind on things like suicide. Especially since she has aspergers it's better in the long run to get her out of her comfort zone. The worst thing for a child is to feel like a continual patient, the best thing is to move on. Try to get her involved in activities in the community that helps as well. Also a great therapeutic tool is horseback riding both for depression and for people with special needs. As far as the anorexia goes keep tabs on her eating but don't force her. Make sure you watch out for anorexia tricks though. As a recovering anorexic i know that we will always try to hide our disease. Tell tale signs are her eating alone or avoiding eating with others, if you see used dishes and you didn't see her eat make sure you check the garbage can because she could have "staged"a meal especially breakfast. And if it's possible with her condition to go to school, even a private school, it's usually best for the child to go to school if they're mentally capable so that they have interaction with people their own age. I hope this helps
2 :
I think you are a wonderful person to be doing what you are doing. I have attached some websites on anorexia, depression, anxiety and Asperger's. This will help you more understand the girl a little better and pick up triggers of what she might be thinking. Second of allI would find out what this child is interested in by taking her to the library and possibly picking out books that she might be interested in(hobbies and crafts). Then maybe during your spare time with her you could assist her in developing a hobby or craft that she can eventually do independently. I have a nephew who is has untreated Asperger's at the time and have learned that you have to be very careful of what you may state in front of him due to the fact he has the habit of switching the words around. Continue to go to her appointments with her to show her that you really care and are concerned about her overall well-being and you might want to develop a list of rules and regulation and household chores so she knows what to complete each day without feeling lost.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suppose your adult child had no health insurance

Suppose your adult child had no health insurance . . .?
. . . and that his kid, your grandchild, needs an operation but the hospital won't do it unless you co-sign. What percent of democrats would sign? What percent of republicans would sign? Judging from their selfish views that republicans write so much about, I think 80% of democrats would sign verses only 30 to 40% of republicans. What do you think? DNAfairy: See above and hone your math. Another Account: See below and do the math. Randi Rhodes spoke of an insurance executive making 110 thousand dollars per hour! Still wonder why they give more? ML: Well lets do the math. I make 30 dollars an hour and CEO's make thousands per hour. Well of course they give more! Duh! Do you see how the GOP does us working people? Just like in Nazi Germany pointing out how the Jews live like pigs in squaller. Well that was because of the lack of opportunities the Nazi's caused. Similarly, the GOP is the party of the rich and they point out how the working class are "bums" because they don't give as much as they do. See? Paul see: Do some simple math
Politics - 15 Answers

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1 :
Why would someone with no insurance have a kid?? EDIT: Pardon me for not giving a sh*t about the imaginary people in this question. Sounds like somebody wouldn't be getting an operation. Are we assuming the grandparent has money?? What if none of them have insurance....should we start a govt. plan?? This is stupid. EDIT2: Your Nazi rant is absurd. If you think Republicans view "working people" like Nazis did Jews, you should go jump off a building.
2 :
BINGO! Water Over Gold.......are you old enough to be on this site? My apologies well done. ML.......GOP and Newsmax really do not count as charities, I think we are referring to non-profit organizations.
3 :
Nice try. Go check the statistics on which party's members give most to charities. Start by comparing Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden.
4 : Nuff said.
5 :
I honestly think both sides would sing for their family member;s medical care.
6 :
I think that dealing in "what-ifs" is akin to not living in reality. The funny thing about this question is that you equate people who wouldn't sign whatever co-sign paper your talking about to republicans. Chew on this. I am an Obama voter who wholeheartedly disagrees with his health care plan.
7 :
"ML" giving to charity has nothing to do with this question .besides it is probably Bush and Cheneys guilty consience that makes them give more to charity. After all they are just giving the people that they cheated some of their own money back. Now to answer the question.Democrat, I definitely would sign.
8 :
I think it would depend on the fiscal status of the grandparent regardless of political party affiliation.
9 :
Actually, to correct a statement made by one of the answerers... conservatives/reps, whatever, do NOT give more to charities. They give more to "churches" which the study referenced included as charities.
10 :
Then why has it been proved time and time again, that republicans donate more out of their OWN pockets than democrats. Democrats are only generous with OTHER people's money. I have noticed that most of the rich Republicans, MOST, are people who built what they have with their own hands, whether it be running a restaurant or any other small business. A lot have been poor and WORKED to get where they are, where the rich democrats tend to be people who are born rich and get movie deals and things of that nature. Then the Dems scream that we need to help the poor, where the Rep on the other side HAS BEEN poor and knows that anyone can succeed if they just try harder. Is it so hard for someone to work harder for what they have? Jack-What do you think churches do? A lot give clothes and food and toys to families who don't have much. That is charity isn't it? EDIT-Sorry, guess what? I and most of the people I know are low end middle class. The people struggling and living paycheck to paycheck, yet not quite "poor" enough to qualify for help. I work/ed in a factory, a factory, making $18 an hour, yeah I am so rich.
11 :
I'm a Republican, and I can't imagine ANYONE refusing to sign, regardless of party affiliation Also, your preconceived notion is incorrect...It's conservatives who believe that we should take care of our own families, rather than force other people (taxpayers) to take care of them I would do anything for my family's well-being, and I always have
12 :
Born again Repubs tithe 10% of their income, so that they won't go to hell. That's their "Charity". Other than that, the only way they sign off on their kin's surgery is if they get the house and car signed over to them.
13 :
I would sign @what kind of idiot has a kid without insurance? Gee....maybe someone who lost their job or their employer based insurance premiums were too high.....OR....a million other reasons!
14 :
then you don't know statistics and don't do any research in your pathetic brainwashed life. Republicans are more charitable then Democrats.
15 :
LOL -- Typical self-proclaimed expert saying " I think..... I think..... I think " You know what I think ? I think you don't have a shred of statistics, facts or evidence to back up any of your claims. FYI - Statistics do reveal that more than half of the nations Medicaid Recipients are Democrats and Medicaid Recipients do not require any health insurance other than Medicaid. Pray tell what are these " selfish views that republicans write so much about " ? In as much as I am quite certain that you certainly categorize " those rich republicans " who according to our tax code would pay more taxes in a higher tax backet on more in the world can you maintain that republicans who pay substantially more taxes than democrats are " selfish " ? Since when is paying more taxes " selfish " ?

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Am I the only parent that didn’t give my child and I the H1N1 vaccines

Am I the only parent that didn’t give my child and I the H1N1 vaccines?
I still have concerns about it, my child is 3 years old with no health conditions what so ever, but she had the seasonal vaccine every year. What do you think?
Toddler & Preschooler - 16 Answers
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1 :
I refuse to give my baby the shot too, and myself. it hasn't been around long enough, and not tested well enough for me to risk.
2 :
I think it is a personal choice and that you need to do your research and weigh the risks specific to your child . . . you have opted not to do it, your child is healthy and we appear to be past the worst of the H1N1 cases. We did get our twins vaccinated - they are 16 months old, are in daycare for a few days a week, both my husband and I work in fields where we come into contact with a lot of people and most concerning, my daughter has a heart defect that makes any sort of respiratory infection extremely dangerous. We would rather chance the side effects than risk her catching H1N1 which could be fatal in her situation. Both are fine - they have had 2 doses of the seasonal and H1N1 without any reactions . . . it was the right choice for us. That is all you can do as a parent, be as educated as possible and try to make the right choice for your family. Best wishes. ETA - The H1N1 was as tested as the regular seasonal flu vaccine and based on the same technology. The recall was due to the vaccine being a little too weak in the children's dosages . . . and to be truly protected the child either needed a stronger dosage or 2 dosages a month apart - not that they were dangerous in any way and even if you had gotten a less potent dosage and contracted H1N1, the symptoms are thought to be more mild than without the vaccine.
3 :
why wouldn't you?flu vaccine are very tried , its idiotic to claim there are issues with a flu shot like H1N1 its a flu strain that killed possibly 100 million people after world war 1 a responsible parent would get their child immunized if H1N1 comes the seasonal vaccine wont help your dead child be a responsible parent and get your child immunized The CDC is confident in the safety of the H1N1 vaccine because it is very similar to the vaccine for the common flu, which has proven not to be dangerous to the majority of the population. The CDC currently recommends that pregnant women, caregivers, healthcare and medical personnel, be among the first to receive the 2009 H1N1 vaccine. Additionally recommended for vaccination are all people between the ages of 6 months and 24 years as well as people ages 25 to 65 with health conditions associated with medical complications from influenza. The inoculation also comes in the form of a nasal spray, which can be risky for pregnant women and people with chronic medical conditions.
4 :
i didnt
5 :
I didn't get the shot either, and my 3 kids (ages 2, 4, 6) didn't have it. My oldest actually got H1N1 a few months ago and it was really no big deal. She had a high fever for a couple days, no serious respiratory symptoms. I wouldn't worry too much about it if your child is relatively healthy.
6 :
You're definitely not the only one. There are thousands of parents who have chosen not to let their children have it. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have a 16 month old son. The H1N1 vaccine is offered to children under 5 years and pregnant women in the UK where we are... but we're not having it. Then again, we don't have the seasonal flu vaccine anyway. Part of my reasoning was if we don't have the seasonal flu vaccine anyway (it's not even offered to us), why would we have another flu vaccine? I may think differently if we had flu vaccines normally.
7 :
the main problem with all these vaccinations is that the parents get a choice I believe it should be law that all children get these lifesaving injections no matter what the parents say
8 :
My husband and I decided for my 6 month old son to not receive the H1N1. Our reseasons for our decision was, the H1N1 has not been out long so it hasnt been tested as good as other vaccines.
9 :
I didn't get it and refuse to give it to my child as well. If you recall a few weeks ago, there was actually a recall on a lot of those vaccines.
10 :
My daughter has all the routine vaccines, but doesnt have flu vaccines as they arnt on our routine vaccination lists in the UK - no babies have them unless specially requested i didnt give the swine flu vaccine - its a new vaccine and you dont fully know the long term effects no-one i know has had swine flu, and i hardly take my daughter random places, around random people in my situation i think because we dont know the reprucussions of the vaccine and noone around me has ever had swine flu - i think its more of a risk than a benefit, unecesarry risk
11 :
I refuse to get it either. It came out much too fast and then to boot 800,000 doses of it were recalled for failure to work properly. If it was so "problem free" then why did they recall so much or for that matter, any at all?? While normally I am on board with vaccines for my child, this is one that we took a pass on. It has too many "ifs" in my mind to take the chance.
12 :
We have been invited to go next week and I asked for opinions on here aswell as doing research myself. The bigger percentage on here advised me not to, it is something I have thought and thought about and have decided against doing it. I have a 2 yr old and 4 yr old (the elder 2 have n't been invited for it yet). My 4 yr old has autism and doesn't speak so would be unable to tell us if he felt poorly after the jab, we live in a quite remote part of North Yorkshire so I am going keep an ear out but not vaccinate. It was the toughest decision so far!
13 :
I didn't get the vaccine for me or my daughter. I felt that it was so new on the market, and that there was not enough research done on this vaccine! Also, for the past 3 years, I have always gotten the seasonal flu shot, and ALWAYS ended up with the flu. My doctor advised me not to get anymore flu vaccines, and that I had a good chance of passing that on to my daughter. So we are very careful on what vaccines we put in our bodies!!!
14 :
nope....we arent getting it
15 :
No, I know several families who are not getting the vaccine, including mine. Read this article I wrote for information on how to protect you and your family from the vaccine without the vaccination:
16 :
My family became immune to H1N1 the all natural, mercury free way, before the vaccine came out. (Not that we would have ever gotten the vaccine, anyway). My 6 year old and I were sick for a few days. My husband and 2 year old didn't get sick at all.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rh incompatibility rarely causes complications in a first pregnancy and does not affect the health

Rh incompatibility rarely causes complications in a first pregnancy and does not affect the health?
why does it not affect the health of the mother or child in the 1st pregnancy? I understand why it does affect it in 2nd and beyound pregnancies! Help
Trying to Conceive - 2 Answers

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1 :
If the blood from the Rh+ baby mixes with the Rh- blood of the mother the second pregnancy can be complicated because the mother's body will treat the 2nd fetus as a foreign body and try to get rid of it, causing miscarriage or birth defects. It does not happen with the 1st pregnancy because the blood does not mix until birth of the 1st child.
2 :
Because after the first pregnancy your body develops the antibodies that attack the fetus. You don't have those antibodies with your first pregnancy.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

To give birth to a child,what level of semen and oestrogen should have to be there for male and female

To give birth to a child,what level of semen and oestrogen should have to be there for male and female?
whether Amount of semen & oestrogen level decides the health and colour of the child? can anybody tell me about this in detail?
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
women have many hormones besides estrogen that promote pregnancy. there are some to cause ovulation and some to cause periods. men have it simple as long as they have a sperm count above 5 million then they are likely to get a woman pregnant. The most important hormones are made by the ovaries knon as female sex hormones (sex steroids) and the two main ones are oestrogen and progesterone it is not the hormones itself that decide the race of the child but it is their parents.
2 :
You can fertilize an egg when it is in the uterus. Only the girl can give birth after gestation. Semen is pretty much the same day in, day out, the main factor in determining when the egg is fertilized is if the semen gets in the vagina, and the sperm is able to find an egg in the uterus to be fertilized. Color of the child is determined by the race or races of the parents.

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