Thursday, June 28, 2012

Smokers paying more for health insurance? Why should I pax tax to put your children through public school

Smokers paying more for health insurance? Why should I pax tax to put your children through public school?
As a smoker I would be happy to pay more for health insurance. That is...if I do not have to pay school tax to put others' children through school. My child went to a private school. Having children is a "choice as well" right?
Insurance - 10 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Another selfish, uninformed citizen. The Children you help to put through school are the ones supporting your retirement.
2 :
Public school is an obligation and is as important as police and fire departments. It may be more important.
3 :
Smoking is definitely an individual choice. Being able to afford private schools is not a choice that everyone has. You are fortunate that you can afford higher premiums on insurance because you smoke and can afford to send your kids to a private school. Good for you, and thanks for your help with those less fortunate.
4 :
Let me start with the fact I smoke. Yes, having children is a choice. (Thank goodness, Roe v. Wade has not been overturned) However, raising productive citizens and members of our society is every citizens responsibility. Countless studies have shown that if we get our children through 12th grade and graduated, the risk of them winding up in prison is significantly lower. Even on the upper end of the spectrum, it costs $10K per child, per year to be in school. It costs over $30K per year to keep someone in jail. Where would you like your tax dollars to go? And if your argument is that you should only pay if you have children in public schools, that's fine. As long as you are OK with your taxes being raised to pay for prisons, because that is what the studies have shown us will happen.
5 :
I agree with you. And I firmly resent my health insurance premiums going to pay for your behavioral caused health issues. I wildly resent my tax dollars and insurance premiums paying for abortions. And I sure resent my social security tax going to pay benefits for retirees and disabled persons, because we all know the program will collapse before *I* can collect anything myself. As you why you have to pay taxes for the local school systems - because it's the law. Land owners pay property tax to fund local schools. If you don't like it, sell your real estate. In a SOCIETY, any society, there is always going to be an element of socialism - take from the individual, pay for something for the group. That's the whole idea behind "society".
6 :
What the hell does smoking and associated health insurance rates have to do with public education?
7 :
There is nothing fair about the tax system in our country, including school taxes. The pro tax bums argue that paying school tax helps keep your community desirable, that people will want to move where the schools are good, so it keeps your property values up. However, I agree with you. If the school systems weren't tied to taxes, they would be funded by those families that use and need them, just like private schools. It would also make it possible for more people to afford alternatives to public schools. Most people can't afford private tuition on top of their school taxes. I, too, paid the double whammy for years-private school tuition coupled with ridiculously high school taxes that were frivolously wasted. Being right just doesn't matter though, does it? And with President Obama we will be taxed even more, on all levels. UGH!!! In another time, this would be "taxation without representation".
8 :
Without addressing whether the fact that everyone who practices unhealthy lifestyle choices from smoking to obesity to risky behavior should pay increased health insurance premiums , property taxation to support the school systems does put an unfair tax burden on property owners whether they have children or not. Not having children, however, I am of the belief that our citizen children deserve the best education to compete in the global marketplace that we can provide. But, I should be able to make the choice as to which programs or schools that I am willing to support with those tax dollars. When I see our annual school budget, I am amazed at the wastefulness, the misuse of funds and programs aimed at teaching English to non-citizens who are performing poorly enough to drag the test scores below NCLB levels. I am incensed when the school is constantly requesting more and increasingly expensive bond measures when I live in a community comprised largely of seniors on limited incomes with no children, renters and people who are paid cash and pay NO taxes but receive free benefits at taxpayer expense. We are presently paying on 4 school bond measures for the next 40 years and there is a 98 million dollar bond measure up for vote during this election. Shouldn't those who don't own property have some financial stake in the school system? Perhaps if they did, our dropout rate would decline from nearly 20% in my community because they would value the education they receive more. As a beneficiary of an excellent school system myself, I know the value of an education but don't want to spend my property tax dollars educating those who don't.
9 :
Smokers pay more for health insurance ONLY with some companies and they do so because the risk is higher -- just like someone who is overweight as well. What that has to do with the public school system is unclear. So should only the people who call the fire deparment have to pay for the fire department. I also put out way more trash than my neighbors, so should I pay more? Think of the PUBLIC school system as a gym membership. It's not the gym's fault if you don't use it. Anyway, I'm not sure why I even answered this question as it's pretty absurd.
10 :
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