Friday, July 16, 2010

Honestly speaking...If one child in this country is without health care

Honestly speaking...If one child in this country is without health care...?
will you honestly attach the fact that health care as we know it, is a pure and simple failure? Please, speculation as to whether the OBAMA plan will work is pure and simply put..SPECULATION... I am sure there are some who will try to foretell the future, and if that be the case, your "fortune telling" is just that...I can only say one thing...Health care as we know it is a FAILURE!!!!!! But if a child is not guaranteed the same health care as the next child...then who are we as the "greatest" country... Again, health care as we know it has not worked....!!!! Mama dixi...You need to go and study...and then when you see that one does go without, correlate that to one not having the same health care as the next...You honestly will say that health care as you know it, cover every child??? Oh, you must be a "quitter" Palin supporter...You need to go and study up...!!! Sunshine: Thanx for the details....!!!!! bash....I thought it said "bush" for a second so I am LMAO...But personally, I agree with you 136%. Man you just gave another example to "failure." u wish i...(thought like you).. No preaching here, only responding to someone telling me something...I base my argument on fact, and fact alone...Children, a child, a blessed child in this great country, does not have health care...Thats not preaching that is fact... But, I will accommodate your understanding and reply...WRONG!!!!!!
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No child in this country goes without health care now. Pay attention.
2 :
No, but 47 million people unable to afford insurance and not getting it through their job is a nondebatable sign that our system is a failure. Add to that the fact that we pay almost twice as much per capita for healthcare ranked far lower in performance than the western countries with some type of nationalized healthcare or another, and it's clear our system needs to be revamped.
3 :
'Mamadixie' is INCORRECT. I personally know of 4 children under the age of 3 that are without health care--and NOT from the inability to pay for health care. ALL of their parents can pay, but HMO's refuse to cover their children due to their medical conditions. You are correct, if we allow even one child to be denied basic health care, then we can't claim to be 'pro-life' and we can't claim to care about our citizens, and we can't claim to have 'the best health care in the world. 1 in 4 women below the poverty level have miscarriages due to the inability to receive prenatal care. 67% of all bankruptcies in this nation are medical bankruptcies by people who HAVE insurance.
4 :
What's the Question you need to stop preaching and then insulting people because they don't see it your way.

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