Friday, August 28, 2009

What ia a good affordable health insurance for children

What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
Dental - 2 Answers

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1 :
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
2 :
I have experience a good affordable Health Care Program for Children as well as other members of the family. Please e-mail me at B. White, Jr.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

how does one go about practicing child&adolescent mental health

how does one go about practicing child&adolescent mental health?

Mental Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
If by mental health you mean teaching or terapeutic care, in each case I would suggest that first you study at least a year and practice as an assistant in a school or clinic before taking care of anyone. There are very good books about child and adolescent mental health, but to put them in practice takes experience and a lot of preparation.
2 :
HOW: *think: why do you want to go into this career field? *research: what is the pros and cons and other important info about this career? you can find books at library and bookstore *DO VOLUNTEERING IN THIS CAREER FIELD, it can really helps you get a sense of what is this field about. *You really need to love this job, it's tough and tiring, people who been in this feild get cold down so easily. *Explore your inner self, do you have any 'knots' you have not able to untie? *You have to be a very objective person, patient, caring, sincere and kind.
3 :
Do internship or volunteer work are great ideas. I would also begin looking at M.A. and Ph.D. programs at major universities. Don't be afraid to call a professor at one of these schools and ask if you can talk to them. Most professionals would be glad to take 10 minutes help guide you toward your goals. Another question to ask yourself is what aspect of child/adolescent mental health are you interested in. There really are too many different types of problems to be a specialist in everything.
4 :
if its a child, then you can integrate it into play. you can get meanings out of what they do and say. when they get older you can try asking more direct questions about how they feel about things, or maybe art therapy. drawing and playing are safe ways to interact with kids.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

can a pregnant unmarried child be denied coverage under parents health insurance in n.j.

can a pregnant unmarried child be denied coverage under parents health insurance in n.j.?
if u have a child who is still covered under your health insurance and she gets pregnant, while still living at home and is a full time student can she be denied health benifits. do they consider her maniciapated.
General Health Care - 2 Answers

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1 :
It is possible. you may have to get Medicare. for her.
2 :
Yes, she can be denied coverage. There are not many companies out there that will cover a pregnancy if the women is under 18 years of age.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

how would I go upon getting a mental health record for court for proof

how would I go upon getting a mental health record for court for proof?
The father of my child has a mental health record of a 302 and I need to somehow request that information. The thing is I don't know what hospital he was kept in and I don't have a lawyer legal aid turned me down saying they don't have enough people in their office to help. So how would I be able to gather this information for proof?
Mental Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
Unfortunately you can only get his medical records with his approval and signature on a release form. If he is abusing you or your child you can call Social Services they can usually help you get the information with a court order.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Question health care coverage and child custody (split)

Question health care coverage and child custody (split)?
two children involved- teenagers. I have one- ex has other. Order states- no child support- and we are both to support the children in our care. This was from years ago. Fast forward- ex seeking custody of child in my custody- but judge going to keep things as they are= per reccommnedation. Was just back in court recently- ex tells judge I was ordered to provide a health care card for child in her custody- judge doesnt let me get a word out and tells me to send her the card certified mail. There is no support or order besides what I stated above. I do not have an insuranc card from ex for child in my care- who BTW has medical ailment from birth. I am fearful of sending the card- because ex's huband has several felony convictions- including forgery and counterfieting and I don't know what they would do with my info- as they can gain info about myself and new spouse (children) with this card. I have another court case coming up- as case was continued to allow ex to review some info. Oh- and no- neither of us has an attorney. I visted a few and they wanted $3500 retainer. Whcih I dont have. Am at a loss on what to do- as don't want to make the judge mad- but also don't want to do anything outside of the order- as I feel ex will only want more outside the scope of the order. Ex has prviously violated parenting time order and forbidden me to see my child in her care during the holidays --- unless I gave her $$$- which I refused to do- basically extortion. (Ex actually wrote a letter to the court stating knows I bank with XYZ and they were open to get $$$. I was shocked to see my banking info and am a little worried.) Any advice?? Thank you. I wanted to add the fact that my insurance does not have a provider in the state ex lives with child (ex moved 18 hours away without my knowlege/approval or courts- which is needed to move more than 100 miles.) Nope- not found in contempt- told to make motion to change domicile- hasn't. I guess I am going to print the directory out so can show judge if need be. I am going to try a couple numbers I have on legal advice.
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - 3 Answers

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1 :
first contact your insurance company, i am very skeptical that he could find out anything with the card, the policy isnt in his name so he shouldn't gain access to anything other than his childs info... maybe not even that, i am having trouble getting info for my children since my husband is the policy holder and we are still together, we have BCBS if that helps
2 :
I would definitely try talking to the judge, because as long as it wasn't stated in the original order, then by law, you don't have to provide medical to that child, if that were the case, like you mentioned, your ex would also have to be responsible for paying medical bills for the child you have custody over. If there is no way that you can talk with the judge, I would appeal his/her decision, your standing ground is what that original order states, I'm not sure how much your income is, but if you make under a certain amount, you can get free legal aid. just do research for the state you live in and you should be able to find out about if you qualify or not. Good luck!!!!
3 :
You need a lawyer. Some will work with you and let you pay the fee in smaller payments, or put it on a credit card. If the judge asks why you didn't forward the card, explain that it was ordered that you'd each provide insurance for the child in your care. Bring the previous order with you to prove it. Have the order opened up and ready to that provision as the judge will want to see it and won't want to wait for you to dig through papers or flip through pages to get to it. Visitation is not contingent on payment, even when payment has been ordered. It's a violation of the order to prevent a parent from seeing their child during court ordered visitation. This is called being in contempt of the visitation order. Bring this to the judge's attention and make it known that you'll be alienated from the child in your possession as well should the ex get custody of that one. Good luck.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why is it accepted that the elderly should have universal health care but its controversial to cover children

Why is it accepted that the elderly should have universal health care but its controversial to cover children?
What’s the difference — except that health care for children is far cheaper? Please star this question if you liked it, because I am trying to get as many responses to this question as possible, its something that I truly want to have a global perspective on from ALL political sides.
Politics - 9 Answers
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1 :
The elderly paid into medicare their whole working life to get it and children of familys that can't afford healthcare already get it.
2 :
The elderly have paid into Medicare their entire lives. Moms and dads are responsible for their children.
3 :
Elderly have already paid for their care through Medicare taxes! I shouldn't have to pay for other peoples 'mistakes' in life. Their state can pay for it, or they can use the emergency room. When is the last time you heard of an emergency room turning down a child for health care?
4 :
I'm only guessing here, but here goes..... The elderly have done a great deal for our country and should be taken care of. People decide to have children and should be responsible for them.
5 :
Many conservative elders enjoy and want Medicare benefits, so conservative politicians have to leave it alone. Over time, the same thing will happen with all of health-care. People will learn that it is a necessary part of living in the US, and politicians will have to leave it alone. The same thing happened with Social Security. Although some conservatives speak of privatizing it, Americans generally don't want politicians to mess with it.
6 :
If "the elderly" have it but others don't, it's not universal. Rethink your question and try again. To get sensible answers your question should ACTUALLY ask what you MEANT to ask.
7 :
The Elderly have payed into the system their whole lives and they have stopped earning a wage. Children have working parents who should be providing them health care. Those children whose parents cannot afford it are often covered through CHIP.
8 :
Yeah, well, somebody mentions Social Security and "Americans don't want politicians to mess with it" : that's exactly the problem, it needs to be messed with, because as noble as its intention was [and with progressive lefties, good intentions are all that's important], it is really nothing but a government run Ponzi scheme of the sort that Bernie Madoff just got busted for. It needs to be privatized or abolished, and given into the hands of those that can actually earn money with it, and not just borrow against it.
9 :
For one thing, children have breeding age parents and breeding age adults are capable of working for a living.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

on a baby's 1st yr how much would you spend:the cost of the doctor,hospitalization,food,health care child care

on a baby's 1st yr how much would you spend:the cost of the doctor,hospitalization,food,health care child care?

Newborn & Baby - 4 Answers
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1 :
I heard it was close to 10,000$ However I don't pay for medical care here in Canada. I also have gotten hand me down clothes. And I breastfed for close to 8 months. So it depends on your lifestyle. You can make it cheap if your smart.
2 :
depends on the baby. Mine is only 2 1/2 months old and has already cost us $13,000.00 in healthcare due to he was transferred by ambulance to a childrens hospital NICU at birth. some babies are perfectly healthy and dont cost quite so much ;o) They cost alot of money, but if you are trying to decide whether to have one or not, dont base your decision on money alone. If you are currently expecting, believe me, you will find a way to support your baby. good luck!
3 :
Well it depends if you have medical card then you pay nothing for hospitalization or health care or the doctor. If you get WIC then you don't pay for food either. If you don't have none of those things then you pay around over 25,000 for the hospitalization and doctor from birth to a year. For health care it depends if you have medical problems in your family if so then count on around 1,000 for health care without insurance. With insurance then no more 500.00 a year. Food is expensive these days especially for babies to a year. You are going to pay around 3,000 a year for your child. Children are not cheap. Good luck
4 :
Depends on a lot of factors, but it will always be more than you really figured you could afford to spend. In the US an average pregnancy and delivery from 1st appointment to taking the baby home is going to run anywhere from 3-5 grand, you'll spend at least 1500.00 on diapers, probably another 1500.00 on formula and baby food if you don't breastfeed and make your own baby food, and it is easy to drop another 5 grand or more setting up the nursery and getting all the clothes. Then there are well baby visits and immunizations, probably looking at at least as much as the pregnancy costs if you don't have insurance, pictures of the baby, a couple hundred dollars on lotions and creams and over the counter medicines.... If you don't have insurance and buy everything they have at top prices you could easily get a small house instead. The good news is that babies get gifts from grandma's, you can get things secondhand, and they don't really need everything that's out there on the market. You really just need somewhere to keep them, something to wrap around the butt to catch the poop and pee, enough clothes that you can have something on them while everything else they've already peed on is in the washer, and food to keep them alive, which mom's can make themselves for free. Once they start eating people food they can eat mashed up food from your own plate if you make it bland enough. There will always be a million things you could buy for your baby, but very few things they will die without having.

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