Saturday, November 24, 2012

Can married children stay on parents' health insurance

Can married children stay on parents' health insurance?
My fiance and I are scheduled to get married in Fall 2012 when I graduate college. We have been considering moving the date up to Fall 2011. Our main concern is that we will lose our parents insurance if we get married. My fiance's employer offers health insurance but it is expensive and doesn't cover much. His parents insurance is much better. I have been reading some things about the new health care policy and was unclear about how they are treating the issue of married children.
Marriage & Divorce - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They would cover the children, but once married, you would not longer be eligible for that 'benefit'. Sure it's more expensive, but it's all a cost of growing up, getting married, and living on your own.
2 :
The policy will differ between providers. Some providers will allow a child to stay on a parents' policy until the age of 21, while others will allow the child to stay on the policy until the age of 25, so long as the child is in school. You should ask your parents to contact their providers, and inquire about the policy, and whether you will continue to be covered after getting married. Don't be surprised if you won't be covered.
3 :
Irregardless of anything (student, age, etc), a parent's health insurance policy WILL NOT cover a married child, period. The new health care laws only apply to unmarried children under the age of 26. Paying for your own insurance is part of growing up. You both are lucky that your fiance's employer even offers it - and it'll be better than nothing. Discuss this issue with your parents and have them contact the company directly.
4 :
No....because you are no longer your parents' dependents once you are responsible for yourselves. It ONLY pertains to adult children STILL dependent on their parents...when one marries one is NO LONGER supposed to be dependent on Mommy and Daddy...if they are not they have no business get married in the first place. There HAS to be boundaries, dear.
5 :
No, sorry...getting married means you are no longer a 'dependent' of your parents, and thus no longer eligible for any kind of dependent benefits...if your fiance's company doesn't provide good insurance coverage, then perhaps you will find a job that does...some is better than none (trust me)...
6 :
No, you can't stay on your parents' insurance once you're married. Getting married means you're grown-ups who are capable of taking care of your own needs. Once you're married, you have no connection to your parents anymore.

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